
  1. V

    "Americans Don't Like Formula 1" — The Real Story, Part 1

    Oh, if only we had a dollar for every time that phrase was uttered in the two-year run-up to the USGP. We recall smiling at the interesting relationship our media colleagues have with data. Which is to say, if a meme is out there and gets repeated enough, it becomes "true." Now Formula Money, a...
  2. A

    what is the story or narritive behind jm barries book mary rose?

    what is the sense of story or what does mary rose have to say, whats being told or communicated in the book?
  3. T

    Fantasy novel story ideas?

    I have a somewhat vague idea for a novel I would like to write. I know that it still needs some fleshing out, but I'm at a block about how to develop the basic plot some more and make it... darker and more twisted, I guess you could say? Here's the basic summary: In a world where humans and...
  4. M

    What are some great girl names for a teenager in my story?

    I'm writing a story and I can't think of a name. At first she can't remember her name and they call her by a number. She's a trained warrior and really smart and tough and very pretty. What're some good names? All I have so far are Hope and Faye. Hope because she is a guardian.
  5. L

    Would you read a story about a real vampire?

    Would you read a story about a vampire that is no Edward Cullen in fact the complete opposite? Good looking but a completely psychotic murderer that kills for fun.
  6. N

    Story of a African American girl that comes come and tries to take families quilt?

    I had to read a short story in high school and can't remember the name but I know there was a black mother with two daughters and one lives at home and cooks and cleans while the other comes home with her boyfriend and she is wrapped up in I think the back to Africa movement or something in the...
  7. C

    one day a man sees his image in the mirror is different - any story?

    its regarding a drama- i want a story or play which is based on this idea-one day a man sees his image in the mirror is different and tries to find out the reality.
  8. R

    Can you give me ideas of plot of my story?

    I need to write a short story which the final line would be "And to this day I still don't know why she did it". I just cannot think of any storyline. Any ideas is greatly appreciated.
  9. A

    Im writing a story and i need help?

    Ok so im writing a story and the main character has an alarm clock that recognises her voice and talks at will. What would be a good name for the clock?
  10. G

    i need some short story ideas!?

    i have to write a short story for a class and i need a few topic suggestions. i have a couple of ideas: -girl moving to london -guy who hallucinates an adventure -set in 14th century england a boy witnesses a murder i just need help with conflict and plot etc. or any other suggestion topics :)
  11. J


    Hi guys. I am a 15 year old girl who loves to write and read. I was wondering if someone could please please edit these two sections for me. They both from different scene so yeah. I have also given a little background on each part like what's happening so you have an idea what I'm talking...
  12. I

    Is Transformers Dark of the Moon based on a true story?

    I know it may seem like a stupid question but I'm watching the news right now and New York still looks pretty messed up from all the robot attacks. How much will it cost to rebuild?
  13. P

    Review this story please? Called THE EYE-10 points for the best response!?

    THE EYE The night was cool, the lake calm, and the fog had appeared suddenly, as if trying to impede Jed's mission. Even the lighthouse beam that swept the water couldn't penetrate the mist; it was dense, clammy, and smelled of ozone and seaweed. He was thankful for that light; it was a homing...
  14. B

    Who is "A" supposed to be in the Pretty Little Liars story?

    Even though i have a hunch who A' is from the pretty liars. just wondering who 'A' is? I just started reading book 2 on my Nook(Book one wasn't available yet to 'download/or borrow from Overdrive yet
  15. L

    Is this a good beginning to my story?

    My body ached as my dad pulled the car into our new house, in England. I don't want to be here. Especially, the fact that our house is old from like, the 1500's. I regret coming here. "We're here!" My dad cheered. I can't believe he's excited about this. My brother, Lucas, hopped out of the car...
  16. K

    Do you like my story?

    Once upon a time... There was Harry Styles he married another man, the child was a celery stick, Harry was mad at his little celery stick because it had been having sexual intercourse with a carrot.... The young celery stick then raped me and my dog. I had to jump out into a lake of frozen...
  17. K

    Can't decide on what story to write?

    I am wanting to write a series novel like they did with the twilight saga. I just can't decide on which one I want to write. There's one story that a girl ends up pregnant in high school and her boyfriend leaves her, she falls in love with someone else, then her ex tries to get back with her...
  18. M

    What do you think of my story so far?

    I am in the process of writing a novel for school and this is what I have written so far. Feel free to give me feedback on how I can improve my characters and make them even more interesting. Kendall Kavanaugh: This teenage girl is going to be the main character in the story. She is a highly...
  19. L

    What should the main character of my story be like?

    So I have this story idea I came up with that is VERY VERY under construction. It's sort of inspired by The Cider House Rules if you want an idea. THE PLOT: a city boy works on a peach farm out in the middle of nowhere for a month. Whilst there he realizes picking peaches is a lot of work, but...
  20. E

    What is your favorite zombie movie in terms of story, fear, and gore?

    Mine is day of the dead (original)