
  1. J

    I have a lump on my inner thigh, very close to my genital area. what is it?

    it is about as big as the tip of my index finger and it is like a purple reddish color. it does not hurt,
  2. R

    Winsor Pilates bun and thigh sculptind DVD ?

    hey i have read great reviews on this and i want to know if you have ever tried this and does it work? i have read that you see results in just weeks. is this true? and if i combine this with the ab one aswell will it work my abs?
  3. M

    Itchy red spot on thigh?

    I recently had tonsillitis and while I was spending a whole week in bed, an itchy red patch appeared on my inner thigh, towards my groin. I've been better for a week and just been ignoring it but it's been itchy and yeah, it's dry and flaky as well. I'm a 16 year old male. And it's not herpes...
  4. L

    Dream interpretation: Getting stabbed in the thigh and wrist.?

    Before you answer "dreams mean nothing"... I know, I'm not looking at this as anything significant to my life I just haven't had a dream this vivid or out of the normal for a while and I'm curious to know the "meaning" behind it. There's things in Dream that aren't shown, but I know...
  5. S

    Help! hard lump where inner thigh meets vagina?

    it just appeared yesterday...i was wearing uncomfortable underwear that was rubbing against it all day, especially when i was on the elliptical...coud this harve cause it? how can i get rid of it? im only 15! well our washing machine broke, so ive been wearing the same pair of pants for a...
  6. P

    What are some great arm, leg, and thigh exercises?

    Ok I am 13, in the 8th grade, and I am TOO skinny. Like skinnier than normal skinny (like about 90 lb.). I am 5.3" and I play in sports such as basketball and track. My family just insist on telling me i look normal but I know I don't. So since I'm too young to visit my neighborhood gym, and to...
  7. M

    Sharp pains in thigh?

    Okay, so i am a cheerleader and my right leg is longer than the other one and i have had pains in my right knee before. i went to the doctor about it and they gave me a brace. but recently everytime i would do a jump i would get a pain in my right thigh ( that would last a few minutes). thursday...
  8. K

    How come after I do my sculpting workout DVD only my left thigh hurts?

    My left thigh muscles hurt and my right thigh feels like I didn't do anything.
  9. N

    Why is my Left Thigh Numb?

    I woke up this morning and the outside of my left thigh is numb. I tried loosening n shaking it but it doesnt help. Is it something serious?
  10. C

    Theres a shooting pain going through my bullocks every time i move my leg or thigh?

    Every time i move my leg my testicles start to sting like holy bajesus. I masturbated quite frequently today 3 times.but i dont know. the only thing that was different is that today i started rubbing my balls.but i dont know
  11. C

    Theres a shooting pain going through my bullocks every time i move my leg or thigh?

    Every time i move my leg my testicles start to sting like holy bajesus. I masturbated quite frequently today 3 times.but i dont know. the only thing that was different is that today i started rubbing my balls.but i dont know
  12. N

    can you lose thigh fat from walking fast?

    Ive been walking fast on the treadmill for a week burning 800-1000 calories and all that seems to be happening is my calves getting more muscle, but my thighs are in bad shape....will the thigh fat eventually leave or will i have to use another method to get rid of my thighs?
  13. B

    I just spilled boiling water on my thigh... what do I do for the burn?

    I was boiling some noodles, and stupidly lifted the inner strainer out of the outer pot too quickly, and a stream of boiling water hit two of my bare knuckles and my right thigh. It has been about 5 or 10 minutes, and the line of burned skin on my thigh is a pale pink (just a little darker than...
  14. B

    What is this small black bump on my thigh ?

    its really small and it looks like a zit . it hurts to put pressure on it and to squeeze it . and its kind of pinkish around the area . what could it be ? i dont think its cancer because that areas almost NEVER been exposed to the sun or other UV rays
  15. M

    Can i workout to my dvd with a resistance band instead of a thigh latex band?

    Okay i have this dvd that requires a thigh latex toner, cause it's a workout for your legs, couldn't i just replace the thigh toner with a resistance band? resistance band: thigh toner...
  16. N

    Will excersising on an excersise bike build up my thigh muscles?

    I have started going to the gym to lose weight and tone my body (in particular my tummy and legs) and have really been enjoying using the treadmill and cross trainer for cardio. I haven't tried the excersise bike yet because im scared that it will make my thigh muscles bigger? Will it?
  17. C

    what are the cotton shirts that go down to mid thigh called?

    I saw them on tv. Ummm the one Jamie was wearing on Bret Micheals rock of love. when they were getting interrogated. not shirt dress, not kurtas
  18. B

    How can I rid of my stubborn,belly,thigh and arm fat?

    Im 5`1,I starve myself most of the time,im 127 lbs,trying to get down to 108 lbs.also do you know any food that is under 100 calories,No im not asking you to tell me starving my self is unhealthy,Im anorexic not an dumbass.=] thank you guys.much love <333
  19. M

    i had a mole removed from my inner thigh (shaved) its really red and hurts to clean.?

    I dont think its infected its about the size of a penny and that could be why it hurts but its very red still and hasnt healed in the same amount of time like some of the others i had removed on my back. Its been a week now and im going on vacation soon and not being able to work out and get...
  20. H

    Does anyone know any good thigh workouts?

    I want to tone my thighs and legs? Any good excercise/ diet routines reccomeded?