
  1. M

    How long will it take for a gerbil to starve to death?

    I hate my gerbils they are noisy and they bite me and I just cannot stand them anymore! Sometimes I get so pissed off with them I hurt them and now I want to starve them to death so my parents will think they died of something else. Don't give bs answers like "you don't deserve to have pets!" I...
  2. R

    If I starve myself,and only consume cigarettes,how long would I live?

    I've kind of been depressed,I don't really plan on killing myself,I just want to know how long until I COULD die.
  3. A

    In The Age Of CGI, Why Should Anne Hathaway Starve Herself For Les Miserables?

    Anne Hathaway is apparently eating 500 calories per day in an effort to shed 16 pounds for her role in Les Miserables—or at least, a few scenes of the film. Unlike other roles that have required Hathaway to lose weight (like Catwoman, for example), her role as Fantine—a prostitute who dies and...
  4. G

    Busy Raising Virtual Baby, Couple Lets Their Real Baby Starve [Sad]

    This is upsetting. A South Korean couple was arrested for starving their baby to death, reportedly only feeding her once a day after marathon sessions at an internet cafe. What was keeping them so busy? Their virtual baby. Yeah. The couple, who met on the internet (warning sign?), dutifully...
  5. S

    North Americans become obese while foreign children starve - question ?

    what do you guys have to say abt dat. In fact, the average American consumes as much food as 32 Kenyans, according to author Jared Diamond. The opposite of obesity, in this case, is malnutrition. Strangely, both of these severe health concerns are widespread in the world today. The World Health...
  6. H

    How long do you have to starve until people around you notice that you're...

    ...lost weight? Please just answer how long~ Thanks :)
  7. K

    If i starve my cat, will it hunt the 'roaches in my house?

    theres bugs everywhere but my cat isnt killing them he just kinda plays wth them will he EAT the bugs if i stop giving him food?1