
  1. Q

    Is Colin Kaepernick technically a rookie?

    Impressive year for him.
  2. T

    The next iPhone is technically the iPhone 6. Right?

    The upcoming iPhone is going to be the iPhone 6. Everyone keeps saying its the iPhone 5 which technically doesn't make sense because the iPhone 4S is actually the fifth generation iPhone making it the iPhone 5. So this makes the next phone either the iPhone 6 or iPhone 4G (referring to...
  3. T

    The next iPhone is technically the iPhone 6. Right?

    The upcoming iPhone is going to be the iPhone 6. Everyone keeps saying its the iPhone 5 which technically doesn't make sense because the iPhone 4S is actually the fifth generation iPhone making it the iPhone 5. So this makes the next phone either the iPhone 6 or iPhone 4G (referring to...
  4. M

    Is did Lois Lane technically have sex with an animal?

    Isn't her having sex with Clark Kent bestiality because he is an alien? He is not even closely related to any species native to Earth, and he only looks human by chance. bestiality n. copulation by a human with an animal, which is a crime in all states as a "crime against nature."...
  5. J

    Technically, is it legal to email an mp3 to a friend so that he or she can

    listen to it? Please, no "do it anyway" dumb answers - I'm seriously curious about this. If I play one of my cds on my car radio for a friend, there's nothing illegal about that. If I play it for a friend over the phone, same thing - no problem. So how about I email an mp3 and invite the friend...
  6. B

    Technically, is it legal to email an mp3 to a friend so that he or she can

    It is illegal you can not share a copy of a copyright song with anyone,
  7. C

    I have been seeing a guy for two months (not technically going out) but his...

    ...religion is stopping him.? He told me that because he is a christian he cannot go out with me. his parents agree with him to. I really liked him and on valentines he gave me chocolates and roses. He has told me that he likes me. it broke my heart. but he still keeps flirting with me and all...
  8. G

    Over Two-Thirds of U.S. Broadband Internet Connections Aren't Technically Broadband [

    A recent report by the FCC shows that more than two-thirds of so-called broadband internet connections in the U.S. don't actually meet the minimum speed requirements of 4Mbps upstream and 1Mbps downstream to be considered broadband. More »
  9. M

    In all honesty and technically savvy, whats better, a blackberry or an Iphone?

    i'm not looking for just pure opinion, but experience and logic on whats more beneficial.
  10. L

    for me who is not technically oriented, would you recommend the nexus

    one or the iphone 4G? or the iphone 3G? (if i can find it) the phone store near me, still has one nexus one left. i get really busy and don't have a lot of time to figure out technical stuff nor have someone around me who's a pro in that. thanks for your advice!!! (ps. am seriously thinking of...
  11. J

    Is it technically possible for the broadband to slow down due to the torrents?

    Can downloading torrents cause 'slowness' in the speed of broadband internet? I don't know but sometimes I feel like when I don't download torrents or big files for like 3 months, the browsing works fast like facebook/ discussion boards, but when I download like 4-5 Gb's torrents and other big...
  12. G

    Technically speaking ...

    This is interesting: Drupal has released a new code of conduct for their community. It has five points: * Be considerate * Be respectful * When we disagree, we consult others * When we are unsure, we ask for help * Step down considerately The fucker stole the whole thing...
  13. F

    girl says she technically had sex with her boyfriend what does that mean?

    Please reply with details or specific answers please..
  14. F

    girl says she technically had sex with her boyfriend what does that mean?

    Please reply with details or specific answers please..
  15. M

    did lebron james struggle technically in his rookie year?

    i heard ricky davis didn't like him.....and other such things.....
  16. J

    Arent Ford Medium Duty trucks technically superior to the Super Duty trucks?

    The medium duty trucks consist of the F-650 and F-750, while the super duty trucks consist of the F-250/350/450 trucks, obviously the F-650/750 are FAR superior to the "super duty" but "medium duty" sounds weaker, what is with that?
  17. M

    So the 3gs is technically a upgraded iphone 3g?

    I wanted to know if the 3gs is an upgraded 3g iphone. isn't the iphone 3gs only in 16gb and 32gb???
  18. T

    why are we arguing and we arent even technically dating?

    ive been seeing this gyu for 2 months and i wouldnt say that we are really dating ,we just chill out and have sex with not really wanting a relationship right now and i dont think he is either.. altho he is always asking me what ive been doing and just questions a bf would...
  19. N

    If you cook chicken that's technically rotten, wouldn't cooking it...

    ...thoroughly make it ok to eat? Like with rotten fruit you wouldn't eat it cuz it would be rotten through and through, but if meat is "bad" b/c you left it in the fridge too long, but it's gone bad in the fridge, isn't cooking it at high heat going to get rid of the rotteness or no?
  20. S

    Can I end my services with Rogers without technically cancelling my contract?

    I have a Rogers cell and i want to end it but i still have 1.5 yrs to go. I called and they said that I have to pay 400 to disconnect + other charges. But i heard from someone that I can just pay a monthly service of about ten dollars until my contract is done if i just leave it connected and...