
  1. Z

    is there a sword art online online game?

    i was surfing the internet when i came across this http://swordartonline.proboards.com/index.cgi and i cant figure out if its a online game or not because i cant do anything on the website.
  2. W

    Is there a stronger sword other than Daetric?

    I have The Dragonborn DLC too. I duel wield, and I want better swords. Anybody know of a stronger sword?(one handed sword. Not 2)
  3. A

    Name the tongue, pen, and the sword of the American Revolution?

    The pen was Thomas Jefferson, and the sword was George Washington, right? But who was the "tongue?" (Please correct me if I am wrong.)
  4. T

    Why is Sword Art Online controversial?

    I just started watching this anime and I'm enjoying it. I keep reading that its one of the most controversial anime of 2012, but I can't figure out why. Why is it controversial?
  5. M

    Fanatics of Christ, do you think Jesus wore a sword and rode a white charger...

    ...converting people or chopping off? their heads? Or did He speak words of encouragement to people and to His enemies He said nothing unless provoked? Where do you people get off telling others they're "doing it rong", when you yourselves are pathetically lacking in any spiritual gift? heal...
  6. M

    Fanatics of Christ, do you think Jesus wore a sword and rode a white charger...

    ...converting people or chopping off? their heads? Or did He speak words of encouragement to people and to His enemies He said nothing unless provoked? Where do you people get off telling others they're "doing it rong", when you yourselves are pathetically lacking in any spiritual gift? heal...
  7. C

    Sword Art Online game

    Sword Art Online game will be released in Jane, 2013. Do you like Sword Art Online? I have got this sword, how do you feel? But it is made of wood, I want to get metal one, just like this size,Sword Art Online Sword how do you feel?
  8. C

    Hold a Sword art online cosplay party

    We want to hold a Sword art online cosplay party in Valentine’s Day, invite you to come~ We have readied some actors and prop already. Character: Skrillz Background: a mad Devil with a flameimg hart Reason: Sounds fun Age: 27 GT: NeON x BliTZz Race: Salamander Character...
  9. C

    Is anybody like Sword Art Online? I’m collecting its sword.

    Is anybody like Sword Art Online? I’m collecting its sword. I have some pictures of the two swords, the black one is called "Elucidator" and the white/blue one is called "Dark Repulser", I just have "Elucidator", to find another one. Size must just like this one. sword art online sword Is...
  10. E

    Where to buy a buster sword?

    I want one 6 foot tall with hilt and heavy as shit like steel....real not fake I'm a huge ff7 fan..guessing it will be between 1 and 2 grand where can Iget 1?
  11. M

    Are there any games like Heavenly Sword for iPhone/iPod?

    I love the acrobatic, slash gameplay that Heavenly Sword has. I tried Prince of Persia for iPhone and liked the gameplay, but the game was just too long and frustrating to finish on a mobile device. Any suggestions?
  12. D

    What type of sword is better?

    What is the difference between a long-sword and a claymore (sword). Which is better and why?
  13. A

    Anime like Sword Art Online?

    Besides Accel World, hack, since their virtual games. I'm looking for an anime with fast paced action, a fantasy like theme, and is filled with jaw dropping scenes. Romance would be really fun and cool, it helps to find really awesome scenes. It doesn't have to be like a game or sci-fi, it can...
  14. D

    Is Accel World and Sword Art Online any good?

    I'm planning to watch them soon, so what's your opinion on them. I know they are still ongoing by the way.
  15. T

    In The Fight Against Osteoporosis, Is Vitamin D A Double-Edged Sword ?

    Vitamin D is renowned for its role in creating strong bones and is a key regulator of serum calcium levels. Calcium is primarily obtained through diet and absorbed through the intestine and into the blood stream. In addition to building bone, calcium is required for a variety of important...
  16. A

    How good is Skyward Sword?

    How does it compare to Ocarina of Time or A link to the Past? I was thinking about getting it for my brother for Christmas but I can't tell if it looks that good or not. Twilight Princess was alright, didn't like windraker, majora's mask was also alright. I know my bro thought the graphics...
  17. M

    Why is the pen mightier than the sword?

    What does this phrase mean to you? My answer: You can kill a person but this means their suffering is over...You can write bad things, trash someone and talk crap about them for a lifetime and cause them to suffer much more! You can make that person into a "fictional" character in a story and...
  18. S

    Do anyone know an anime where the swordsman sword have different forms ?

    i forgot the name of the anime .. i will appreciate it if anyone could help me
  19. R

    Is there a specific Martial art the bokken belongs to, or is it a training sword

    for many arts? cus I bought one off ebay from pocket money , and i really want to find a dojo and learn how to properly use one, a massive interest dwells in me... was really interested before, but got even more after my self defense teacher randomly taught me some basic moves..
  20. B

    How is your favorite sword and sorcery Sci-fi fantasy artist?

    Back in the day, I kept a Frazetta poster taped to the wall of my dorm room. When I left school, I actually met one of the ladies who had posed for Boris Vallejo. I realize that there are a number of other artists in this field. Who is your favorite? And whom might you recommend?