
  1. V

    Im 17 should I take a testosterone supplement from GNC?

    Please help i want to add bigger muscle mass on me will testosterone help?
  2. G

    Chopping wood boosts testosterone more than soccer

    The everyday physical activities of an isolated group of forager-farmers in central Bolivia are providing valuable information about how industrialization and its associated modern amenities may impact health and wellness. Studying short-term spikes in the testosterone levels of Tsimane men, UC...
  3. G

    Competitors Likelier to Choose Red if High Testosterone

    Why do so many sports players and athletes choose to wear the color red when they compete? A new study to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests that it may have to do with their testosterone levels. The new study, conducted by...
  4. T

    Research With Infant Twins Shows That Environmental Conditions Determine Testosterone

    By comparing the testosterone levels of five-month old pairs of twins, both identical and non-identical, University of Montreal researchers were able to establish that testosterone levels in infancy are not inherited genetically but rather determined by environmental factors. "Testosterone is a...
  5. T

    Testosterone Supplements Help Heart Failure Patients Exercise More And Breathe Better

    Heart failure patients who take testosterone supplements may find they breathe better and are able to do more exercise, researchers from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, reported in Circulation Heart Failure. The authors had gathered data on four randomized human studies of...
  6. T

    The Antidepressant Effects Of Testosterone

    Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, appears to have antidepressant properties, but the exact mechanisms underlying its effects have remained unclear. Nicole Carrier and Mohamed Kabbaj, scientists at Florida State University, are actively working to elucidate these mechanisms. They've...
  7. A

    The Hormone Diet: Ladies, Testosterone Is Your Friend

    Most women think of low testosterone as being a male issue. The reality is that in women, low testosterone can lead to a variety of undesirable side effects, including decreased sex drive, lack of muscle tissue, depression, obesity, osteoporosis, low memory, heart disease, and painful...
  8. C

    ZMA, HIGH T, or 3,6,17-Androstenetrione for testosterone boosting?

    I'm a 27 year old male, and have been expierence a lack of energy lately at the gym.. and some during everyday living.. Was looking to boost my testosterone a little to see if this helps. I know I can get tested but I'm not looking for that right now.. just wanna see if the boost helps a...
  9. C

    Survey: How are your testosterone levels today?

    oh, I'm so glad they can advertise male supplements on the radio
  10. T

    Higher Testosterone Levels Help To Protect Muscle Mass In Men As They Age

    A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) found that higher levels of testosterone were associated with reduced loss of lean muscle mass in older men, especially in those who were losing weight. In these men, higher...
  11. J

    Do testosterone injections stop natural puberty for a growing boy?

    My son got testosterone when he was about 10, the doctors said that his levels were below what they should have been. So he started taking the injections, then they switched him over to some gel to rub on his skin. After a few months, his voice started changing, he was growing hair on his legs...
  12. T

    Testosterone Concentrations In Men Affected By Genetic Makeup

    Genetics play an important role in the variation in, and risk of, low testosterone concentrations in men. A study by the CHARGE Sex Hormone Consortium, published in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics, is the first genome-wide association study to examine the effects of common genetic variants...
  13. T

    Men's Testosterone Drops Steeply When Baby Arrives

    As soon as a man has a child his testosterone levels drop, preparing him for fatherhood, researchers from Northwestern University reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In many species where the male helps out with caring for the young, the same steep fall in...
  14. I

    Bodybuilers. What is the best testosterone booster at GNC?

    Currently I use SuperPump 250 for preworkout, Size On during workout and Gold Standard Whey post workout. I am changing my supps to Jack3d for preworkout, Optimum Nutrition creatine monohydrate powder for post workout, and Gold Standard Whey. I do want to finish my supps off with a testosterone...
  15. B

    How do I talk to my doctor about having low testosterone ?

    I'm a 19 year old female and I think I'm suffering from low testosterone. I looked up the symptoms and it seems as though I do have low testosterone. But I don't feel comfortable with talking to my doctor about it. I didn't even no women made testosterone until recently. How do I bring this up...
  16. M

    I started taking testosterone booster supplements bought at GNC 2 weeks ago, to

    lose weight and gain muscle.? But I notice that my heart was pounding a lot harder lately, especially in bed at night. Every 10-15 fast beats or so it pounds extra hard once.. and I got nervous butterflies feelings all the time (like before a job interview or a first date, etc). Is it just me or...
  17. T

    Beneficial Effects Of Testosterone For Frailty In Older Men Are Short-Lived

    The beneficial effects of six months of testosterone treatment on muscle mass, strength and quality of life in frail elderly men are not maintained at six months post-treatment, according to a study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology &...
  18. C

    What does the testosterone booster at GNC do?

    They have it in a bottle and its yellow pills. What does it do? and what are the harmful side effects of it? and is it harmful to the reproductive system?
  19. T

    Frequent Inaccuracies In Testosterone Testing Lead To Call For Standardization

    The use of testosterone assays for patient care and research is on the rise as new research links testosterone to a variety of diseases and conditions. Although the assays are heavily used, discrepancies and inaccuracies in measurements resulting from the various assays are widespread... More...
  20. B

    P6 Extreme Testosterone Booster (GNC)?

    Has anyone used this stuff? I did a lot of research on it, and although it enhances, natural, testosterone production, it still seems, almost, like a steroid to me. On it's website it says the estrogen blockers will "reduce" the likelihood hair loss, acne, and gynechomastia, but doesn't say it's...