
  1. K

    Epicurus' Riddle. Can you solve it?

    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Oh yeah, don't use some cheesy answer like, "you just have...
  2. A

    The President Of Mars Chocolate Wants To Help Solve Obesity With Candy

    Debra Sandler, the president of Mars Chocolate in North America, wants to rally the National Confectioners Association in building a strategy to fight obesity (i.e. the catastrophe to come when people start figuring out that candy is bad for you). Speaking at the NCA's State of the Industry...
  3. R

    Solve this math riddle- what's the pattern?

    What does this series of equations describe? 1+2=3 3+4=7 5+6=11 7+8=3 9+10=7 11+11=10
  4. C

    Can you solve the world's hardest riddle?

    written by Einstein, this has been said to be the hardest riddle in the world that only 2% of the worlds population can solve The story behind Einstein's riddle is that Albert Einstein created it in the late 1800s, and claimed that 98% of the world population couldn't solve it. I am not sure of...
  5. G

    Worm Run, Solve the Outbreak, and More

    Evade space worms, diagnosis an outbreak in a rural village, and read a little Charles Dickens. Nope, not retelling your dream from last night, just previewing a few of the things you can do with this round of the week's best iPad apps. More »
  6. B

    Can anyone solve this riddle? (10 points for best answer)? The title of it is "The better half..." A hint is "The second half is the better half" I identified the city on top to be Toronto but I don't know what to do next If you have any ideas it would be much appreciated!
  7. A

    I have a riddle that I want you guys to solve. Totally made by me.?

    There is these 2 things. They are very close. Yet so far. They belong in the same species or kind. The first one is a killer. Every of its species hates it. Even though its the middleman of its species, it could even kill the strongest of its species in an instant. The second one is...
  8. R

    can you solve these riddles?

    two legs sat on three legs sat on 4 legs than no legs it comes from within, is very thin and the same color as your skin a mouse ran to a piece of cheese than disappeared. four days later, his brothers also disappeared. the mother wondered for days trying to find what happened and then she saw...
  9. G

    Can anyone help me solve this riddle?

    Riddle: The more you have it, The less you will see. Thanks
  10. D

    Can you help me solve these riddles?

    It's suppose to help me find a location My first call, let's start WAY back If your school color had blue, you might have run track... I put in my hours, I actually like my gig But if you look for people who can see water... the pay off won't be big So where do I live you WISH you knew...
  11. Y

    How to solve confusing riddle?

    In my Health class, my teacher makes all the students line up shoulder to shoulder between two lines of blue tape that are just wide enough to keep our bodies in between them. She wants us to reverse the order we're standing in (all the kids on the right side will be on the left side and...
  12. G

    solve the riddle what am i?

    i have no end no middle or no beginning what am i
  13. G

    Poll: Can you solve these two riddles?

    1. If a farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in the centre field? 2. An artist created small sculptures of animals - less than two feet high - in just a few hours each. Despite the fast work and...
  14. C

    How do I solve this: lg (1-x) + lg (1+x) = lg0,75?

    Hello, I am wondering about this one: How do I solve this: lg (1-x) + lg (1+x) = lg0,75 What I did was this: lg1 - lgx + lg1 + lgx = lg0,75 lg 1/x + lgx = lg0,75 Is this right :P Thank you!
  15. E

    Words problems review for exam? How do I solve each one? 1. The acceleration

    of a Maserati is proportional to? Words problems review for exam? How do I solve each one? 1. The acceleration of a Maserati is proportional to the difference between 250 km/h and the velocity of this sports car. if this machine can accelerate from rest to 100km/h in 10s, how long will it take...
  16. R

    Can anyone solve this riddle?

    The answer could be a person, place, thing, etc. But I'm thinking its a thing. Disregaurd everything it says about saving someone. Thats because if you get the riddle right you get something that can save you from being eliminated Any ideas? Welcome to Patagonia, we hope you'll stay a while...
  17. G

    How to Cheat and Look Like You Can Solve the Rubik's Cube

    I can't solve the Rubik's Cube. All the spinning I do, all the rejiggering I try, all I end up with is a mess of colors with no idea how I got there. It's okay though! I can now fake it like I know how. Matt Parker has figured out a way to cheat and make it look like you can solve the Rubik's...
  18. M

    Solve my riddle? (10 pts. first right answer.)?

    Okay so imagine this; You are trapped in a room with 2 murders- one with a gun and one with a knife. ANY suspicious movement (even looking the wrong way) and they kill you. How do you get out of the room alive? Nope :) No, and don't forget to star! Murderers* That was a typo on MY part, it...
  19. J

    what is the vocaloid song the riddler who can't solve riddles about ?

    ok so i watched the video for the riddler who can't solve riddles and the other part the riddler who won't solve riddles by vocaloid rin and len but can someone tell me what the song is about what is the story of both the songs ? i got a bit confused when i listened to both of the song can...
  20. M

    Can you solve this math riddle?

    ONE + ONE = TWO Replace the letters with digits so the equation makes sense. (Replce all the Os by the same digit, all the Ns by the same digit..etc)