
  1. N

    What is a good naming system for software release (a la Google Android)?

    I have a software product that I am developing and will be releasing. I love how Google names their Android releases after confectionary ("Cupcake", "Eclair", "FroYo", "Jelly Bean", etc.) and thought about a similar model. I am stuck on one minor problem: What list of items to use. I don't...
  2. K

    How to set up my home theatre system?

    I own a Panasonic TC55LE54 TV and a Panasonic SCPT760 Home Theatre Receiver. The problem is not with the speakers themselves, thats all fine, the problem I am having is with the channels/inputs and getting audio to come out of the receiver (in basic terms, is there one simple way to get all...
  3. P

    LG Home Theater system does not support authentication?

    I turned ON the LG Home Theater and had set the password for the first time. When I turned it OFF and ON, it is not asking for the password. It is turning ON as usual. I need it to be secured. What might be the problem? Please, anyone help me in solving the problem.
  4. P

    LG Home Theater system does not support authentication?

    I turned ON the LG Home Theater and had set the password for the first time. When I turned it OFF and ON, it is not asking for the password. It is turning ON as usual. I need it to be secured. What might be the problem? Please, anyone help me in solving the problem.
  5. D

    What is the best handheld gaming system and what are the best games for it?

    I want a handheld gaming system with a lot of good games.
  6. E

    How do I make my home theatre system play music through my laptop?

    I have an LG 3D Blu-ray home theatre system and I want to play music through my laptop via an AUX cable. The issue is: I plug in the AUX cable and it plays sound through the central speaker but not through any of the surround speakers (of which there are 4) and they are all plugged into the...
  7. S

    How do I schedule a System Restore Point with Windows 8 Pro?

    I would like Windows 8 to schedule a Restore Point once a week at least. How do I have it do that??
  8. M

    Can't seem to use Home Theatre system with TV with HD Arc?

    We have a new TV with HD Arc. Our Home theatre only has HD out (not ARC) can we still use the Home Theatre as our audio for the TV? It doesn't seem to be working when using a regular HD cable. The Home Theatre system was working fine with our older TV.
  9. N

    Can I switch my 60gb blueray drive into my 80gb system??? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

    so my ps3 broke (80gb) and i opened everything up and noticed the blueray system "looks" the same as the 60gb. can i switch the two units and it will work again?? because the 60 has the YLOD and the 80 has a burnt out lens.... please help!! im trying to merge the 60GB's BLUE RAY PLAYER into my...
  10. N

    Can I switch my 60gb blueray drive into my 80gb system??? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

    so my ps3 broke (80gb) and i opened everything up and noticed the blueray system "looks" the same as the 60gb. can i switch the two units and it will work again?? because the 60 has the YLOD and the 80 has a burnt out lens.... please help!! im trying to merge the 60GB's BLUE RAY PLAYER into my...
  11. T

    Primary Care Shortage Will Grow Unless US Reforms Graduate Medical Education System

    Despite a critical shortage of primary care in the United States less than 25 percent of newly minted doctors go into this field and only a tiny fraction, 4.8 percent, set up shop in rural areas, according to a study by researchers at the George Washington University School of Public Health and...
  12. M

    Which Nintendo handheld system should I buy?

    should I go with the classic gba or the newer ds or ds3? or something else?
  13. T

    MarginProbe System Makes Breast Cancer Surgery More Precise

    Any breast cancer surgeon who regularly performs lumpectomies confronts the question "Did I get it all?" Thirty to 60 percent of the time in the U.S., the answer is "no," requiring the patient to undergo a second surgery to remove the remaining tumor. Surgeons at UC Irvine Medical Center are the...
  14. G

    New speaker system for cars creates separate ‘audio zones’ for front and rear

    Ever wish that your car’s interior cabin could have separate audio zones for the front and rear seats? It soon may. A new approach achieves independent listening zones within a car by using small, modified speakers to produce directional sound fields and a signal processing strategy that...
  15. Z

    Is it true that UKIP want a US style penal system?

    I heard that UKIP (in a debate) want to implement a US style penal system, have prisons for profit, build more of them and have a lot more Custodial Sentences so we could be sent behind bars for things like basic drug possession.
  16. F

    System UI on android. jellybean?

    I have just noticed on my android [samsung galaxy tab 2], that on the taskmanager, system ui is running, it never used to. If i close it all it does is reset my wallpaper and reopen. Im not a total newbie with tech but im no expert. Help is apreciated. Felix
  17. L

    Google android operating system?

    Can google android operating system be downloaded for a chinese mobile phone? *not original mobile*
  18. J

    Which should I get: IPad or gaming system?

    I can't decide which one I should get. I like to play video games and I think it would be fun to get a newer gaming system but I also think getting an IPad would be good because I might use if for school and games too. If I did get a gaming system, which one should I get? (I'm thinking about...
  19. C

    Is there a sims game for a handheld system where I can woo-hoo, get pregnant...

    ...and give birth? The question says it all.
  20. T

    How The Immune System Peacefully Co-Exists With 'Good' Bacteria

    The human gut is loaded with commensal bacteria - "good" microbes that, among other functions, help the body digest food. The gastrointestinal tract contains literally trillions of such cells, and yet the immune system seemingly turns a blind eye. However, in several chronic human diseases such...