
  1. L

    Is it true that George W Bush spent nearly three years of his eight years as

    president on Vacation ? Now I enjoy a good bush-bash as well as the next person... BUT ... I don't like to stray too far from the facts to do so .. I read in another Y/A questions today that GWB spent nearly 1,000 days on vacation ~~~ true or not ?
  2. T

    CBO Report Shows Hundreds Of Millions Spent On Direct Marketing Of Drugs To Consumers

    The Congressional Budget Office released an "interesting report" on on how "pharmaceutical companies market prescription drugs, a subject that has received some scrutiny during the debate on ways to control health care spending," The New York Times reports. Among the most widely...
  3. T

    CBO Report Shows Hundreds Of Millions Spent On Direct Marketing Of Drugs To Consumers

    The Congressional Budget Office released an "interesting report" on on how "pharmaceutical companies market prescription drugs, a subject that has received some scrutiny during the debate on ways to control health care spending," The New York Times reports. Among the most widely...
  4. T

    CBO Report Shows Hundreds Of Millions Spent On Direct Marketing Of Drugs To Consumers

    The Congressional Budget Office released an "interesting report" on on how "pharmaceutical companies market prescription drugs, a subject that has received some scrutiny during the debate on ways to control health care spending," The New York Times reports. Among the most widely...
  5. A

    Read question details before answering: how many hours a day is spent

    discussing Jesus Christ? Obviously the answer in general would be 24, but let me elaborate what I mean with this question: Bob and Jim talked about Jesus for 1 hour out of the day Susie and Jen talked about Jesus for 2 hours out of the day Total hours spent discussing Jesus for just 4 people...
  6. A

    With nearly 5000 dead, 35,000+ wounded, over $1T spent and no WMDs found was...

    ...the invasion of Iraq worth it? to America and why?
  7. K

    what's the most money you've spent on your horse for a month?

    my parents are freaking out because the vet charged us 2.5 k... she is a very expensive pony and i wanna no if any horse is more expensive than her....
  8. G

    New carbon racing bike.I can spent up to 2350 pounds?

    I would like to buy a new carbon bike but here in my country are a little expensive.Can someone recomend me a bike and the dealer he found it and give me details where to locate it?I want a good bike with ultegra sl or something near the cost of ultegra sl and i want to have wheels with which i...
  9. H

    Why haven't Repubs complained about all the times Bush spent pork?

    The Republicans in congress voted in favor of all Bush's pork spending. and not once did I hear any you Repubs complain. now Obama has pork spending and you're attacking him left and right. p.s. Don't try using the argument, "Bush's spending was for the war." Some of it was for the...
  10. M

    George W Bush & the Republicans spent over 1 Trillion Dollars on a war, why did no

    George W Bush & the Republicans spent over 1 Trillion Dollars on a war, why did no one complain then? So the Republicans hammer away at our new president for spending the monies on our country instead of the Middle East War which should have never been fought. Why are so many unaware of the...
  11. G

    New carbon racing bike.I can spent up to 3200$?

    I would like to change my old allu bike with an new one.I would like a good carbon frame very hard and not too heavy.Also i would like it to have something better than shimano 105(for example ultegra sl)an the MOST important is to have good wheels something better than mavic ksyrioum sl like...
  12. S

    Why do people rant about Obama spending when Bush spent too much on a foreign war.?

    At least Obama is spending it in his home country. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090224105248AAUPbWH
  13. I

    How come the same Republicans who complain about trillions being spent now under

    Obama and the Democrats...? ... spent money like drunken sailors when they were the majority party for the past eight years under Bush? They acted like we had an unlimited tap of funds for THEIR pet projects (i.e. the Iraq war and tax cuts for billionaires), but when the Demos want a drink from...
  14. B

    Suppose you just spent $17K for a new Honda Gold Wing, then you lost your job,and

    your wife left you? What would you do?
  15. Q

    Republicans call Dems lazy people who don't work, yet Bush spent 3.5 years on

    vacation during his Presidency? 3.5 f*cking years on holiday during one of the most critical periods in US history, September 11th, two disastrous wars, economy in meltdown while Bush played golf Republican filth make me want to puke. Your total political irrelevance has just been proven...
  16. R

    I just spent 60 dollars on itunes and now I cant put it on my mp3 player...help?

    I need to convert mpeg4 to mp3. Ive have tried all the converter websites and you can only convert the first 3 min of each song for free. Then they want you to buy the full version. Is there any FREE converter programs. I already spent $60 I refuse to spend anymore $ for these songs. Im pissed...
  17. Mcgoo

    Travel data base, If the government spent more time and money watching

    the foreigners? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20090208/tuk-big-brother-travel-database-row-dba1618.html They may catch some one instead of treating real BRITISH citizens like bloody criminals all the time , this is completely ludicrous, God I will be glad to see them out, this must be the most...
  18. R

    Why does iTunes say I have money when I spent it all?

    I already spent all of my itunes giftcards from Christmas, and yet I just went on itunes and it says $9.65 in that little yellow box. What's up with that? Sure, it's pretty sweet, but I don't know if this little glitch will just charge my dad's credit card even though it says money is there...
  19. G

    Desperate Housewives 5.14 ‘Mama Spent Money When She Had None’ sneak peaks and promos

    Sneak peak number one: OK, so it’s no secret that a lot of us aren’t into the Katherine-Mike pairing, but can anyone picture Mike buying her pearls instead of paying for M.J.’s private school? I just don’t see it happening…unless he thinks his kid should go to a public school instead, and it...
  20. B

    I've spent the last 5 minutes on the exercise bike. What should I eat to celebrate?

    With 30 seconds to go I thought about quitting, but I've never been a quitter. Now I'm famished.