
  1. G

    Stranded orcas hold critical clues for scientists

    The development of a standardized killer-whale necropsy system has boosted the complete data from killer-whale strandings from 2 percent to about 33 percent, according to a recent study from a team of scientists, including a University of California, Davis wildlife veterinarian. The study...
  2. G

    How do you get on the Syfy show stranded?

    I was wondering if anyone knows how the process goes to get onto the show.
  3. R

    Stranded in the Philippines... is it possible to get government assistance to...

    ...get back into the USA? United States Citizen stranded in the Philippines and cannot afford airline ticket to get back home. Is there any way the government or military can help?
  4. T

    If I were to write a Sci-Fi novel about people stranded on an alien planet...?

    Sorry... My question wouldn't fit. Just hope I caught the attention of someone who can answer this as plainly as possible, please. Earth finally decides to send a colony to another planet. They somehow manage the technology and a first attempt is made. In the ship, they get lost, equipment...
  5. §

    The cruise ship this big, no one would think that it would leave you stranded in

    the middle of the ocean? Don't they have mechanics on board? Does the cruise ship have a back up engine? (if such thing exists at all)
  6. A

    Books about being stranded on an island?

    Has anyone come across this topic in a book? Such as the tv show "Lost" or the movie "cast away"? (But in book form) The only one I know of is "The Lord of the Flies" If anyone knows any please suggest it, Thanks!
  7. E

    So Atheists: If you were stranded on a quiz show and only one line had the...

    ...correct answer, would you call it? Then why do you deny the only true word of the living lord? On a quiz show, you are allowed to call someone who has the answers when you are stuck. This is a perfect analogy for the relevance of the Bible but the idiocy that prevails in RS needs everything...
  8. P

    You are stranded, what do you take?

    if you were going to be placed on an island with only 3 items ... What would they be ...... N¤ transp¤rtati¤n off the island allowed .... Everything else is
  9. B

    Sci-fi movies where they are stranded?

    Stuff like Dead Snow and The Thing. Go!
  10. S

    Why is the U.S. Coast Guard taking food to a Carnival Cruise Ship stranded at...

    ...sea for only a few days? The Coast Guard is taking shipments of spam, pop tarts and other food to the Carnival Cruise Ship stranded off Mexico because of a fire aboard. A cruise ship buffet can feed a Mexican village for weeks. They should have lots of various canned and fresh goods in...
  11. G

    Russian Military Helicopter Found Stranded on Europe's Highest Mountain [Aircraft]

    This Russian Army's Mil Mi-8 helicopter is in a surprisingly good state, considering it crashed against the east side of Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Russia and Europe. It was found by alpinist Ilya Yahsin at 15,748 feet. More »
  12. C

    Poll: Would you rather be stranded on an island with your cell phone or ipod?

    i prefer ipod, because i love music, and you might not get service for your cell phone. explain your answers please, this question is supposed to be realistic, thats why i said you might not get service for your cell phone, so take all options into consideration
  13. T

    Save The Children Increases Efforts To Reach Families Stranded By Record Monsoons In

    Save the Children deployed its rapid response team to the worst-affected and hardest to reach communities in Pakistan's Swat Valley, where record-breaking monsoon rains have triggered deadly floods and mudslides. The team had to navigate the rushing waters using rafts linked to ropes and pulleys...
  14. J

    Life or death situation, your stranded, find a deer that has been

    rotting for a week, can you cook it enough? Can you cook it enough to were you could eat it and not get sick?
  15. M

    Spirit Airways strike: What stranded passengers can do for relief

    [No message]
  16. M

    7 car problems that can leave you stranded

    [No message]
  17. K

    Survey: If you knew you were going to be stranded alone on a desert island for a

    year, ....? ....what three items would you take with you?
  18. B

    If we were stranded & lost on a hiking trip and it was 20 degrees...

    ...Fahrenheit would you? cuddle up next to me to stay warm?
  19. E

    My GMC 3500 comercial van won't shift & im stranded in SC any ideas as to what

    it might be? We were driving up the highway getting ready to get off an exit, & the tranny just stopped. We got it to go into reverse after pouring a half quart of transmission fluid in but it wnt out of gear when we switched it into drive, then it wouldnt go back into reverse and now it would...
  20. D

    where can i watch Stranded: I've Come from a Plane that Crashed in the Mountains?

    I'd prefer that no one posts just random websites that let you watch movies for free...I've tried a bunch already, can't find any. I'm looking for a direct link to the movie. It would be much obliged.