
  1. C

    Why does my ex fiance wants me to meet his wife? Spiritual Warfare?

    I started dating this guy for1 week then I dumped him. Later after I dumped him Satan came after me in the Spiritual World trying to attack me. So I decided to call him back(I was curious).We dated then we got engaged to1 1/2 months later.While we were engaged his ex-girlfriend was calling him...
  2. S

    Does the Spiritual Church of Canada recognize Christ?

    I'm very confused about this 'religion'. I'm with the understanding that some people who conduct the services are practising mediums, bringing through messages from the departed loved ones during the services. I've been told in the past that channelling is against Christianity. I really need the...
  3. S

    Do Nuns receive spiritual gifts such as prophecy, etc from God?

    Just wondering if holy nuns and i guess also priests, receive ''spiritual gifts'' like bi locating, prophecy, visions, communicating with Jesus and the saints as a gift from God, once taking their vows? I know that some saints while living on earth had those graces. Do all nuns have these gifts?
  4. A

    religiously pondering on a spiritual level regarding your answers here on R&S?

    have you ever look back on your answers and noticed just how jacked up and retarded your answers where,and did you or do you sneak back and fix them ?
  5. M

    where can i go in or outside the country to live a cheap or jobless spiritual life?

    this can be anywhere that i can work on meditation and spiritual work (were i can work with a group of people would be nice) i prefer places where they may know some english this can also be charities shelters or certain spiritual or volunteer organizations were you can stay for free or cheap
  6. W

    Poll: Are you religious, spiritual, agnostic or atheist?

    I'm doing a research project and was wondering what beliefs you guys have I will create a poll out of all the answers
  7. K

    In spiritual terms, what is a "figure"; can spiritual speak and Proverbs be riddles?

    In spiritual terms, what is a "figure"; can spiritual speak and Proverbs be riddles? Proverbs 1:6 To understand a proverb and a figure, The words of the wise and their riddles.
  8. H

    In what spiritual ways should one prepare a woman to be hanged for murdering her...

    ...husband? question is hypothetical
  9. C

    Can anyone who is psychic or Spiritual give me some counsel?

    What will my love life be like will I meet my soul mate if so can you describe her.
  10. D

    Christians: Do you believe that God created the spiritual realm, as well?

    Even if he always existed, he must have had a place to exist.
  11. B

    what is the spiritual significance behind crows?

    Im wonderring what the spiritual significance behind crows is....and I have a very good reason to ask. I am christian, and lived with a few others from different spiritual backgrounds & beliefs, and when I lived with them, all these crows appeared in my life. They would sit outside in the back...
  12. M

    1st corinthians 12 spiritual gifts?

    in chapter 12 of 1st Corinthians what were the problems to do with spiritual gifts that Paul wrote about and what advice did Paul give to the people of the Corinth church to help deal with the problems
  13. M

    1st corinthians 12 spiritual gifts?

    in chapter 12 of 1st Corinthians what were the problems to do with spiritual gifts that Paul wrote about and what advice did Paul give to the people of the Corinth church to help deal with the problems
  14. M

    do you bleieve in prayer and spiritual rituals like blessings?

    i do and i believe that they work, i'm just wondering if there are others out there that might not go to church every week and believe in all aspects of their religon but still belive in the higher power and prayer and stuff? i'm trying to figure out how to suggest to someone that they get a...
  15. A

    spiritual people: question about the aura?

    in regards the the aura and keeping it clean and strong-- i have heard things like drug/alcohol use, unhealthy eating etc can damage your aura.. this is going to sound a bit stupid on my part having said what i just said, but i wonder--does smoking cigarettes damage my aura and spiritual growth...
  16. J

    I think I have the spiritual gift of prophecy but I'm not sure how to use it...

    ...or why I have it. How can I know? I have done a lot of research on the spiritual gift of prophecy but nothing I have found completely describes how my gift works. I get very, very strong feelings about things to the point that I know for certain that it is going to happen or be a certain way...
  17. T

    Believers,what do you think of this spiritual revelation about Christ..?

    As many are confused about Christ's identity as God, I would like to share this spiritual revelation with you. As Bible states clearly, Jesus was generated by his father to save the world before the creation started. His existence is similar to that of his father ever since he was generated as...
  18. A

    Of what spiritual use was blood in the ancient religions?

    Why did the dark forces require blood and the light forces require praise? This is not in reference to any one ancient religion, but many. The dark forces would give you favors or power in exchange for spilling blood, and the light forces would give you limited power and limited favours in...
  19. G

    Don't you think all nonsensical spiritual questions (a.k.a. rants) should merit...

    ...the response, "Your mom"? I do. Think about it. That's like, one point per word. @Marvins: I completely agree. Especially 'cause I'm tired. @ Cipher: I was wondering how long until somebody did that lol @ Lucifer: what if it's a dumb atheist? And besides, I hate those facepalm...
  20. G

    Don't you think all nonsensical spiritual questions (a.k.a. rants) should merit...

    ...the response, "Your mom"? I do. Think about it. That's like, one point per word. @Marvins: I completely agree. Especially 'cause I'm tired. @ Cipher: I was wondering how long until somebody did that lol @ Lucifer: what if it's a dumb atheist? And besides, I hate those facepalm...