
  1. R

    600 watts power supply is enough for 2 multi geforce gpu, not SLI?

    my system specification with current power supply 480 watts: Hard Disk 320 GB 2 GB RAM Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB Asus P5W DH Deluxe motherboard, now I change to 600 watts power supply, is it enough to add Geforce GTX 260 with 216 cores for graphic process and Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB for PhsyX...
  2. S

    Let's say the food supply of the world has ended and you can breastfeed of... celeb....? Let's say the world's food supply has ended and you can only feed off a celebrity I have listed. Who would you pick and why? - Your choices - Dolly Parton Richard Simmons Boy George Michael Jackson Little Richard David Bowie Whoopi Goldberg Cher Lady Bunny Rosanne Barr Jack...
  3. E

    What is secret Obama conspiracy to poison Russian water supply ?

    Is Presydent ba-lack obama going too poison the russian water suppy with poisonous stuff to steal supplies and gain empire?
  4. A

    what is the difference between single phase and three phase power supply?

    which is the normal supply in the uk please? if you only have single phase is it bad for some equipment? (I'm talking about normal domestic stuff like PCs, washing machine, tv, microwave etc, nothing special or industrial)