
  1. J

    Swollen veins & pimple ? What is it?

    I have this huge egg lump on the side of my forehead, it's swollen and incredibly sore and the veins going down the side of my face are now also swollen and sore, I don't know what to do? I'm icing it, to help the swelling and at first I thought it was a pimple because it started out really...
  2. A

    My cat has a swollen bottom lip!! PLEASE HELP!?

    When i got home this morning, i saw that my cats bottom lip was swollen. The area is hard but it's not really red. Although, it does have a distinct reddish-brown line but it does not look like a scratch or a bite, it looks as though it is an indent from her top lip. I have also noticed her...
  3. M

    will walking on my swollen foot make it swell?

    I have a doc's note to be off today but I may try to work. I got stung by a stingray and my foot is still kind of swollen. Would I do mysel more good to take the day off and let it heal properly? I have to work after tomorrow anyway. I'm on my feet all day at my job.
  4. T

    What is wrong with my bird? Swollen Vent?

    My 1 1/2 year old parrots vent was swollen it went away by the next day. But it was like a pink ring. should i be worried? and what is going on? I have never noticed this before. I do not know the sex. Here is a link to a video that i took. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxc8lP4ussM OK little...
  5. N

    how to reduce body heat which always leads to swollen gums and common cold?

    This is common to me from childhood
  6. U

    Swollen right foot and swollen finger on right hand painful

    I have recently had a painful middle Finger on my right hand now and again the pain Is too much the next min my finger has swelled Up. My right knee has been swollen to but not painful But now my right foot is swollen up. Nothing Like this happening on the left what's up With me ??? :(((
  7. D

    My dog has a swollen eye?

    This morning my puppy got a shot at the vet. Then he played in the mud so I gave him a bath. Now his eyes are swollen and he is constantly rubbing them and whimpering. I think I must have gotten soap in his eye when I gave him a bath. I used baby shampoo. If that is the case it will get better...
  8. N

    My female cat has very swollen teats, what could this be?

    I've never seen this before. She had kittens 2 months ago, we just recently gave them away, they were completely litter trained, eating solid foods, and weened. But today I noticed, her teats are huge! She's had litters of kittens before, so I know her teats do get swollen and full of milk when...
  9. T

    my cats cheek is swollen?

    when I left for work this morning he was fine, and now his cheek is swollen, just on the one side. He's about 13 or 14 so I was wondering if maybe its one of his teeth, or something. any tips, ideas?
  10. R

    why has my throat been swollen and ears been hurting for the past three weeks?

    it doesn't sound like mono. it's like my ears have wax in them, but i assure you they are clean. my throat is swollen, like right near the top, and sometimes it's swollen so much i can barely swallow. sometimes the throat swelling goes away for a couple days then comes back. sometimes it's both...
  11. R

    why has my throat been swollen and ears been hurting for the past three weeks?

    it doesn't sound like mono. it's like my ears have wax in them, but i assure you they are clean. my throat is swollen, like right near the top, and sometimes it's swollen so much i can barely swallow. sometimes the throat swelling goes away for a couple days then comes back. sometimes it's both...
  12. X

    Trip to the beach. no visual sign of wound or break in the skin. my toe is swollen

    and inflamed. help? my friends and i went to the beach last friday afternoon. i had been to the beach once before and never had any pains walking barefoot except the usual brief pain after stepping on broken shells. i was sittin on my beach towel. nothing in front of us but sand and shells. i...
  13. M

    My upper eyelids are extremely swollen with no pain and no irritation?

    I woke up after sleeping for about two hours and my upper eyelids were horribly swollen. I could only open my eyes half way and they felt very strange. I waited for them to pass but they wouldn't. I got concerned and went up to the bathroom. My eyes looked almost deformed and ridiculously puffy...
  14. I

    My labia is swollen after sex? Help?

    It's pretty painful, and very swollen. We didn't use lube, but we have only had sex 6 times, and this is the first time this has happend. I had sex yesterday evening, and it's still pretty swollen this morning. Should I be worried? Is this serious? We used a condom too, and it was slightly...
  15. I

    Swollen labia after sex? Help me?

    It's pretty painful, and very swollen. We didn't use lube, but we have only had sex 6 times, and this is the first time this has happend. I had sex yesterday evening, and it's still pretty swollen this morning. Should I be worried? Is this serious? We used a condom too, and it was slightly...
  16. I

    Swollen labia after sex? Please help?

    It's pretty painful, and very swollen. We didn't use lube, but we have only had sex 6 times, and this is the first time this has happend. I had sex yesterday evening, and it's still pretty swollen this morning. Should I be worried? Is this serious? We used a condom too, and it was slightly...
  17. E

    My stomach is really swollen and my poop is really black and tar like. What is wrong?

    Ok, i have been sick to my stomach for the past four days. I have been dizzy, nauseas, stomach ache, and extremely tired. Today I went to the bathroom and my poop was completely black, tar like and it hurt extremely bad. What is wrong with me? Should i be worried?:
  18. M

    allergic reaction to a mango.. lol... face is swollen?

    2 days ago i ate a mango and im pretty sure it is whats causing me to swell because this happened 2 other time ive ate one. i just now realized it but my eyes are really swollen, my face has red itchy dry bumps, my lips are infllamed and swollen, i have the bumps on my kneck as well. it burns...
  19. N

    Throat swollen??? HELP?

    So my throat is swollen right above my adam's apple. It's really swollen. It hurts to the touch. I can sort of fell the lump and it's pretty decent size. It's 1 in the morning. The doctors office isn't open here. I'm really concerned about my throat swelling shut. What should I do????
  20. A

    Acrylic nails and swollen itchy fingers?

    So ive always had acrylic nails on and off for about 7 years now.... 3 weeks ago my fingers stArted to get itchy and swollen they also had a clear fluid coming out in between the nail and skin so i took them off for 2 weeks... I notice unded my nAils my skin slowly grew higher and higher...