
  1. T

    Resurrected ParticipACTION Initiative Success Underpinned By Brand, Organizations

    Despite a six-year hiatus, a resurrected national physical activity initiative in Canada, ParticipACTION, still has the potential to succeed thanks to a "sticky" brand fostered over thirty successful years, and support from organizations with health promotion and physical activity as their...
  2. T

    Abstinence-Only Program Shows Success In Reducing Teen Sex

    "An experimental abstinence-only program without a moralistic tone can delay teens from having sex, a provocative study found," The Associated Press reports. "Billed as the first rigorous research to show long-term success with an abstinence-only approach, the study differed from traditional...
  3. A

    Does grammer and vocabulary plays vital role in success for novel?

    I know grammer and vocabulary are important but whats its role to success a novel?
  4. T

    Synexus Poland Celebrates Success Of First 'Importance Of Clinical Trials In Medical

    Synexus in Poland organised the first 'Importance of Clinical Trials in Medical Practice' conference last week, in conjunction with Wroclaw Medical University. The event, targeting senior medical professionals, aimed to raise awareness of the role of clinical research in drug development and the...
  5. W

    Have you had any greater success catching EVPs with stereo recorders than mono?

    I have seen a lot more digital recorders with stereo recording as of late. I was wondering if anyone has experimented with these new stereo digital recorders for electronic voice phenomenon in paranormal research. Has anyone had any greater success in comparison to mono digital recorders?
  6. N

    Was the Second Generation of handheld electronic game contollers a success

    or a failur? I no its a stupid question but was the controllers of tha atari 2600 and 5200 any good??
  7. L

    You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success.

    Nike signed a deal with Michael Jeffrey Jordan in 1984, introducing the basketball shoe known today as the "Air Jordan". Mike changed the game with the release of the Air Jordans because there was no other shoe like it.Jordanshoesdiy is a professional store sells Air Jordan Shoes with the best...
  8. B

    Have you had success with eHarmony?

    I'm considering subscribing to a dating websites. There are a lot of them out there and I'm not sure which one to use. I keep on seeing commercials for eHarmony and I'm curious if anyone has ever used it. If you have, what was your experience with it like? Or have you used other dating...
  9. N

    Is it possible to start a music record label and have major success without...

    ...the major label help at all? I just wanted to know because I am considering going into the music busniess as well as others (But music first) and I was reading a book on the music company of motown and how they were able to do it. Now I know that was the 50's but I'm asking is it possible to...
  10. N

    Define internal and external fertilisation. Discuss the success of each in

    water and on land.? Discuss the relative success of each in the colonisation of terrestrial and aquatic environments.
  11. N

    Define internal and external fertilisation. Discuss the success of each in

    water and on land.? Discuss the relative success of each in the colonisation of terrestrial and aquatic environments.
  12. N

    Define internal and external fertilisation. Discuss the success of each in

    water and on land.? Discuss the relative success of each in the colonisation of terrestrial and aquatic environments.
  13. G

    Lindsay A Great Success at Passions

    Hey all, I’m back from vacation! 10 days away and so much news has broke! Thanks to Julie for taking care of the site, and I’ll do my best to catch up on all the stories, photos & videos quickly. If you think I’m missing a news story, just email me! First off, contradicting earlier [...]
  14. G

    Lindsay A Great Success at Passions

    Hey all, I’m back from vacation! 10 days away and so much news has broke! Thanks to Julie for taking care of the site, and I’ll do my best to catch up on all the stories, photos & videos quickly. If you think I’m missing a news story, just email me! First off, contradicting earlier [...]
  15. M

    There's a rumor going around in Vegas that Wayne Brady's success is due in...

    ...part to the occult.? The story is that he won Sam Davis's prosthetic eye in a poker game and has it on him whenever he preforms. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  16. G

    Kepler Launch A Success, Search For E.T. Is Underway [Searching For ET]

    If you really love rocket launches and new satellites blasting into orbit, here's some free porn. It's the Kepler launch we told you about Thursday. Burns "2,200lbs of propellant per second." Hot! [Tom's Astronomy Blog] </img> </img> </img> </img>
  17. S

    what is the success rate of internet daters ?

    I know sucess can happen with dating online because i am living proof. But my concern is with dating a woman from a different country. I want to know how many people have had good experiencies with foreign woman and also the bad ones too. Because i have become very attracted to a woman from...
  18. B

    Thinking of the future with only success in the mind is considered selfish... some, would you say the same of? happiness? i.e; looking to the future with only happiness in mind is selfish?
  19. H

    freshwater fish into saltwater success?

    i've put 2 baby and 1 adult female guppy into my saltwater tank. i acclimatised them VERY slowly, like a period of about 1 week. they are Absolutely fine. i just wondered if anybody else has had any success with this? and i was just wondering if there are any other species other than...
  20. B

    I just got an LG Voyager. I have tried without any success to upload/sync my...

    ...contacts and calendar? I have exported the contacts and calendar from Outlook and figured the file could be uploaded and saved using the USB cable. Was I imagining this capability?