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    Legionnaires’ Outbreak Kills 8; Do You Know The Symptoms?

    A deadly outbreak of Legionnaires' disease, a rare but often fatal infection caused by a water-borne bacteria, has*struck Quebec. Killing eight people and infecting over 100 more, the outbreak caught Canadian health officials by surprise. Now, they're struggling to contain what has been labeled...
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    Computer Exercises Can Help Reduce Alzheimer's Symptoms

    It is estimated that 35 million people worldwide, including 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. These figures are predicted to triple in one generation and the financial burden in the U.S. alone is around $200 billion dollars. A successful clinical Harvard trial now promises new hope...
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    Bariatric Patients With OSA Fail To Show Symptoms, Have Greater Risk For Heart Diseas

    A Rhode Island Hospital researcher has found that the majority of bariatric surgery patients being treated for obesity have clinically significant obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but report fewer symptoms than other sleep disorders patients. The study by Katherine M. Sharkey, M.D., Ph.D., of the...
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    Prednisolone's Considerable Effect On Bells Palsy Symptoms

    A report in JAMA's May edition of Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery reveals that by treating Bell's Palsy, a form of facial paralysis that is usually temporarily, with prednisolone within 72 hours, seems to considerably reduce the number of patients with mild to moderate paralysis...
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    Patients Treated In Early Stages Of Prostate Cancer Relieved Of Urinary Symptoms

    Treatment of early stage prostate cancer can also result in improved quality of life for a subgroup of men who suffer from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), according to an abstract of a Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center-led study presented to the American Urological Association. LUTS...
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    Memantine Improves Some Alzheimer's Symptoms But Has No Effect On Agitation

    A drug prescribed for Alzheimer's disease does not ease clinically significant agitation in patients, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the U.K., U.S. and Norway. This is the first randomized controlled trial designed to assess the effectiveness of the drug (generic name...
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    PTSD Symptoms May Be Relieved By Some Blood Pressure Drugs

    Traumatized people who take a class of common blood pressure medications tend to have less severe post-traumatic stress symptoms, researchers have found. The finding suggests that ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors or ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) could be valuable tools for...
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    19 States Hit By Salmonella Outbreak: Do You Know The Symptoms?

    An outbreak of an unusual strain of Salmonella, which may have been caused by bad sushi,**has sickened 90 people in 19 states. Which doesn't seem like a lot--except that that's just the number of confirmed cases so far. Most people who suffer from Salmonella symptoms*don't think it's that...
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    Association Between Childhood Traumatic Experiences And Adult IBS Symptoms

    Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have a significantly greater prevalence of early adverse life events, including general trauma as well as physical, emotional and sexual abuse, according to a new study in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the official journal of the American...
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    Survey Finds Association Between Symptoms Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea And Depression

    Obstructive sleep apnea and other symptoms of OSA are associated with probable major depression, regardless of factors like weight, age, sex or race, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There was no link between depression and snoring. "Snorting, gasping...
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    Potential Alzheimer's Disease Drug Slows Damage And Symptoms In Animal Model

    A study published this week in the Journal of Neuroscience shows that the compound epothilone D (EpoD) is effective in preventing further neurological damage and improving cognitive performance in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The results establish how the drug might be used in...
  12. J

    can ibs symptoms get worse, by ejaculating?

    i know very embarassing to talk about. but i've realized that everytime i do it.. i've been getting bad diarrhea the more i do it loose stools, and changing colors. i know that ibs makes your stomach spasm, but when ejaculating frequently it gets worse with spasms, and diarhea. it causes me...
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    Car leaks oil, also what can thse symptoms be.?

    I removed valve vover gasket to replace it, and distributor to put sealant because it was leaking.. I also put lucas stoo leak because its leaking from rear main seal. I have a honda civic 91.. Well what can I do so it can stop leaking from distributor. I also opened oil filler cap and noticed...
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    Within Weeks Of Smoking Cessation, Coughing And Other Respiratory Symptoms Improve

    If the proven long-term benefits of smoking cessation are not enough to motivate young adults to stop smoking, a new study shows that 18- to 24-year olds who stop smoking for at least two weeks report substantially fewer respiratory symptoms, especially coughing. The study findings are detailed...
  15. D

    Smoked weed, felt high and lasted over 12 hours symptoms?

    I was smoking some "good shit" so called through a friends bong a few nights ago, around midnight. had bout 5-6 good hits throughout an hour and felt extremely messed up just around 1 am, went home and laying on bed completely paralysed unable to even move my head/neck! laying there for about an...
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    Depressive Symptoms And Impaired Physical Function Are Frequent And Long-Lasting Afte

    Depressive symptoms and impaired physical function were common and long-lasting during the first two years following acute lung injury (ALI), according to a new study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Depressive symptoms were an independent risk factor for impaired physical...
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    Long-Lasting Depressive Symptoms, Physical Impairment Often Follow ICU Stays

    Critically ill patients who recover from a potentially deadly syndrome known as acute lung injury frequently emerge with new, apparently long-lasting depressive symptoms and new physical impairments that make them unable to perform many daily tasks, Johns Hopkins research suggests. Results of...
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    Persistent Asthma Symptoms - Simple Night-time Airflow Device Helps

    According to a study published online in Thorax, asthma patients can improve their quality of life and ease persistent asthma symptoms during daytime by using a simple device called Protexo, which filters airborne asthma triggers from the air during sleep. The device, a temperature controlled...
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    just quit smoking. what are normal nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

    so i just quit smoking and all i smoked was rolled cigarettes. i've been coughing horribly lately especially at night, and coughing up phlegm. is this normal? i did not cough this bad before i quit. would having rolled my own smokes make a difference?
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    Symptoms Of Chronic Widespread Pain Improved By Talking Therapy Over The Phone

    Patients who received a short course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) over the telephone from trained therapists reported that they felt "better" or "very much better" at the end of a six-month treatment period, and also three months after it ended. The Arthritis Research UK-funded trial...