
  1. J

    Are blue ray movie supposed to play in dynamic mode?

    Hi I have a samsung 55 inch 1080 pix, 100,000 contrast ratio and I wanted to know what are good setting to get a clear crisp picture? Right now the blue ray dvds look grainy and not black black or white white or it's true colors. Do I also have to put it in Dynamic mode to watch a movie?
  2. F

    Are you supposed to talk about a baby's age in months or weeks?

    I think you say weeks up until a certain point don't you? I'm really confused.
  3. V

    Gossip Girl how old is damien supposed to be?

    just wondering is he supposed to be 16 like Jenny or older if older how old
  4. V

    Gossip Girl how old is damien supposed to be?

    just wondering is he supposed to be 16 like Jenny or older if older how old
  5. A

    Are you supposed to cook canned (wet) dog food before feeding your dog?

    I gave a stray/lost puppy that had been hanging around my door all day some wet food. The can said it had ground beef. It smelled normal, but it looked kinda pinkish. The picture on the can showed a more browned (cooked-looking) dog meal. It didn't say anything on the can about cooking it before...
  6. A

    I heard a rumor, that the USS Stennis is supposed to move back to San Diego as its...

    ...homeport? Not sure if its true or just a rumor that the Stennis is supposed to move from its homeport in WA and go back to San Diego as its homeport as it used to be prior to 2004, anyone else hear this?
  7. A

    I heard a rumor, that the USS Stennis is supposed to move back to San Diego as its...

    ...homeport? Not sure if its true or just a rumor that the Stennis is supposed to move from its homeport in WA and go back to San Diego as its homeport as it used to be prior to 2004, anyone else hear this?
  8. S

    how am i supposed to act the first time i'm meeting this guy?

    i'm a freshman girl in highschool. he's a sophomore. we started texting a few days ago and we're gonna hang out this week. (with other people, and i've got no idea where.) i'm honestly a huge spazz, and not chill at all. lmao so how do i act... not spazzy? because that's not my best talent...
  9. B

    Is my Karate gi supposed to be baggy and how much will a blended gi shrink?

    I just received my Century traditional Karate gi today. This is my first gi ever, so I have some questions as always. Here is a pic and info on it: I weight around 297 and I'm about 5'11" and I ordered a size 8. It is pretty huge...from what I can...
  10. J

    I bought a Iphone that was supposed to be just not unlocked/jailbroke

    but i turns out i am locked out.? by locked out i mean i can only place emergency calls. makes me beliece the phone might have been stolen but cingular said it's not a problem as long as pay for the network. how do i use this iphone help
  11. L

    What's this hamster supposed to be doing?

    Here, click on this link and watch the 30 second weird video, lol: SO weird right? If you know what he's doing, let me know! :P
  12. B

    i have a HP dv6 and it doesn't have bluetooth?? the model is supposed to have it...

    ...built in? why doesn't it have bluetooth?? my sister has the exact same model and it has bluetooth?
  13. R

    Where was Superman's home planet Krypton supposed to be located?

    According to the comics, before it was destroyed it orbited a Red Giant or Dwarf star named Rao located 40-50 light years away, maybe in the constellation Ophiuchus and I seem to recall that back in the 70s or 80s the character Superman said he was from Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus but...
  14. L

    How is a christian relationship supposed to be?

    I have a friend that says she is dating a minister; The only problem is I don't know if he practices what he preaches. I know she said their first date he took her out for drinks, and the next time he saw her, he went over to her house and they were alone watching movies. He only hangs out with...
  15. D

    are you supposed to seriously discuss a marriage or is he just supposed to...

    ...'pop the question'? i know its way more romantic for him to make it a suprise but do you want a romanitc wedding/engagement/proposal, or do you want a lasting marriage with the person you love? like if you are in a serious relationship, is it better to discuss marriage and related...
  16. E

    i don't get this sign? is it supposed to be funny?

    My friend bought a shirt just like this sign, but we dont really know the point of it? does it have a second meaning is it supposed to be funny?
  17. B

    usually dvd cd's are supposed to play by themselves right.why is mine not?

    ok my bought a cd...a DVD cd...and when i put it in the computer windows media player popped i suppose that if i put a movie on it would do that.which ya it should.but now i put a movie on it and it wont play!!!why is this???
  18. M

    DVD-r will NOT burn, but its SUPPOSED to, given the exact cercumstances..

    UGH HELP PLEASE? OK so I read tutorials on how to burn a .ISO image (Windows 7, to be exact) using NERO 7 premium. Well, I ended up ditching nero and its un needed crouded UI and just used plain OL ImgBurn, but in the end, it ended uo not working so I used Active ISO burner. A little computer...
  19. E

    How is Sasuke supposed to...?

    Everyone knows that Sasuke Uchiha's #1 priority was to kill Itachi. Well, in the Japanese version, thats done and overwith. His second goal, RESTORING HIS CLAN!!! How is he supposed to achieve that? The only woman who gives a damn about him is Sakura! I mean really, how can she not be the lucky...
  20. E

    How is Sasuke supposed to...?

    Everyone knows that Sasuke Uchiha's #1 priority was to kill Itachi. Well, in the Japanese version, thats done and overwith. His second goal, RESTORING HIS CLAN!!! How is he supposed to achieve that? The only woman who gives a damn about him is Sakura! I mean really, how can she not be the lucky...