
  1. W

    Film Quiz - spot the movie:?

    Clues will come every 15 minutes ok Here's the first clue 1. Lately, it's gotten worse 2. I am Mister black people Easy wasn't it Mike
  2. R

    The Fashion Spot invitation?

    Would anyone be helpful to send me an invitation code to sign up for the fashion spot.
  3. H

    What is the best vacation spot for a romantic yet adventurous exotic trip?

    My boyfriend and I are planning on going south in October for his birthday, We are a young couple who love to do adventurous activities and at that same time want something mature and romantic. We don't want to have to watch out for kids, We want five star accommodations with a four star price...
  4. Y

    Verizon mobile hot spot?

    Ok my boyfriend has a phone that has that mobile hot spot and thats how I get internet But I want to know if every time you use it they charge you or it doesn't matter? Or someone explain how that hot spot works please and thank you :)
  5. G

    Army Uses Radar to Spot Suicide Bombers From 100 Yards [War]

    The security at Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel wasn't nearly enough to stop nine suicide bombers from setting the place ablaze and killing 12 people last month. But the U.S. military thinks it can do better – by spotting treacherous individuals before they get close enough to cause serious harm...
  6. S

    In search of a cool lounge-y spot in Chicago...?

    My mom lives in the Gurnee area, but does not get down to the city very often. So when my boyfriend and I visit her in a couple of months (the weekend prior to Labor Day) I would like to take her "out on the town". We've been to the city quite a bit during the day, but never really at night. I...
  7. J

    Betta with big tan spot around anus?

    I am using my sisters account to ask this, but that isn't important. Anyways, today I noticed that my bettas anus is very exposed, and has a large anus whole and it has a big tan spot. He is swimming perfectly and everything, and I have never noticed this until now. My dad found live bloodworms...
  8. P

    Top 10 toursit spot in the world.

    Hello, I have listed top 10 tourist spot in the world by visitor. Please contribute to my list to enlarge it. 1. France - 76 million 2. Spain - 55.6 million 3. United States - 49.4 million 4. China - 46.8 million 5. Italy - 36.5 million 6. United Kingdom - 30 million 7. Mexico - 21.9 million...
  9. M

    Itchy red spot on thigh?

    I recently had tonsillitis and while I was spending a whole week in bed, an itchy red patch appeared on my inner thigh, towards my groin. I've been better for a week and just been ignoring it but it's been itchy and yeah, it's dry and flaky as well. I'm a 16 year old male. And it's not herpes...
  10. C

    Im worried if I quit my job on the spot I wont get two weeks pay, or I wont

    get paid for any vacation time I? Im worried if I quit my job on the spot I wont get two weeks pay, or I wont get paid for any vacation time I have accumulated!...Can anybody tell me what I am entitled to as far as money is concerned (final pay) if I quit on the spot?
  11. G

    Does anyone know of a good spot to go dirt biking in sacramento california?

    Well i dont own a dirt bike so it would have to be a place were they rent you one. Thanks
  12. S

    Read Details please! :)Where is a great beach vacation spot?

    I am wanting to go to the beach with my family for my high school graduation trip. I will probably be taking about 10 or 11 of my family members not including me. So we would need a condominium to stay in. I would also like for it to be a nice atmostphere. Not a lot of crazy party areas where...
  13. L

    Suggestions on a new vacation spot?

    My two best friends from high school and i want to go on a trip this summer to catch up and have a good time. Were all 21/22 years old and looking to go somewhere new/fun with exciting things to see and do. We're not crazy girls who like to go out every night but every once in a while for sure...
  14. B

    Does it cost an additional charge if I use my Motorola Xoom as a wifi spot?

    Yes basically as the question states, I signed up for the 3gig data plan and was wondering if I used the tether feature it would cost additional charges? I'm not asking if it used my data plan, I'm just asking if I uses the feature ill be charged for it.
  15. D

    Miz taking undertakers spot rumored / Undertakers brother 2.0?

    Ok so I heard on yahoo answers someone talking about the MIZ taking undertakers spot . I thought it was a joke then I researched it and it may be correct . The undertakers streak means nothing . If the WWE produces ratings as a bad guy in the wwe then taker leaves next year and goes into the...
  16. J

    So are you ticklish? if so where is the most ticklish spot? feet? ribs? tummy?...

    ...where exactly? LOL? I am most ticklish on my ribs ... 4 sure!!! ... LOLOL
  17. Z

    how to work my 5 spot on a e machines home computer with a laptop at the same time?

    well i bought a Verizon 5 spot thing and it works for my nook and laptop to work at the same time but i cant get my home computer, my laptop, and my nook to work at the same time. I can get the home computer to work alone but not all three things at once. Please help me im a computer hog and i...
  18. Z

    how to work my 5 spot on a e machines home computer with a laptop at the same time?

    well i bought a Verizon 5 spot thing and it works for my nook and laptop to work at the same time but i cant get my home computer, my laptop, and my nook to work at the same time. I can get the home computer to work alone but not all three things at once. Please help me im a computer hog and i...
  19. A

    Can someone please send me an invitation for The Fashion Spot forums?

    I want to join the TFS forums, but I need someone to send me an invitation. Is there anyone here who can send me one? Please && Thank You. =D
  20. 0

    What was the phone that had the mobile hot spot?

    i remember seeing a commercial on tv of a phone that had a mobile hotspot were up to 5 wireless devices could connect to, what phone was that do you remember.......the commercial had a lady sitting on something and like a circle around her