
  1. A

    whats the best things to use on stretch marks?

    Im 15 and my legs are extremely muscular and I have stretch marks on the inside of my legs and it drives me crazy! some r horrible and some r getting bad. what is the best thing to use on them. what is the quickest. what is the cheapest. and what is the best. I am using Bio Oil but it doesnt...
  2. M

    Is stretch marks on your back any harm?

    i have just got stretch marks on my back and i was wondering are they any harm because they are usally on the legs or arms
  3. A

    cure for stretch marks!!?

    Things you will need: 1. Massage tool 2.Body/Facial Scrub 3. Safflower oil or olive oil 4. Aloe Vera extract or pure aloe vera gel product: If you use a plant, the plant needs to be 2 years old or older. 5. Collagen-Elastin lotion...
  4. S

    a question about stretch marks...?

    i am starting to notice that i have very light and small stretch marks on my boobs. i wouldn't say i'm fat. i am actually very small and have a pretty decent stomache. i am 14, going to be 15 in four days, only weigh 105 lbs and am 4'9". is this bad? will they go away?
  5. B

    Stretch marks???????

    I have stretch marks on my breasts and on my thighs because I grew very rapidly in a month..I went from size A36 to B38, and went from size 8 in juinors, to womens 10 petite, to 12 longs. and I grew 3 inches. GROWTH SPERT. So anyway, this was last year, and I need help with getting rid of these...
  6. X

    I have what appears to be stretch marks?

    this is my second pregnancy and I am only 14 wks I don't know if it is a rash or stretch marks I have recently been using baby oil could this be the cause
  7. J

    Problem with stretch marks, worried about loose skin in the near future.?

    Hey everyone, So here is the story: I am a 22 year old Male who spent the past 2 years overeating. about 2-3 years ago I weighed around 170 pounds and was very fit you could even see a full set of abs almost. I became asocial for a while and spent most of my time overeating out of...
  8. M

    Will I get stretch Marks?

    Me and my fiance are getting married in July and are hoping to get pregnant soon after. Like every other woman I am afraid of getting stretch marks. Is there anything you can do to prevent them? I had some plastic surgery done and my plastic surgeon told me I have very strechy skin but not sure...
  9. X

    is it normal to have large area of stretch marks.?

    for the last 8 years or so. i had problem with stretch marks.. i never paid attention when they first shown on my thigh, that was when i was about grade 6-7 ish.. now over years.. more had shown, on my chest, on my bicep, on back of shoulder... should i get it check out? is there anything...
  10. R

    does obama stretch the truth?
  11. B

    what is a bike rack stretch kit?

    I am about to purchase a base rack and a bike mount. i went to and there is the option to buy a stretch kit (130 bucks more). I have no idea what it is and the website doesn't explain it very well. Do I need this? All I am going to carry is a bike so I'm thinking no...
  12. M

    i have stretch marks and i am only a fifteen yrs. old male?

    i have stretchmarks i am a male and by where my private is and where my thighs connect i have stretchmarks how can i get rid of them please i really want to get rid of them its embarrassing with a girl too please help me get rid of them please what can i do im begging please?!?!?!?!
  13. R

    On Microsoft Word, how can I stretch a clip art over two or more pages?

    I'm using Microsoft Office 2007, and I have a clip art that's an ice cream cone with multiple scoops. I'd like to make it bigger than just stretched over one page - how can I make it print continuously over two pages?
  14. S

    Imaginative ways to stretch bike leathers?

    I went to the London bike show today and came back with a lovely new leather racesuit. It fits like a glove but as with all new leathers, is a mite stiff and I dont really fancy walking around like a robot trying to break it in! Its snowing, and probably will be for ages yet, so no chance of...
  15. M

    How do you stretch a guys Butthole?

    Ok I'm 18 and I am A gay guy and I am starting to have sex but the problem is that whenever I want to have anal sex it hurts like i dont know what! so how do you get started what are the precautions of stretching it? What do you use to stretch it How do you know if you are doing it wrong? and...
  16. E

    Why do you never see celebrities with stretch marks?

    Do they have some secret to get rid of them that no one else knows about? I have used every cream you can think of for the last 8 months after my baby and nothing works.
  17. I

    How do Celebs avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

    Just gain weight slowly and drink lots of h20 and use cocoa butter? Or other?
  18. H

    how long does it take stretch mark lotion to work?

    i have some stretch marks on my boobs and stomach and thighs and i bought some cocoa shea butter lotion designed specifically for stretch marks. how long will it take to start working if i apply it a couple times a day?