
  1. G

    Apple Talked to Beats About Beats' Streaming Music Service

    Reuters is reporting that Apple CEO Tim Cook had met with Beats CEO Jimmy Iovine about Beats' upcoming streaming music service 'Project Daisy'. Supposedly, Cook was interested in Project Daisy's "business model and its rollout plans" and did not get into specifics about any deal. More »
  2. A

    Talked to guy online about meeting up. Should I meet him?

    I talked to this guy. He seems nice and normal. But I fell asleep while talking to him and then had stuff to do today. Well I got like 10 emails from him and like 20 kik messages. I told him that I didn't want to meet last night. But he asked if we could still talk. I said yes. But then told...
  3. O

    Do very very old childhood friends come back as friends if they haven't talked

    in a few years? Let's say there was a best friend you've known since kindergarden and been best friends up to the beginning of middle school, then somehow you don't talk to them due to the friend having other friends also you. Would they eventually want to talk if they're in High School or would...
  4. G

    Oscar Pistorius' Eerie Tweet: Paralympian Talked Going Into "Combat" Mode Over Possib

    Oscar Pistorius' Eerie Tweet: Paralympian Talked Going Into "Combat" Mode Over Possib Here's an interesting addition to the*Oscar Pistorius*story. The Paralympian who allegedly murdered*his girlfriend,*Reeva Steenkamp, and stated that he thought...
  5. A

    Chill Out: Clint Eastwood Doesn’t Have Dementia Just Because He Talked To An Empty Ch

    No matter how you feel about Mitt Romney and his speech last night at the Republican National Convention, you have to admit that it was Clint Eastwood who really stole the show and created what's bound to be the most memorable scene of the entire week when he emphatically addressed an empty...
  6. A

    Allen Iverson presented the game ball for Sixers? Game 6, talked about his future (VI

    Sixers legend Allen Iverson left Philadelphia under not-so-great circumstances twice — first, when he was traded to the Denver Nuggets in December 2006, and then again in 2010 after a short, controversy-filled return to the franchise. Despite those exits, Iverson is still much-loved in Philly...
  7. K

    Is it normal to be talked over constantly?

    This person and I have just become friends. However, he has a habit of starting a sentence before I finish one and sometimes talking over me saying constantly saying something like "yeah yeah okay yeah" throughout until I stop talking. I wanted to know if I'm just being uptight or not. I haven't...
  8. D

    I was talking to this girl yesterday at the gym, we talked for a while, she was

    cool and has a nice personalit? After our convo, I asked for her number, she said "sure" and gave it to me,I called her right there so she can put my name in her contacts. The next day evening, I text her "hey wassup, you busy?" I didn't never get a response the rest of the day, now I don't...
  9. D

    I like this guy in my class but still have not talked to him?

    We have the class twice a week..its almost the end of the quarter.. At the beginning of the quarter we played an interactive game in the class and practiced team playing skills..this guy kept on complimenting how I hit the ball or how I did this that..and I was friendly but didn't approach and...
  10. A

    This pedophile talked to me online...did I do the right thing by telling him off?

    He messaged me on Yahoo! Messenger. At first everything seemed normal, although I'm always a bit wary on there because you never know who people are. He asked me how old I was, and I told him my age...15. He seemed fine with that. So I asked him his age. He said "oh uhh probably a bit old...
  11. A

    How to flirt with a guy you never talked to?????????(Help me please)?

    okay like this guy and i never get a chance to talk to him so i wanna have a couple of good ideas on how to drop little flirting lines and make him attracted to me so we can at least be friends. simple stuff that's seems sweet and nice:) thank u soooo much!!!!!!!!
  12. S

    Have you ever talked to a person from a different country on the phone?

    Did they have a strong accent? I talked to someone from Australia, it was awesome I loved it :)
  13. K

    We haven't talked for years. (Used to be BFFs). How to tell her that I still

    appreciate her? It's been nearly two and a half years now, and I just don't know what to say. I want to tell her that I appreciate her and that I'm really happy we were friends, but I'm afraid that'll be awkward--seeing as we completely lost contact for a while.. I just don't know how to go...
  14. A

    Premier League owners haven’t talked of ending relegation after all

    </p> Earlier this week, Richard Bevan, chief executive of the League Manager's Association (and definitely not the owner of a Premier League club), played the role of Chicken Little and announced that the foreign (and presumably evil) Premier League owners are scheming and plotting to...
  15. A

    the night the animals talked?

    Good day mans! Maybe it knows something. Where is download song the night the animals talked it is Childrens Books
  16. Y

    Interesting topics to talk about with someone I've never talked to before?

    I used to go to this small Math workshop place with this guy during grade school. But we've never talked. I would always see him, but I never got the chance to talk to him because he was always with his friends and I was always with mine. Now we're in high school, and I see him more often...
  17. D

    I've talked to god..........?

    and...he...he....he...said..that...Im..the one?...what..what..does this...mean? I....I...I...Scared?
  18. D

    I've talked to god..........?

    and...he...he....he...said..that...Im..the one?...what..what..does this...mean? I....I...I...Scared?
  19. C

    Have you ever watched the same movie and talked on the phone with someone?

    because you couldn't be there to watch it together?
  20. J

    How to approach someone u have never talked to?

    ill make this as short as I can.. Seen him on my bus few times thought he was cute. he goes to the school up the road from mine. seen him there a few times... think hes hot.. Saw him in the city on sunday he saw me and looked at me like he noticed me. but his eye was twitching lol HAHAHAHA...