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    Stroke Recovery Aided By Stem Cells

    Stem cells from bone marrow or fat improve recovery after stroke in rats, finds a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy. Treatment with stem cells improved the amount of brain and nerve repair and the ability of the animals to complete behavioural...
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    Stem Cell Transplant Studies Raise Hopes Of Treatment For ALS

    For the first time, hopes are raised that the devastating and fatal nerve-cell-wasting disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be treatable, following a recently published review of 11 independent animal studies of the disease. The accumulated evidence shows it may be possible to...
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    Japanese Team Creates Cancer-Specific Killer T Cells From Induced Pluripotent Stem Ce

    Researchers from the RIKEN Research Centre for Allergy and Immunology in Japan report today that they have succeeded for the first time in creating cancer-specific, immune system cells called killer T lymphocytes, from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells). To create these killer cells, the...
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    Stanford Researchers Use Stem Cells To Pinpoint Cause Of Common Type Of Sudden Cardia

    When a young athlete dies unexpectedly on the basketball court or the football field, it's both shocking and tragic. Now Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have, for the first time, identified the molecular basis for a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that is the most...
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    An Advance In The Use Of Stem Cells In Personalized Medicine

    Johns Hopkins researchers report concrete steps in the use of human stem cells to test how diseased cells respond to drugs. Their success highlights a pathway toward faster, cheaper drug development for some genetic illnesses, as well as the ability to pre-test a therapy's safety and...
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    Stem Cell Therapies Likely In The Future For MS and Other Myelin Disorders

    When the era of regenerative medicine dawned more than three decades ago, the potential to replenish populations of cells destroyed by disease was seen by many as the next medical revolution. However, what followed turned out not to be a sprint to the clinic, but rather a long tedious slog...
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    Study Sheds Light On Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy For Pancreatic Recovery

    Researchers at Cedars-Sinai's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute have found that a blood vessel-building gene boosts the ability of human bone marrow stem cells to sustain pancreatic recovery in a laboratory mouse model of insulin-dependent diabetes. The findings, published in a PLOS ONE...
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    Multiple Similarities Discovered Between Cancer Cells And Induced Pluripotent Stem Ce

    UC Davis investigators have found new evidence that a promising type of stem cell now being considered for a variety of disease therapies is very similar to the type of cells that give rise to cancer. The findings suggest that although the cells -- known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)...
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    Scientists Find New Way To Up Safety Factor Of Stem Cell Therapy By Causing Contamina

    Pluripotent stem cells show great potential in treating various debilitating diseases, but at a risk: during the process of reprogramming the cells so they will grow (differentiate) into the desired tissue, some of their DNA may be damaged causing them to develop into tumors. Researchers have...
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    Steps To Isolate Stem Cells From Brain Tumors Shown In JoVE Article

    A new video protocol in Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) details an assay to identify brain tumor initiating stem cells from primary brain tumors. Through flow cytometry, scientists separate stem cells from the rest of the tumor, allowing quick and efficient analysis of target cells...
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    New Insights Into Muscle Stem Cells: At The Right Place At The Right Time

    Muscles have a pool of stem cells which provides a source for muscle growth and for regeneration of injured muscles. The stem cells must reside in special niches of the muscle for efficient growth and repair. The developmental biologists Dr. Dominique Bröhl and Prof. Carmen Birchmeier of the...
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    University Of Maryland Study: Neonatal Heart Stem Cells May Help Mend Kids' Broken He

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, who are exploring novel ways to treat serious heart problems in children, have conducted the first direct comparison of the regenerative abilities of neonatal and adult-derived human cardiac stem cells. Among their findings: cardiac...
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    Missing Link Discovered Between Stem Cells And Immune System

    UCLA researchers have discovered a type of cell that is the "missing link" between bone marrow stem cells and all the cells of the human immune system, a finding that will lead to a greater understanding of how a healthy immune system is produced and how disease can lead to poor immune function...
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    Stem Cell Behavior In Regeneration And Disease

    The skin, the blood, and the lining of the gut - adult stem cells replenish them daily. But stem cells really show off their healing powers in planarians, humble flatworms fabled for their ability to rebuild any missing body part. Just how adult stem cells build the right tissues at the right...
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    Discovery Of Epigenetic Links In Cell-Fate Decisions Of Adult Stem Cells Could Pave W

    The ability to control whether certain stem cells ultimately become bone cells holds great promise for regenerative medicine and potential therapies aimed at treating metabolic bone diseases. Now, UCLA School of Dentistry professor and leading cancer scientist Dr. Cun-Yu Wang and his research...
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    Adult Stem Cells From Bone Marrow

    Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Maryland report promising results from using adult stem cells from bone marrow in mice to help create tissue cells of other organs, such as the heart, brain and pancreas - a scientific step they hope may lead to potential new ways to replace...
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    Amniotic Fluid Yields Alternatives To Embryonic Stem Cells

    Stem cells found in amniotic fluid can be transformed into a more versatile state similar to embryonic stem cells, according to a study published in the journal Molecular Therapy. Scientists from Imperial College London and the UCL Institute of Child Health succeeded in reprogramming amniotic...
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    Stem Cell Treatment Of Heart Attacks May Be Improved By 'Master Molecule'

    Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that a single protein molecule may hold the key to turning cardiac stem cells into blood vessels or muscle tissue, a finding that may lead to better ways to treat heart attack patients. Human heart tissue does not heal well after a heart attack, instead...
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    Girl Gets New Veins Made From Her Own Stem Cells [Medicine]

    A team of scientists from the University of Gothenburg has managed to grow new veins for a 10-year-old girl using her own stem cells—and then, in a medical first, successfully implant them into her body. More »
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    Stem Cells In The Embryonic Kidney

    Studying mice and humans, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and their collaborators in Paris have identified two proteins that are required to maintain a supply of stem cells in the developing kidney. In the presence of the two proteins, FGF9 and FGF20, mouse...