
  1. M

    what are the top 10 movies in theaters?

    in theaters or coming soon that looks good
  2. J

    Do Movie theaters care if you go during school hours?

    I am Going to ditch this thursday and I need to know if they will kick us out, call parents etc.
  3. M

    Fast and Furious 4 In theaters April 3, 2009 HQ Movie Trailer Xvid 2009

    Name: Fast and Furious 4 In theaters April 3, 2009 HQ Movie Trailer Xvid 2009 Category: Movies: Other Size: 25.77MB Added: 2009-02-11 18:45:07
  4. T

    Books in Theaters in the future?

    What are some books that are coming to theaters, not this year but some time in the future? (for sure not just a guess)
  5. E

    watching movies at home then at theaters?

    i need a website where i can watching movies on my computer that are still in theaters
  6. S

    Are Denon home theaters any good? ?

    Do not desire to pay thousands for one if not. But I heard good reviews.
  7. A

    what are some free sites to watch movies still in theaters? but without downloading?

    what are free sites to watch movies with no downloading
  8. B

    Where can I find the yahoo video about movies theaters fighting against new...

    ...movies being available at home? Hi everyone. I am doing a project on how the movie experience is now shifting to home theater systems. There was a video awhile back on yahoo news about the controversy stirring up about the availability of new movies being played in homes instead of theaters...
  9. J

    Are ANY of the Home Theaters in a Box any good??!!?
  10. O

    I don't understand watts and peak power for home theaters? ?

    I have an 800 watt peak power home theater and don't understand what it means...I know it's how much sound is going through but anyone know details. Just say whatever you know please!
  11. J

    has the movie "Frost/Nixon" been pulled out of theaters?

    It opened on Christmas Day but has not been in Springfield Illinois
  12. L

    why was the movie Cadillac Records taken out of the theaters?

    This movie was just recently released and it is no longer in theaters. I was just wondering why. It is the story about Muddy Waters, Etta James, Chuck Berry, and Little Walter.