
  1. K

    What could happen If I end all processes in task manager?

    Will my computer be okay if I end all processes and just restart the computer? I have selective start up and that includes: -Load system services -Load start up items -use original boot configuration
  2. I

    is there any other way to start task manager (ctrl+alt+del) when the laptop freezes?

    im playing a game called Max Payne and the game freezes sometimes in a busy fight scene and the task-manager not open, i have to force my computer to shut down holding the power button...is there any other way to start task manager with out using ctrl+alt+del Im running the game that dosent...
  3. T

    In Early Childhood, The Ability To Listen, Pay Attention, And Complete Important Task

    Young children who are able to pay attention and persist with a task have a 50 percent greater chance of completing college, according to a new study at Oregon State University. Tracking a group of 430 preschool-age children, the study gives compelling evidence that social and behavioral skills...
  4. S

    Bluetooth on laptop - How to make it active and appear at my task bar?

    Bluetooth on laptop - How to make it active and appear at my task bar? A few days and weeks aqo, it was workinq. Then when I wanted to use it last weeks, i can't find it. When I want to 'show' it on my notification's task bar. It says that it will appear once that notification's active aqain. I...
  5. I

    Is a task killer for iPhone 3 needed?

    I have an iPhone 3 I know i'm behind but maybe people can help me that had one. Is a Task/app killer needed for an iPhone 3?
  6. T

    Does my itouch have a task manager?

    I read that all ios 4.2.1 and above have one and u get it by double cliking the home button that doesn't work for me mines a 2nd gen itouch with 4.2.1 doesit have it
  7. T

    Merck And The ADAP Crisis Task Force Announce New Agreement To Improve Access And Car

    Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, and the ADAP Crisis Task Force (ACTF) announced a number of new initiatives to help struggling state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) continue to provide access to medicines to people living with HIV. This is the third...
  8. H

    How do i fix my task bar after i press shift alt print screen?

    I pressed them and it went all weird and sol i pressed it again and it went back to normal except for the task bar. Before, it was a see through black. Now its grey. It looks like the task bar from the older computers. Then i opened up the Internet and the tool bar looked the same as the task...
  9. S

    Why can't I get my Task manager Screen to pop up when I do control alt delete?

    When I do cont, alt, delete, it takes forever for the task manager screen to pop up. Sometimes I have to do it three times for it to finally come up. Sometimes no matter what I do, it never comes up. What can I do to fix this. Thanks much. It is driving me nutso.
  10. K

    Is divorcing a Family or Estate Lawyer a most difficult task LOL...?

    He/She knows the tricks of the trade arn't you screwed. How are you getting money out of that LOL... And if hes/shes Jewish OMG its like going against Superman *Pun intended for those who know the history of Superman comics ;>* and you're Static Shock... You're not going to win.
  11. G

    Oh Snap! George Clooney Takes a Reporter to Task

    Don't try to be slick with George Clooney in interviews, you'll just get your dignity handed to you on a plate in front of, well, everyone. During a press junket at the Toronto...
  12. R

    why does a tab pop up in lower left corner above task bar w/infro -

    http://etc...etc...? like right when i run cursor over item it reading http://answer.yahoo.com/dir/inde:_ylt=ajp_.kw40hqyqqhdmjrwepzki and with cursor hovering on the word discover in green slot i never seen this before today
  13. R

    why does a tab pop up in lower left corner above task bar w/infro -

    http://etc...etc...? like right when i run cursor over item it reading http://answer.yahoo.com/dir/inde:_ylt=ajp_.kw40hqyqqhdmjrwepzki and with cursor hovering on the word discover in green slot i never seen this before today
  14. R

    why does a tab pop up in lower left corner above task bar w/infro -

    http://etc...etc...? like right when i run cursor over item it reading http://answer.yahoo.com/dir/inde:_ylt=ajp_.kw40hqyqqhdmjrwepzki and with cursor hovering on the word discover in green slot i never seen this before today
  15. T

    How to change computer Task Manager ctrl alt del Username?

    Say my name is John Smith, my user account is "John Smith", my registration (Properties of "My Computer") is to "John Smith" but Task Manager (Ctrl Alt Del) is, let's say, "Fred Bob". How to change that username?
  16. W

    ANDROID advice needed. Heard of Advanced Task Killer for Froyo?

    I here different opinions about it and would like some recommendations about it and ANY OTHER similar apps that will do the same type of job. My son heard that ATK/FROYO makes a phone susceptible to hackers, and of course my son (24) knows everything about everything. lol
  17. L

    What is Yzojya.exe in task manager?

    It's obviously a virus as it slowly climbs Task Manager untill it hits around 50k of memory, then it hangs there, doing something, making the computer have delays. I have searched Google for the keywords...NO results. - How can I clear this bug out? I've scanned with anti-virus products.. -...
  18. J

    How can I make the internet task bar on my screen go away unless I mouse over it?

    I have a small computer, so how can I make the internet task bar go away and come back only when I mouse over it? Thanks!
  19. L

    Are there any task killers for Android phones that actually keeps apps killed?

    I have an unrooted Samsung Moment android phone and my battery needs to be charged 2 to 3 times a day. I was wondering if these task killers really work or if they're just battery/memory killers. Can someone recommend an app or the proper settings to get better battery life? Any help is greatly...
  20. I

    What famous leaders used the Task Oriented Leadership Style?

    I can't find any famous leaders that used the Task Oriented leadership style, please help!