
  1. C

    Are There Steroid Enhancing Drugs In Sports-bike Or Motocross Racing ?

    Hate to think I was whooped by some whooped-out rider whoopng it up on drugs. Makes me want to do the whoopies both ways, just to see. Does Power-Ade count?
  2. T

    'Hybrid' Surveillance Strategy Aided Response To Contaminated Steroid Outbreak In Vir

    An innovative "hybrid" surveillance strategy - highlighted by close cooperation between public health officials and clinical partners - helped Virginia mount an efficient and effective response to the ongoing outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections, according to a report in the...
  3. A

    Grossed Out By Meat? Blame This Stinky Pig Steroid (And Your Genes)

    Some people are white-knuckle vegetarians*who fantasize about tender slices of warm, savory ham or crackling strips of bacon but, for whatever reason, resist the urge and stick with a meat-free diet. Others, though, are genuinely squicked out by the smell, the texture, and the appearance of...
  4. A

    Derrick Rose and the NBA’s apparent ‘huge’ steroid problem

    Derrick Rose says that performance enhancing drugs are a huge problem in the NBA, in a snippet that made the pages of ESPN the Magazine a few weeks ago, and the reaction to his comment seems to have hit a fever pitch. And while we don't question Rose's knowledge of the inner-workings of this...
  5. C

    Can steroid testing be made tougher for MMA?

    As of right now, the testing is not good. The fighters time their cycles and show up as clean before the fights. Only careless fighters get caught. How can this problem be solved? I mean, as of right now, you have an extremely high amount of fighters using steroids in their training program...
  6. B

    steroid era in baseball?

    is it just me or do other people feel this way i think baseball was more exciting ten years ago when Big Mac-Slammy Sammy-Bonds-Piazza-A-Rod-Juan Gonzalez-Rafael Palmeiro-Ken Griffey Jr.-EXC not saying they all used steroids but baseball was more exciting with steroids cause i think Home Runs...
  7. J

    What's the best steroid?

    I'm 16 years old and I play football for my high school. I'm tired of bring skinny and weak, so Me and my friend are trying steroids for half a cycle each. What is the best steroid for short term use and should it be injectable or oral?
  8. T

    The Heart May Be Weakened More Than Previously Thought By Long-Term Anabolic Steroid

    Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken the heart more than previously thought and may increase the risk of heart failure, according to research reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. Anabolic-androgenic steroids mimic the naturally occurring...
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    The Heart May Be Weakened More Than Previously Thought By Long-Term Anabolic Steroid

    Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken the heart more than previously thought and may increase the risk of heart failure, according to research reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. Anabolic-androgenic steroids mimic the naturally occurring...
  10. T

    The Heart May Be Weakened More Than Previously Thought By Long-Term Anabolic Steroid

    Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken the heart more than previously thought and may increase the risk of heart failure, according to research reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. Anabolic-androgenic steroids mimic the naturally occurring...
  11. T

    The Heart May Be Weakened More Than Previously Thought By Long-Term Anabolic Steroid

    Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken the heart more than previously thought and may increase the risk of heart failure, according to research reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. Anabolic-androgenic steroids mimic the naturally occurring...
  12. T

    The Heart May Be Weakened More Than Previously Thought By Long-Term Anabolic Steroid

    Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken the heart more than previously thought and may increase the risk of heart failure, according to research reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. Anabolic-androgenic steroids mimic the naturally occurring...
  13. S

    Why Shane Mosley says FLOYD MAYWEATHER JR. is a GAY & a steroid user?

    READ HERE... here in Yahoo! Answer boxing. FLOYD MAYWEATHER JR. is called GAYWEATHER
  14. T

    Ipsen Establishes Optimal Biological Dose For BN83495 Steroid Sulphatase (STS) Inhibi

    Ipsen (Paris:IPN) (Euronext: FR0010259150; IPN) announced the preliminary results of a phase I trial in metastatic breast cancer with BN83495, Ipsen's lead and first-in-class orally available irreversible steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitor. In the course of the study, the optimal biological dose...
  15. H

    Why so many Baseball players use steroid?

    What made Steroid so special for Baseball player? Does Steroid affects them? And who is the greatest MLB player that use Steroid?
  16. B

    Steroid use in sports?

    If steroids are against the law, how is it that if you get caught in sports you don't go to jail you just get a fine, and a slap on the wrist?
  17. J

    Difference between Employment drug test and Athletic steroid test?

    Employers check for drugs like marijuana,cocaine, etc.. but whats the difference or is there??? Can you fail an employment drug test if on steroids? Or does an employment drug test not detect that? What is the difference? I know employment test = Pea in a cup What about Athletic steriod test...
  18. B

    Can asthma inhalers lower your immune system? Or just steroid pills?

    I heard that steroid pills definitely lower your immune system, as they go throughout the whole body,but what about asthma inhalers? they technically only travel to your lungs..but they have steroids in the as well, so I'm not sure what to think. Can anyone help clarify this? I'm concerned...
  19. E

    what do you think are affective ways of stoping the future steroid use in sports?

    what do you think is a good way in order to stop/prevent the steroid use in sports in the near future? any ideas of facts you know of that they are currently working on to stop this problem? thank you
  20. T

    Any side effects in steroid creams?

    Is there any side effects in steroids cream!