
  1. A

    Report: Mariano Rivera and Joba Chamberlain have tense exchange in front of fans and

    It might not be a huge deal one week from now, but it’s certainly a noteworthy event when one teammate blatantly disrespects another teammate in plain sight of the fans and media. It then becomes even more noteworthy when the disrespected teammate just so happens to be a future Hall of Famer...
  2. C

    Can someone please tell me these french verbs in the perfect and future tense?

    aller, visiter, passer, aller, accompagner, partir, acheter, faire, prendre, voyager, réserver, loger. thanks :D
  3. R

    In first person present tense, do you find that?

    I'm aware of what I'm writing and how I'm starting my sentences. But, when I read over the first draft, I'm always shocked with the repetition. My third person novels don't seem to be too repetitive (I find it easier to write.) For example, do any of you notice the sentences start with 'It, I...
  4. D

    Present or Past tense, 3rd or 1st person?

    Hey everyone. I'm writing a little short story for english class. Upwards of 30 pages. I was wondering which style I should do? Should I go 3rd Present, 3rd Past? 1st Present? 1st Past? I'm at a loss here.. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. =D
  5. S

    If I'm using past tense in a story I am writing, do I use 'was' or 'is' in...

    ...this situation? Say I'm saying that Sam is Sophie's brother, but it's in past tense, is it '...I looked at him with dreamy eyes, and the whole world seemed to slow down. Sam is Sophie's brother...' '...I looked at him with dreamy eyes, and the whole world seemed to slow down. Sam was Sophie's...
  6. J

    Can you use past tense for a story that takes place in the future?

    Can you use past tense for a story that takes place in the year 2050? Would that be weird? Would it make sense?
  7. C

    i am in very tense because i feel that my girl friend has had sexual

    relationship with other before me but she? by having sexual intercourse with my girlfriend i feel that she has had sexual relationship with other before me because her vagina is wide. it is true or not , if not them how can i know that she really not had that ralationship?
  8. C

    i am in very tense because i feel that my girl friend has had sexual

    relationship with other before me but she? by having sexual intercourse with my girlfriend i feel that she has had sexual relationship with other before me because her vagina is wide. it is true or not , if not them how can i know that she really not had that ralationship?
  9. H

    How tense is the Million Pound Drop?

    It's a total mind fook
  10. A

    Does any body else laugh in tense situations like this?

    Like my moms boyfriend gets mad because the traffic light won't turn green. and he is just getting super mad, and i thinks its funny and him seeing me laugh makes him more mad which makes me laugh even more. but the whole time im trying the best i can to hide it. has any one else experienced...
  11. T

    After Tense Meeting, Dems Likely To Ditch Medicare Buy-In Plan In Health Bill

    Top Senate Democrats were prepared Monday night to sacrifice proposals to expand Medicare in a bid to win over moderates and amass the 60 votes needed to pass their health legislation, according to news reports. The Washington Post: "Democratic negotiators had already disappointed liberal...
  12. B

    Which tense has the most value ... past, present or future?

    I find time as the most interesting of the dimensions. It's so much unlike the others. Your thoughts please. Ah ... after 3 answers I am getting the cross section I need to conclude the most accurate evaluation.
  13. M

    Fill in the blank with the future tense of the verb in parentheses. HELP?

    caberá querrán haremos =)
  14. L

    Future tense of pouvoir?

    It's for my French homework and I'm not so sure if I'm doing it right. And does the rule, whatever it is, apply for vouloir as well? I need to know the future conjugation for the two verbs for je, nous, and vous. Pleeease help!
  15. T

    Why are so many girls so... tense about fashion?

    girls are so extreme about fashion. they think its all that matters! I can look good without panicking, asking the web for ideas, etc. Its whats on the inside that matters! sure i want to look good and be noticed, but i dont think it really matters!!! can't people live with storebrand jeans and...
  16. E

    Is it possible that you eat healthy but because stressed you get tense...

    ...and find it hard to stool? I just eat healthy and what i normally eat but this last week the stress i have just seems to make me not relax when i stool. is this down to stress and normally when i eat what i eat i stool fine?
  17. B

    The difference between the Present Continuous tense and the Future?

    Please explain the difference between: 1. Present Continuous: My sister is going to Paris :? 2. Future Simple with going to: my sister s going to Paris ?
  18. O

    I need some sentences in the future tense.. (FRENCH ONLY)?

    basic french, please.. and i need them to use aller + infinitive
  19. J

    can someone please explain the future tense for me in spanish?

    can someone please explain the rules for the spanish future tense?
  20. S

    spanish *future tense*?

    hi i would like to know how to say these sentences correctly in spanish future tense. My friends will go shopping. They will also eat lunch. Then we will all go running. Some like to play sports, and they will practice. All my friends like to hang out with each other. thanks:)