
  1. E

    When celebs pick a best answer to their question do they invite you for tea?

    seems only fair
  2. B

    is there a way i can send bubble tea through mail, ups, fedex etc?...?

  3. S

    What happened to the Arizona iced tea Pina Colada flavor with the native American...

    ...on the cover? Arizona iced tea used to make pina colada in a glass bottle that had a white wrapper with a drawn native American on the cover. The now still make pina colada smoothie mix but the drink is gone and I can't find pictures anywhere on the internet. Does anyone have pictures or does...
  4. B

    help any tea cup yorkie or maltese for sale?

    my daughter has been crying for a littly puppy and i cant take it no more i feel bad , but i can afford one i am willing to pay only from $0- 200 i live in the are of florida please help me to find a place or somewhere to get one at a cheap price .
  5. T

    silly question about tea.....?

    i am from the USA , figure who better to ask a tea question then people who are known for there tradition of tea drinking, we drink coffee here much more then tea and we dont "do tea" the same as you guys ,that is where my question arises from...what is the purpose of a tea pot? when i make tea...
  6. A

    Tea Tree Oil in bangalore?

    Where Can I buy Tea Tree oil in Bangalore?... I need it to cure my itchy scalp...would appreciate if the location is close to banashankari 3rd stage. Thanks
  7. M

    How Is Irish Breakfast Tea vs. English Breakfast Tea?

    I always get the Twinings English Breakfast Tea. I saw that they have a green box that is Irish Breakfast Tea. How is the Irish one vs. the English one.
  8. C

    what brand of green tea ice cream is good?

    and where can i find it in orange county? i ate some at koki's teppan grill and it was delicious!
  9. C

    bennifits of drinking green tea?

    what are the bennifits of green tea?? how much cups a day should i drink?? how long before i see a difference ?? and does it matter what kind i get like is lipton a good brand ???
  10. L

    is smoking tea ok to smoke with normal plane paper?

    is smoking tea ok to smoke with ordinary paper or not?
  11. M

    I spilled tea on keyboard and fried it. Next day my entire itunes library...

    ...was gone. Can I get it back? Is there a way to recover the 6000 tunes, movies, etc i had on there?
  12. C

    Is It Ohkay To Smoke Tea Bags?

    its basiclly smoking herbbs. so it doesnt seem like it should be bad fer youu. hehe we love stupid ass questionns=]
  13. lilC

    do you supoose to open green tea pills?

    do you supoose to open green tea pills? or just take them without cutting them open??
  14. C

    What exactly is white tea?

    Is it a type of herbal, in the same group as black or green, or its own thing all together?
  15. X

    would tea help me when im sick?

    i am like super sick. i have a fever, my head is throbbing, there is a lot of pressure in my sinuses and i feel like im going to couch up a lung. do you think tea could help me feel a bit better? and if so. what kind??
  16. V

    Does drinking tea with milk have any beneficial effects?

    I've recently found out that adding milk to tea reduces the beneficial effects when you drink it. I drink black tea with milk and was wondering if its still better to drink tea WITH milk rather than drinking no tea at all? Do you still get any benefits to drinking tea with milk?
  17. C

    Why does black tea make me sick?

    Ive been a coffee guy my whole life, but Im trying to drink tea instead. Its really tasty, I have some sugar and lemon in it, and 5 minutes after I finish it I violently regurgitate. My second cup is fine, and I am not really nauseated. Is it caffeine, tannins, cancer? help me out.
  18. M

    Ginger tea pellet thingies?

    Last summer, I had this ginger tea which I really liked, and I'm trying to find it. The thing is, it wasn't exactly tea... it was stuff that came in bags, in pellet form, like little round balls. You poured a bunch into the cup and then added hot water, and then they would melt into...
  19. N

    Does green tea really help you lose weight?

    is it good for wanting to lose weight?
  20. P

    Acai and Ultra Green Tea Lean..?

    I work at a gym and we have something going on called “The Challenge.” I signed up for it to lose some weight and get in shape. We’re divided into 2 teams each led by one of our personal trainers. Each week we have to get one point for our team, and each point consists of (2) Mind-body segments...