
  1. G

    I need to unlock my nokia 6301, i spoke with nokia and they said something

    about flashing the phone? They said that i need to find someone or learn somehow, how get get my phone flashed. See the problem is that my sim card works but when i put my wives sim card it asks me for a security code. They said that i set a password when i recall that i didn't. But anyways...
  2. G

    I Spoke Too Soon, My iMac Is &#$@ed, Too [Broken]

    Last week, my head buzzing with new gadget endorphins, I wrote a fun post about my new iMac, teasing whether or not it arrived in one piece. But now, I've realized, there is something wrong. And I'm not alone. (No, the punchline isn't, "I'm using a Mac instead of a PC! *rimshot*") I, like...
  3. A

    DOWNHILL Mountain Bike (Bent Spoke)?

    I have a bent spoke on my rear wheel, it's loose as well. Just wondering should i attend to it a.s.a.p, or will I still be able to play around on it? I'm not doing anything serious like drop offs, or huge jumps. Thanks for your assistance!
  4. R

    OMG! Obama spoke to my child at school via Satellite. Now he's a

    Socialist Nazi Communist Pig...lol!? now how in the hell do all y'all folks out there feel now that the brain washing speech is over...lol! do you actually think that millions of grade school kids in America will actually remember or care about what the guy had to say. less than an hour after...
  5. A

    Why didn't anyone complain so much when Bush spoke to school children?

    The things he spoke about such as "work hard at school" etc. hardly seem "socialist propaganda".... I think it's just become the "cool" thing for Americans to hate on the their president. I mean disagreeing with him is one thing, even passionately disagreeing with he president, but the amount...
  6. J

    Just exactly what does spoke count and rim type have to do with ride comfort?

    Like do some rims have more natural flex than others? Do fewer spokes/type enable more shock absorbtion on a rough surface? Is there really a significant difference relative to tire selection? Can you reference your answer, or is it just your opinion? Thanks for the help here. I credit Jie C...
  7. X

    anyone met any celebrities before as in spoke to them?

    x who?
  8. T

    just spoke to the IRS and rumor is incorrect!!!!!!!?

    i called the IRS @ 18008291040 and spoke to an agent and asked her if the rumor about the recovery rebate credit delaying any refunds and she said that it is only a rumor because they on their end have no such information so who knows why dates are changing but it's not recovery rebate unless...