
  1. D

    (Is there a Symbian S40 or Java app that can disconnect calls after a specific

    duration? Which Symbian S40 or Java app that can disconnect calls after a specific duration? Please tell it's download page
  2. S

    How do I get uTorrent and BitTorrent to start and stop at a specific time?

    My dad is constantly torrenting his backups and it's using up all our bandwidth. With him the way he is, he won't put a cap on it and I can't get on the internet. Is there a way I can have his uTorrent and BitTorrent start at 12AM midnight and continue until 12PM (Midnight to Noon) so I can use...
  3. M

    how do i keep specific contacts ringtones on a samsung convoy 2?

    i got this phone a week ago and i have specific contacts set for certain tones. well my default tone is the only one that plays and i was wondering if it was just a problem with my phone or is there a trick i just have not figured out yet
  4. S

    Coslayers! How do you feel when a photographer asks you to be in a specific pose?

    Ok, so for an upcoming convention, I will be going around getting pics and videos of different cosplays. But I want the cosplayers to do certain poses that I want, as oppose to the pose that they usually do. Lets say its an appropriate pose that is not too weird. How would you feel about a...
  5. C

    Is there a specific name for those lounge/support pillows?

    They look like this (kind of) : http://www.makemeheal.com/mmh/product.do?id=94608 Do they have a specific name? Or just a general name that isn't so long? I have one, I was just thinking about that. Thanks!
  6. C

    Is there really help out there for drug addicts(Opiates to be specific)...

    ...that does not involve tons of money? I have been on oxycodone for a few years because I had a few surgery's and now that I want to stop taking them there is no one able to help. Dr's can not help. Methadone clinic wants tons of money. Also I work and pay bills and rent. I have no insurance...
  7. T

    Can't read one specific burned DVD on mac or PC, but was working fine few months

    ago.? My both computers PC and mac refuse to read a burned DVD, that previously was working fine. Any ideas on how to solve the problem? it has very important pictures on it and don't have any other copies. Please help Thank you
  8. K

    Are there any specific kinds of frozen food that're good for my fish?

    I have two tanks set up, one with a female betta another with danios, a gourami, swordtails and a balloon molly. I bought some tubifex for them but the danios & betta seem to be the only ones who like it? My gourami won't eat it at all, the others don't really seem keen. Are there any specific...
  9. K

    Are there any specific kinds of frozen food that're good for my fish?

    I have two tanks set up, one with a female betta another with danios, a gourami, swordtails and a balloon molly. I bought some tubifex for them but the danios & betta seem to be the only ones who like it? My gourami won't eat it at all, the others don't really seem keen. Are there any specific...
  10. S

    Any specific chat rooms for me?

    I'm a 19 year old lesbian, just looking for someone to talk to. Lately I've been feeling really lonely, and I was hoping to talk to someone who might be in the same situation as me, or at least has some insight. Mainly I just want a friend. Any ideas?
  11. Z

    I am looking for a specific doushinji?

    It involves a boy and a girl where he stood up protected a her from bullies or classmates after school when they were very young children. Now she follows him everywhere and she grew big boobs and stuff. He finds her annoying because she stands so close behind him that her boobs keep bumping and...
  12. K

    What specific book did Toni Morrison win the Nobel Prize for in 1993?

    Let it be known I'm not referring to her winning the Pulitzer Prize, I know she won that for her novel Beloved.
  13. H

    Do travel agents get to go to places for free? Also do you have to have any specific

    talents to become one? I was thinking about becoming a travel agent. I would really like to go somewhere else rather than the state Im in. I did not take any travel agent classes or anything in college, can I just apply anyway or do you need something specific to become one?
  14. J

    SO im fulfilling one my dreams and buying a specific USED car, what do you think...

    ...of this Checklist? Im looking for a Mercedes, SE, SEL,SD,SDL 1) Is the Hood Emblem Still Straight 2) What is the condition of the headlights 3) When was the last time all the fluids were changed 4) How is the power steering functioning 5) Does the AC/Heat still work properly 6) Does...
  15. B

    Is it abnormal for a child to have very strong interest in specific things and...

    ...topics? As a child I was interested in things like, Dinosaurs, tractors, video games, movies, trains, sports (baseball mostly), agriculture, birds/animals, books (mostly fiction). I changed interest constantly, every month for the most part. Once I felt that I had mastered it, or grown board...
  16. A

    Why was this ancient Greek style deemed appropriate for this specific building?

    The Greek style of the Parthenon for the Doe Library at UC Berkeley. so it was deemed appropriate because it was a learning temple? is that all?
  17. B

    Do you favor a specific tax on Wall Street bankers/banks?

    They got bailed out. And we got stuck with the bill. Its the least they can do to repay... Or atleast, lets set up a structural program inwhich all the money used by Congres, Fed, FDIC, etc to bail out banks and corporations will be steadily paid back to the USGovernment with a simple interest...
  18. H

    Atheists, explain away these SPECIFIC prophecies from the Bible. Can you?

    1.) It will be a time when knowledge and transportation has greatly increased (Daniel 12:4) 2.) Wickedness will be rampant as it was in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-38) 3.) Homosexuality will be rampant (Luke 17:28-29) 4.) Adultery, material greed, and the killing of innocent life will...
  19. A

    Mark my words :Here's my specific NHL prediction?

    I am telling you now, Mike Smith will be the next goalie to score a goal. What say you? BQ: Any wild predictions of your own?
  20. R

    I'm looking for a specific yaoi manga.?

    It's about a tall guy who is totally besotted with a guy shorter than him but he claims himself as the wife?