
  1. F

    What are some rock tours, I should go to in the summer?

    Im already going to the Vans Warp Tour but what other tour should i go in the summer? (Rock tours)
  2. M

    What is a cheap but fun vacation that my family could go on for the summer?

    Any ideas?? Not too expensive but someplace fun and different!
  3. T

    Good place to vacation in the summer?

    Where is a good place to vacation in the summer? Looking for a place with a great beach blue waters fun activities for young and middle aged adults. Not looking to spend a fortune
  4. M

    Four letter words from summer vacation?

    For A homework assignment I need 25 four letter words that can be spelled with summer vacation. Please help:)
  5. N

    What are some fashion trends for the summer?

    Im going on a vacation to Maldives and I wanted to know what clothes would be cute and fashionable for the heat! Thanks :)
  6. C

    Is it true the school district is shortening summer vacation?

    So, I heard that the Glendale Unified School District or Los Angeles Unified School District (one of the two) is deciding whether or not they should shorten summer vacation for like a month. I'm not sure if this is true, I had a hard time believing it, but if anyone knows any real information...
  7. M

    if you have a 1 power vent that works for the summer do you need more...

    ...passive vents on the roof for winter? This is on the roof
  8. J

    party cruise for summer 2011?

    Im looking for a place to go to party over the summer with a bunch of friends all 21 years of age. Las Vegas we already been to now were looking for another great experience any recommendations for a good cost. Thank you
  9. A

    Poll: Spring Break or Summer Vacation?

    which is better?
  10. E

    Should I get the iPhone 4 for verizon or should I wait for iPhone 5 this summer?

    I'm able to get a new phone within the next week or 2. I want an iPhone, but i don't know if I should wait for the summer or what? The thing is it's not certain if the iPhone 5 this summer will be for verizon right away or if it will be in february 2012, or what. I've wanted an iPhone for along...
  11. I

    How to get a good summer body? lol?

    How can I get good legs? I'm not fat or anything but I need to tighten my let muscles. How can I do this within a 2month period? What exercises? Im 15. [:
  12. I

    500 days of summer dVd and blueray?

    Does the blueray of this movie come with a dvd copy?
  13. L

    Is it better to run 100% anti freeze in your car during the summer or a 50/50...

    ...mix with water? Is it better to run 100% anti freeze in your car during the summer or a 50/50 mix with water and why?
  14. P

    What to do over summer vacation 2011?

    Well im 12 and i really dont want to be inside on the computer for the whole summer cause its pathetic. i don't want to do community service, sleep away camp is too expensive and ive had enough with the mall,movies,library etc. i'm not gonna go into Walmart and do crazy stuff or any other store...
  15. S

    Im 17, have a green card, can i travel to france alone for the summer?

    I have a friend in france that i can stay with
  16. J

    where is the best place to take a summer vacation?

    where is the best place to take a summer vacation? price: location: activity: reasons:
  17. M

    I'm going on my first cruise this summer, and its for 10 days. Will I get seasick?

    It's royal carribean and the ship is huge, and I'm guessing I won't get naucous, but what does it feel like?
  18. M

    I want to tour the summer music Fests?

    But affording it would be tough. I want to attend music festivals like Bonnaroo, Wakarusa, Summercamp, Electric Forest, All Good, etc. all the "Hippie" Jam band festivals and was wondering if anyone knew of any jobs or companies that I could work for to make this happen.
  19. M

    The Summer Infant video monitor recall: What it can teach us

    [No message]
  20. K

    4 day summer trip! fashion people helpp!?

    I nees suggestions on what to wear to the airplane and in singapore! i love wearing trendy items. Style: laidback but chic :) i love vintage but nothing too girly and too punk