
  1. I

    gmana cara setting nokia 3500 spy smsnya masuk ke memori card, bukan ke memori hp?

    kan biasanya ada di message/setting/general ato other/memory in use. klo nokia 3500 kok ga ada ya??apa settingnya lain?gimana?
  2. D

    Are satellites a spy threat to our lives?

    How many many satellites are there out there, hundreds, thousands, hundred-thousand if even more? Can they look over us at our everyday lives? If they can could they not use that to there advantages by looking out for terrorists attack plans and other threats.
  3. T

    Ultimate Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy.. Does it actually work?

    Or is this a hoax?? Do you know about any legitimate devices that allow you to monitor another person's text messages and phone calls?
  4. S

    Spy satellite...Can anyone help me out?

    For a spy satellite, in earth's orbit 500 km high, able to resolve details of 0.5 m, the minimum diameter of the light gathering surface needs to be ________ m.