
  1. A

    What should I do if I think someones gossiping about me?

    Hi, I'm Avery. This girl at my school is being mean. (This may have sounded childish, but don't worry, I'm over 13.) She pretty much is bullying me. Today, during free period, I was doing some extra credit homework with a new student. The mean one... lets just call her Selena, called her over...
  2. A

    How to hack into someones mobile through Bluetooth?

    How to hack into someones mobile phone through Bluetooth from my phone? Is there any software I could download for my LG KP500 to hack into someones mobile through Bluetooth? And please don't tell me not to do it, I just want to know how to.
  3. S

    If Someones on probation for criminal trespass a felony a deffered sentence and

    they get a misdemeanor charge? While on probation will this break probation and what will happen when go to court
  4. N

    Christians what if someones?

    idea of heaven is nonexistance? Will your god give it to him or force him to be in heaven forever?
  5. K

    Are there any apps for blackberry where you can text someones phone?

    My boyfriend doesn't have a smart phone and I'm in Paris for the semester. I was hoping that I could find an app for blackberry that would allow me to text him without him having to download the same app because he can't. He doesn't have a smart phone. With my itouch I was using textfree by...
  6. S

    5 good ways to ruin someones car ?

    What is the best way to do that ? I NOT GONNA DO IT BUT I AM JUST INTERSTED
  7. M

    whats a website i can use to send a text to someones cellphone?

    my cellphones dead and i need to text someones number from a computer....know any sites i can use im at the library and i cant use yahoo to send messages either because i gotta download messenger....
  8. Lisa

    How do i not show interest in someones gossip?

    I did last time and i got in trouble. My own ex friends betrayed me ,but i found better friends as i move forward. that not a really good answer , but thanks for risking. Like im trying to ask if someone talk about how much they hate so and so how should i respond should i just smile and listen...
  9. N

    Is it illegal to take a picture of someones car without your permission?

    I have legal issues with my fiancee ex-girlfriend/mother of his child. She n I were going to court because she hit me 2months ago. So the day before we have to go to court again, she took 4 pictures of my car while I'm with my fiancee dropping off his son to her. So he tried to ask her why did...
  10. M

    can you copy someones skype profile picture?

    I might put a picture of me for my skype profile picture but I am just wondering can anyone still copy it? I just don't want anyone copying it. thanks guys!!
  11. M

    can you copy someones skype profile picture?

    I might put a picture of me for my skype profile picture but I am just wondering can anyone still copy it? I just don't want anyone copying it. thanks guys!!
  12. L

    would you have an on going playmate for sex if its someones wife?

    Hey so Im 21 years old, and this women emailed me for a sex playmate for herself. She is a cougar or milf for sure. She is 45. The thing is she is married and I don't know how to go about this? Should I do it, or not? I guess they have an open marriage or something because he is ok with it. He...
  13. L

    would you have an on going playmate for sex if its someones wife?

    Hey so Im 21 years old, and this women emailed me for a sex playmate for herself. She is a cougar or milf for sure. She is 45. The thing is she is married and I don't know how to go about this? Should I do it, or not? I guess they have an open marriage or something because he is ok with it. He...
  14. K

    Have you ever found someones Cartoon Avatar attractive, do you look like...

    ...your Avatar LOL...? Don't troll me for this one, I know I know, but some peoples avatars are cute and some handsome in an animated way. Do you actually make an effort to look like your avatar from hair type, color, skin type color etc. I do, with exception I don't have bunny ears and a tail...
  15. H

    How to find someones cell phone number?

    Im looking for an old friend of mine, but were still kids, and if I look up her cell phone number, only adults come up. She also doesnt have a facebook, I checked, So how do you look up a kids cell phone number? I really miss her!
  16. C

    Is it right or wrong to make a joke at someones expense.?

    Is it right or wrong to make a joke of someones expense. I think its wrong...
  17. R

    Anxiety: Dull pinch under right armpit, feels like someones pulling my armpit hair?

    I am a 22 year old male in good shape. I have anxiety and hypochondria. I sleep on a pretty crappy mattress and I work alot and suffer from some back pain. Just waking up and moving I can often hear my back crack in all sorts of areas. For the last couple of days, I've been feeling this...
  18. S

    a disturbing dream that i would like someones opinion on thanks!!!?

    i dont know what to make of this. it wasn't a dream that i was in control of, well at the end it was. so i was dreaming about a party at my commanders house from the army. there was a talk of a spirit that needed to be freed or something. something happened that it was freed and my girlfriends...
  19. I

    What in astrology would describe someones sense of humor?

    Which planets/aspects would you look for for this? Y'know, if they have a dark sense of humor, childish sense of humor, dry ect.
  20. T

    I REALLY NEED SOMEONE:S OPINION, Blackberry storm 2 users espically!!?

    I want to buy the blackberry storm 2, i have the blackberry curve 8530. I've messed with one before, but i'm unsure of the texting, because you have to press the keys down hard. Is it really that bad or will i get used to it? If you don't like the blackberry storm what other verizon blackberry...