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    Brand Logos Stimulate Color Memories, Study Shows

    The familiarity of popular brand logos and brand names increases the memory of color, according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE. Researchers from Japan conducted two experiments with a number of undergraduate and graduate students to determine whether the memorized color of objects...
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    Compounds That Stimulate The Cannabinoid Type 2 Receptor In White Blood Cells Can Wea

    A new use for compounds related in composition to the active ingredient in marijuana may be on the horizon: a new research report published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology shows that compounds that stimulate the cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor in white blood cells, specifically...
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    bearded dragon gel to help stimulate eating.?

    does anyone know the gel that can start stimulating bearded dragon appetite ?
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    Do Protein-Only meals stimulate Insulin Secretion ?

    For Instance "Grilled Chicken Breast" --> WIll it simulate insulin at all ? "Boiled Eggs" which contain only traces of carbohydrates, do they stimulate insulin? It's very important for me to know so that I control my glucose in my blood.
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    what am i supposed to feel when i stimulate the g-spot?

    i tried to stimulate my g-spot for the 1st time but the whole thing wasn't comfortable, so i hav a question, what exactly am i supposed to feel when i stimulate it?
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    What would stimulate your brain: Watching cars going around in a circle or...

    ...watching Gold Fish for 4 hrs? the question should had been phrased " Do Conservative NASCAR lovers have brains ? "
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    Best way to stimulate appetite ?

    Im losing allot of weight. It may be stress or an underlying health issue. And Im getting tested soon for that. But does anyone know of an herb or way to stimulate your appetite? Im active most of the day chasing my 15 month old around. I started eating protein bars and shakes but they seem to...
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    How does a$246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers, stimulate

    the economy?