
  1. T

    Is she interested I'm 23 she's 27 & I don't know what she's thinking?

    I'm 23 about to turn 24 she's 27 about to turn 28. We've been dancing around each other. There's chemistry and we like each other which us obvious. But she had previously put up a status asking 'is age really just a number, a lot happens with time & a lot comes with age. I messaged her to say...
  2. T

    thinking of taking on a martial art, currently looking at Aikido and karate girl... her 30s any thoughts? I don't really want to get into fighting so much just interested in the work out and learning something new. I just have the idea of learning a martial art in my head and fancy giving it a go any thoughts or ideas on either of these what would you recommend
  3. I

    I am thinking about buying a 1989 chevy camaro?

    I am 15 and getting my license soon and I found this nice 89 camaro for $5,995 it has 87,000 miles. is it worth buying or should I look for a different car? Thanks for your help :D
  4. M

    I was thinking of studying shao lin kungfu in china.....?

    I feel like it would be a pretty great experience and I would do it for about 5 years?? This will probably be if like I make it out of college and can't find a job >.> BUT it seem pretty cool, however, when I finish what will I do with what I learned? I wouldnt know what to do with it and I...
  5. W

    Thinking about trading in a financed Volkswagen for another car [ CPO ]?

    OK, here's the deal I purchased a 2011 VW Tiguan a little over a year ago, and I love it, but I have been looking to get something which is little more sportier with better gas mileage. I am looking to get a 2011 VW GTI [8,000 miles..almost new] from the same dealership I purchased my Tiguan...
  6. E

    Mental Poll: What are you thinking about right now?

    I'm listening...
  7. A

    Why Jessica Yu Says Water Is The Biggest Health Concern You’re Not Thinking About

    If you've ever taken a survival class, or just spent a long day in the sun, you know that you can live far longer without food (and sex and beauty products and weight loss) than water. And with what seems like an endless supply of clean tap water, bottled water, and even swimming water, most of...
  8. R

    What can I do to make people stop thinking I'm a lesbian?

    This is a ridiculous question, I know, but it hurts my feelings that some people think I'm something I'm not. (It would hurt my feelings if they thought I was a Republican too, so don't call me homophobic.) I try to dress femininely, but I do not sleep around. I refuse to sleep around. So don't...
  9. L

    Poll: What's worse - people thinking you're older than you are or people thinking

    you're younger than you are? :) Lbee
  10. S

    Idea for a story I'm thinking of writing?

    I have an idea for a story with a role reversal on the "guy doesn't call girl after sex" idea. Here's my premise: A guy meets a girl from school he hasn't seen in a while and he's started to be attracted to. They get reacquainted through a mutual friend but one night while at a club the girl...
  11. A

    DTotD: Pepe kicks teammate thinking he?s someone else

    Increasingly wary of his own teammates since Kaka and Marcelo conspired to trip him, Pepe turned his violent fury on Alvaro Arbeloa during Real Madrid's 0-0 draw against Valencia on Sunday. Worked into a paranoid delirium when by a tackle from Valencia's Pablo Piatti, Pepe kicked out at...
  12. J

    I am thinking about returning to England for good, am I right to miss the...

    ...humour of living in the UK? My lad was telling me last night that he was standing knee deep in snow, reading an article in the local paper about how he could be fined £1,000.00 for watering his garden with a hosepipe...I miss that sort of thing.. LOL, there's a thought 0o
  13. B

    I am thinking of a 3 or 4 day cruise to COZUMEL Mexico with Carnival in July

    from FL. Any hurricanes concerns? I am thinking on going on a cruise to COZUMEL with my gf in july or early august. The port would be could be anywhere in Florida. My question is, would i need to worry about hurricanes etc..? I been on a carnival cruise in baja mexico from San Diego and it looks...
  14. Z

    is there some evolutionary reason we homo sapiens engage in magical thinking?

    the majority of Americans believe in angels. some believe they were abducted by aliens. What makes people believe in improbable things when all the evidence points to the contrary?
  15. R

    My 18th birthday is soon and i was thinking what gadgets can i get?

    My 18th is close and i want to either do something like skydiving, go to the for a couple of beers or get some sort gadget because I love my technology. I already have a playbook and i was wondering if i should get a ipad. Please suggest some ideas I got a games console and computer
  16. J

    Truck Hard to Start - - thinking it's the Fuel Pump. What to do?

    Hi all - I have a 2003 Chevy Silverado LS and am having a problem starting it up. Okay, in all truth, I've been having this problem for about 2 years, and am ready to deal with it. So, here's the story - each time I get into my truck, I have a hard time starting it up. I turn the key and it...
  17. T

    Need help! I'm doing a project on child nutrition and thinking about making a...

    ...board game? Help me with ideas? I was kind of thinking about making something where you move forward spaces and use cards. Should it be answering a question about is it good or bad nutrition? I really don't know. I need help!
  18. T

    Need help! I'm doing a project on child nutrition and thinking about making a...

    ...board game? Help me with ideas? I was kind of thinking about making something where you move forward spaces and use cards. Should it be answering a question about is it good or bad nutrition? I really don't know. I need help!
  19. Y

    I am thinking of a scifi time travelling film, can you think of the name?

    Cant seem to remember the name, but I thought it was "The Butterfly Effect", but when I read the online summary, turns out it wasn't what I expected. So, it starts out with a little boy sitting in a car with his mom, and suddenly they get into car crash, and his mom dies, but he lives. He has...
  20. J

    Im thinking of buying a LATE 80's Mercedes 420/560 SEL what do you think of...

    ...these cars? Always been a dream of mine since i was 16. Still turns my head when i see one