
  1. A

    I have a petite structure but bigger hips (not big but bigger than the rest of... im about 5"4 and 98lbs and? i would like to know how to lose a couple of inches off of my hips because they create issues when im trying to wear jeans. im14. thanks.
  2. J

    what is the corporate structure at hollywood studios?

    interested in learning about the department tree and individual jobs/responsibilities to improve job targeting
  3. L

    Describe the fungal mode of nutrition, and explain how the structure of...

    ...mycelia facilitates this mode.? Describe the fungal mode of nutrition, and explain how the structure of mycelia facilitates this mode. please make the answer short and simple (1-2 paragraph long please)
  4. J

    please may you inform me about internet network structure and

    implementations ; so about advantages of network? i would to know about: internet structure and how its structure is organised . internet implementations in more details advantages and desadvantages of internet network
  5. J

    may you give me more details about internet network structure and structure?

    computer's networking
  6. L

    Why is it that liberals can structure a rant in question format, but...

    ...conservatives can't? Just curious. Seems a little hypocritical to me...
  7. W

    what muscle car of the 70's has the strongest structure in terms safety

    1970 or 71 Dodge Super Bee. Mopar always made much tougher cars than Ford or Chevrolet. Ask anyone that ever ran demolition derby, which they would rather have in a derby. A 70 Chevy, Ford or Mopar. Guarantee it'll be Mopar.
  8. S

    from which seed plant sporophyte structure do the immature gametophytes directly

    gain water and nutrition? the sporophyte of mosses depend on the gametophytes for water and nutrition. in seed plants, the reverse is true. from which seed plant sporophyte structure do the immature gametophytes directly gain water and nutrition? a. sporophylls b. embryos c. sporangia d...
  9. K

    What are the three main componets of urban ecological structure according to

    Shevky and Bell (and Murdie):? a.________________ status. b.________________ status. c.________________ status.