
  1. G

    LEGO Mindstorm Ogre Autonomously Detects, Targets, and Destroys Other LEGO Creations

    This is "Ogre," an autonomous, projectile-launching, LEGO block-destroying remote control tank. Ogre could honestly be the first LEGO creation I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. No minifig is safe this afternoon. Ogre is a "Tank" built around a Zamor launching system nicknamed...
  2. L

    What target-market decisions has GM made in selecting targets for the Hummer H2?

    How are those decisions different from AM General’s target for the original Hummer?
  3. Z

    How are montly sales targets usually set?

    Good Morning, I was hoping someone could help me with a little question. If I have a monthly sales target, is that target usually based on orders taken, or orders invoiced? I say usually, becuase maybe it differant where you work, but as a general rule i guess. Many thanks.
  4. T

    Advertising sales tips, scripts, targets?

    I am helping a new business start up their website. It's an ezine and their target audience is female, 18-25. I have never done anything with advertising before, no clue what to say, how to say it, or who to say it to. What type of companies could I target? What do I say? Anything...
  5. T

    Hamas admits it deliberately targets ciilians?

    Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum was quoted by AP Wednesday as saying Hamas attacks on southern Israel towns are "a means of self-defense." "Those are not civilians. They are all soldiers," Barhoum said of the residents of southern Israel. "We are firing at places that bring us the F-16s, the...