
  1. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Swear Words (NSFW)

    God bless America, every mother fucking one of us. Read more...
  2. S

    Why do Christians get all offended when I swear?

    Well I'm Christian too and I swear. But when I swear on my Facebook and sometimes I'm person some of my christian friends get all offended. I don't see what the big deal is and plus I don't like it when they tell me to no swear. It pisses me off and makes me swear even more
  3. F

    I saw a Porsche that I swear looks like a sport model of the?

    VOLKSWAGON Beetle. What is it and how much do they run?
  4. E

    What is the Mormon "Oath of Vengeance against USA" - Why do they swear that oath?

    What is the Mormon "Oath of Vengeance against USA" - Why do they swear that oath? The oath of vengeance was an addition made to the Nauvoo Endowment under the direction of Brigham Young by 1845 in the Nauvoo Temple, soon after the 1844 death of Joseph Smith, Jr..[1] Participants agreed to be...
  5. T

    I swear I saw 2Pac today. Is he really dead?

    I was at a plant nursery in Hollywood area and I saw 2Pac. Is it confirmed that he's dead? He was with an obese guy with bug eyes.
  6. T

    I swear I saw 2Pac today. Is he really dead?

    I was at a plant nursery in Hollywood area and I saw 2Pac. Is it confirmed that he's dead? He was with an obese guy with bug eyes.
  7. T

    I swear I saw 2Pac today. Is he really dead?

    I was at a plant nursery in Hollywood area and I saw 2Pac. Is it confirmed that he's dead? He was with an obese guy with bug eyes.
  8. O

    Is it illegal to have swear words on a greeting card visible to children?

    I'm in the UK and today I went into a nice-looking shop in a shopping center in Brighton. They sold framed photos, posters, teddy-bears, gifts, mugs, cards etc, all good quality merchandise and nothing cheap. I was looking for some birthday cards and was shocked to see one that had the words...
  9. K

    Wonder why do people say "God" or "Jesus" when they swear, but not Budda,...

    Wonder why do people say "God" or "Jesus" when they swear, but not Budda,... ...Mohammad, etc? Some thoughts ever wonder why, even atheists, swear using God or Jesus, but they don't say Budda, Mohammad, or even satan? Ya know like saying "budda d*mmit" Why is that?, doesn't that have something...
  10. Y

    Moms (or dads), do you ever swear not to wear a certain fashion trend and

    then change your mind? I'm one of those people who hates wearing what every one else is. I don't dress to stand out in a crowd but I don't want to look like everyone else either. One thing I vowed to never wear are leggings. I bought a pair of black ones last year but never wore them. I decided...
  11. A

    I swear I have heard the song in the Kick Ass DVD menu before, where?

    The song "Going Home" that is playing in the Kick Ass DVD menu is driving me nuts. I know I have heard it on television or in another DVD before. Can anybody help me out!
  12. S

    Didn't God swear to King David that He would rise up Christ to sit on King...

    ...David's throne? Acts 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
  13. clark

    Did Jet Li really swear in cradle 2 the grave or romeo must die or was that...

    ...his voice over? I have to know if he did or not. And I hope he didn't
  14. B

    I fucking swear the samsung intercept sucks ?

    It keeps losing internet connection and the browser randomly forces close
  15. S

    Where is the story in the Bible where the man swear to give the first...

    ...thing that greets him to God? I remember an old testament story where a man swears that if something happens (I don't remember what, maybe he wins a battle?) then he will sacrifice the first thing out of his house to the Lord. It ends up being his daughter. I don't remember what happens...
  16. S

    Where is the story in the Bible where the man swear to give the first...

    ...thing that greets him to God? I remember an old testament story where a man swears that if something happens (I don't remember what, maybe he wins a battle?) then he will sacrifice the first thing out of his house to the Lord. It ends up being his daughter. I don't remember what happens...
  17. G

    Adobe Is Totally Over Apple, They Swear [Blockquote]

    Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen wanted to work with Apple, he really did. But Apple didn't want to work with them. These things happen! More »
  18. D

    Can Christians swear?

    Eg: I swear that I didn't do that. I swear that I love you with all my heart. That kind of swear.
  19. M

    follow me on twitter? :) i swear im interesting!?

    follow me!! @melaniebreault :D i would really appreciate it!
  20. M

    Poll: do you swear alot?

    I don't, swearing is just STUPID!