
  1. W

    What does kempo martial arts primarily teach you?

    looking to do mma, more punching, kicking grappling, weapons,, whatt

  3. L

    Why is karate for defense only when they teach you punching and stuff?

    Back when I was in martial arts school they always made a big deal out of never using it unless you were being attacked on the street? And even if you WERE being attacked on the street while you were still minding your own buisness, cant you be charged and go to jail for assaulting the person...
  4. kowalskil

    A tool to teach with

    A mini-tutorial for some MAC users ................... I just wrote a free online mini-tutorial for those who want to quickly learn how to use Keynote, a MAC application for creation of slide shows. The link to this short guide is: keynote Feel free to share it with others. Ludwik Kowalski...
  5. P

    How do I teach physics over online chat?

    I am going to be teaching a student soon for physics, but she can't meet me personally (she already paid in advance), so she asked if we can do this online. However, physics is a very visual subject, but I don't have a tablet or anything. Is there an online site where the student and I can be in...
  6. T

    i wanna smoke can some one teach me?

    i want to smoke can some please teach me how to and if so that would be cool thank you
  7. J

    Will you teach your kids religion or no?

    I will not be teaching my kids any religion whatsoever. I will be teaching them to think for themselves and to be rational. To listen to both sides and not point fingers. which do/will you teach your kids?
  8. T

    Is it possible to teach creationism without using the Bible or any religious texts?

    I have no problem with creationism in private schools. I have a problem with it in public schools if it requires religious texts
  9. justwondering1

    Is there any way to teach a dog to stop whining? She is a dobie and about 6...

    ...months old.? Besides the obvious of taking her out to pee and ensuring she is fed and has water, I wanted to know if anyone has any tricks to stop the whining. We put her in her crate when we are busy with things around the house,and when we go out...and tie her on a tether that crosses the...
  10. A

    Christians: Why do MOST of you guys try to 'teach' non-believers?

    Even if they don't care to be 'taught'?
  11. K

    How to creatively teach about 1950s fashion?

    We have to do a 40 minute prez on the whole 1950s (called Decades), and along with music and fears and concerns, I need to teach the class about Fashion! Is there a unique or creative way to teach about fashion? Multiple ideas are fantastic!
  12. T

    should people teach non-muslims children about mohammed so they know not...

    ...to mock or offend mohammed because? they're will be consequences even though they are not muslim?
  13. S

    Why do you say the bible teach in three God ?

    I don' get that, I believe in one God the Father of Jesus the Son. Why don't you see that?
  14. F

    Music newbie trying to teach myself to play piano and guitar?

    I studied the basics of music in school for a year..I know the lines on sheet music are E-G-B-D-F. And the spaces are F-A-C-E. I'm handy with the guitar and the piano, but it's really just fooling about with it, I can play a few pop songs on the piano and one on the guitar(struggling to change...
  15. C

    Is it at all possible to teach a 30 something year old man how to appreciate humour?

    He's the most serious man Ever. I'm not trying to turn him into Rick Mercer or Russell Peters... but at least so he can chuckle a few times in his life. Is there hope?
  16. R

    What is a good book that will teach you all you need to know about cars

    and trucks and how to work on them? I wont to find a good book that teaches you all you need to know about how to keep your car or ford truck in good working condition and tells you all about the vehicale and engine. please help
  17. R

    What is a good book that will teach you all you need to know about cars

    and trucks and how to work on them? I wont to find a good book that teaches you all you need to know about how to keep your car or ford truck in good working condition and tells you all about the vehicale and engine. please help
  18. C

    Where does Scripture plainly teach that Salvation in Christ Jesus is an OFFER?

    @ Dr. Bob, I do hope to turn people away from the "Jesus" that is mostly preached and worshiped in this religious age. You know the one....the little pathetic weakling that "hopes" people will accept Him so that His sacrifice will be validated. You know, "poor little Jesus" that just wishes...
  19. E

    I am 19 and interested in POD Teach and Travel :)?

    I'm 19 and interested in POD Travel and Teach but was just wondering if i could apply with a friend and be put in the same place :) ?
  20. E

    I am 19 and interested in POD Teach and Travel :)?

    I'm 19 and interested in POD Travel and Teach but was just wondering if i could apply with a friend and be put in the same place :) ?