
  1. M

    New agreement sets regional standards for heating and cooling appliances, could save

    [No message]
  2. P

    Advantages and disadvantage of commodity moneys, commodity standards, and fiat...

    ...moneys? Is fiat money prefereble to the other forms? why or why not?
  3. A

    Will I have to modify my cars to meet emissions standards?

    We are moving to California. I have a 2007 Honda fit and 2005 odyssey. Doesn't California standards go beyond others
  4. K

    what are the standards for modeling for fashion?

    I want to be a model really bad but i don't what the standards are ..
  5. B

    How do I complain to advertising standards in the UK?

    I think the TV ad is sexist and should be banned. How do I complain about it?
  6. R

    People whining about lowering their standards?

    I noticed some testimonies in the news about how some families are coping with the recession. Most of these families still have two incomes and are just whining about how they have to lower their standards and how their kids have to work now in order to pay for education and whatnot. What about...
  7. J

    What are the current emission standards for California?

    As in, the ceiling for NOX levels, carbon levels, etc.. Just trying to compare it with Arizona emission standards to see what I have to fix, or if I have to fix anything at all, when I move there.
  8. F

    Standards on Kia Soul?

    Okay I've been looking around on the Kia Soul right. Well I have noticed some things in the car that I don't see as add ons or features. This list includes: Back Up Camera Back Up Sensors Heated Seats GPS NAV Key-less Remote (with "automatic Lift-gate") --- Does the Kia Soul Standard come with...
  9. M

    Why do women complain about double standards?

    Some reason i hear a lot of women complaining about this double standard for women being called sluts and whores and that's it not fair that guys get a pat on the back for the same reactions. Last time i checked its not that guys who go around spreading the rumors. i don't remember having one...
  10. D

    Do CAFE Standards Give Us Lower MPG Ratings?

    The CAFE standards were enacted by Congress to raise the average fuel consumption of America's automobile's. However the unintended consequence of this law was to create the SUV market. Should the CAFE laws be repealed so we can have larger cars that get better gas mileage than SUV's?
  11. O

    Of all religions, which has the highest moral standards?

    What do you think? Would you care to explain why you think so? Thanks in advance for your time and thought! Sure, priest of Anubis. I'm curious. Laptop Jesus: Where and when was this "Jainism" founded...? And by whom? I'm ashamed to say that I've never heard of it. It sounds interesting... Oh...
  12. T

    What are some good standards and morals to follow when hunting small game birds... dove and quail? Thanks for the details... Tim
  13. J

    Why doesn't Internet Explorer follow web standards?

    Internet Explorer doesn't follow proper web standards. When will they actually support legit coding? (web sites and such) Its a pain trying to code around I.E.'s flaws. Also if anybody knows any good sites that help code around I.E. and its crap flaws, feel free to add those. like tutorial sites.
  14. J

    Hollywood's standards of things and societies?

    Do you think the Hollywood's standards of good/bad/beauty/love is ruining society or making it better??? why or why not??? Modern day society is influenced by Hollywood and its definitions of things. Its like we allowed them to spoon feed us their standards of things.
  15. B

    Why does Hollywood place such unrealistic standards on everyone, & why do people...

    Why does Hollywood place such unrealistic standards on everyone, & why do people... ...try to emulate it? Not only does Hollywood try to look larger than life (and succeeds), but they place the same pressure on everyone else, and sure enough, many others fall for it and try to emulate all of...
  16. K

    Do you think the credit companies will have to drop their standards in the future? ?

    With so many houses in forclosure and people losing their jobs and not being able to pay their bills, there will be more people with bad credit than with good credit. I know forclosure looks bad on your credit and also not paying your bills. What do you think?
  17. S

    Where on the internet can I find free sheet music (standards) for solo jazz piano?

    I'm looking for ADVANCED music by Harold Arlen, etc. Thanks!
  18. C

    wouldn't lincoln, if held to todays liberal standards, be very unpopular today?

    didn't he continue the war that killed hundreds of thousands ,to include civilians, under a huge outcry for peace and only "freed" the south's slaves in order to undermine the south's economy. why did'nt he free the north's slaves?