
  1. M

    Which of the following statements about Greek religion is true?

    Strong Greek men would climb to the summit of Mt. Olympus to try and visit the gods. There was a strong movement in Greece to promote a monotheistic religion. Councilmen in Greek government were said to speak directly to the gods and goddesses. Greeks built temples dedicated to certain gods or...
  2. G

    Can someone give two sentences that are general statements about literary elements?

    Just two sentences to start my essay with.....
  3. A

    Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding microbial nutrition,

    ecology, and growth? A) the term facultative anaerobe refers to an organism that doesn't use oxygen but tolerates it B) the generation time refers to the length of time needed for a cell to divide C) whether an organism is an autotroph or heterotroph depends on its source of nitrogen D) a...
  4. S

    catch statements

    Does it matter in what order for FileNotFoundException and IOExceptipon are written?:3_8_14[1]:
  5. A

    From a Christian perspective, which one of these following statements...

    ...regarding the Anti-Christ is true? From a Christian perspective, which one of these following statements (as shown below) regarding the Anti-Christ is true?? :-/ Please answer. Thanks. A. The Christian concept of the Anti-Christ is literal. In other words, the Anti-Christ is literally a...
  6. M

    R & S-ers! Would you plz state if the following statements are True or False?

    1. ''Agnosticism is a stance of knowledge, not belief. Atheism and theism are stances of belief'' - True or False? 2. ''Agnosticism is NOT the middle position between theism and atheism'' - True or False? 3. ''Agnosticism is NOT mutually exclusive with either theism or atheism. Its perfectly...
  7. C

    Should we show any Funds / Bank Balance Statements to show that you are self

    funded for UK Travel Visa? I plan to go as a visitor (Tourist) for 10 days...
  8. J

    Discuss the five statements that Dr. Byock says the dying person needs to say? How?

    Discuss the five statements that Dr. Byock says the dying person needs to say? How would doing these more often in our lives impact our quality of life?
  9. H

    Newbie with Java Programming (If statements and Doubles)?

    I'm a beginner at Java Programming and I'm having problems with a part of my program. Heres a piece of the code towards the end. String Option4 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("For Designer Furniture with Cloth Upholstery Enter 1 \n" + "For all Above Plus Captains Chair with Leather...
  10. J

    BASIC JAVA NEWBIE, switch,if,else statements?

    Guys I know I posted this question earlier, but didn't really get pushed into the right direction. The questions states: The problem states, write a program that allows the user to convert a temperature given in degrees from either Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius. Use the...
  11. M

    Sweeping statements made by the new world order conspiracy theorists?

    They tell us the worlds population would not be allowed to rise above 500 million people.Well the world is over populated and resources are running out fast.So what is so bad about making sure of the survival of the human race? After thats what we are all trying to do is it not survive?
  12. T

    which of the following statements is true?

    A. Fiber concentration is found only in the skins of fruits and vegetables, B. Eating soluble fiber is important for proper bowel functioning. C. Whole grains contribute to chronic constipation. D. Food processing is known to reduce the content of fiber. plz help, im not good at this kind of...
  13. L

    how does a compnay use financial statements to make future business decisions?

    I need to include these words in the paper: assets; comparative statements; liabilities; stockholders equity
  14. R

    Do you think religions have made far to many reckless statements to be trusted?

    Can we risk allowing organized religion the opportunity to persuade us any longer?
  15. A

    T Mobile and Home call records/billing statements?

    I had a t mobile prepaid account which is no longer activated and a house phone that is also no longer on but i'd like my billing history and call records from last may for both. is there anyway i can do this and if so how? thanks in advance
  16. A

    Which of the following statements are true?

    1. At least one of these ten statements is false. 2. At least two of these ten statements are false. 3. At least three of these ten statements are false. 4. At least four of these ten statements are false. 5. At least five of these ten statements are false. 6. At least six of these ten...