
  1. I

    Short Survey on social media?

    Hello all, I am doing some research for my stats class and need to collect some data, could you guys help me by taking this survey? It shouldn't take too long, Please help :) One lucky answer-er will win best answer at random. here is the link: Thank you!
  2. G

    Sony Xperia Tablet Z integrates TV and social

    New TV SideView app allows users to discover content, share with social network and search other apps such as Netflix, Video Unlimited.
  3. L

    I have to do a rant about why social sites like Facebook Twitter ect are stupid...?

    What points should I make? What should my first sentence be?
  4. H

    What is the Social Security act?

    How did the SSA help solve what it was intended for? Was is successful? Were there any people who strongly opposed it?
  5. P

    Can I use my driver permit as an I.D at the Social Security Office?

    I lost my Social Security Card and I need an I.D. Which I don't have one, but I do have my drivers permit. I can wait until I get my drivers license but I can't wait that long because I need my ss card to register for college. By the time I get my licencee it would be to late to register for...
  6. G

    What have conservatives done about social problems except rant and rave about them?

    Did they ever try foster parenting? Did they ever adopt a black child from a teen mother? Did they ever work as a social worker? Did they ever do anything to fix any social problems?
  7. W

    Is religion holding back society from social progress and change?

    Science is the way to go in the 21st century. 21st century is all about secularism, less religion, more education, more science, progress, equality, freedom, fairness, and social revolutions! No religion is on the rise.
  8. B

    Need some interesting social issue topics?

    My teacher gave us these topics: school shootings, minimum wage, living wage, worker's benefits and rights (overtime pay, retirement, health insurance), homelessness, working poor, welfare, poverty, eating habits of the poor, welfare, child neglect, alcoholic parents, oil shortages, renewable...
  9. G

    Batchbook and Xero together being social CRM and online accounting for businesses

    Software integration puts together marketing and financial data so teams can spend less time searching for facts or figures and more time building relationships with the right people that will grow a business.
  10. M

    The Super Bowl and social TV through the second screen

    [No message]
  11. J

    I'm paying for social ser the gov says it won't be around when I retire what

    happens to my money? Gov wouldn't put up with it
  12. S

    At work i have Websence and it doesnt allow me to connect to Social sites?

    At work i have Websence security and when ever i try to go on to any social web page it blocks it.... do we have any thing that we can fix it....
  13. M

    Online gift giving goes social

    [No message]
  14. A

    6 Social Benefits Of Quitting Smoking From An (Almost) Ex-Smoker

    Some of these will seem obvious, but they are significant nonetheless and have, at one point or another, affected a social part of my life in the last five years. In the event that pictures of black lungs and blood clots don't deter you, perhaps these lifestyle benefits of quitting smoking might...
  15. D

    What is the most interesting topic could be recommended for social studies?

    I couldn't come up with an idea -_-
  16. L

    Social games for itouch/iphone?

    Anyone know any good social game apps for the itouch/iphone (avatar maker/digital pet/etc.)?
  17. N

    How much of Social Security pension is taxed?

    Say a person is of full retirement age of 66 and is drawing their Social Security retirement while continuing to work full time. How much of their Social Security benefits are subject to income tax if their adjusted gross income is 33,000 from all earning not including Social Security?
  18. G

    Social Media Is Ruining Our Real Life Conversations

    If you use Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, everybody already knows everything there is to know about you. That sailing trip you took? Liked. Breaking up with your girlfriend? Replied to on Twitter. All these over-sharing, always-on social networks create situations where there's nothing left...
  19. K

    Good social networking iPhone apps?

    Hey all, what are some good social networking IPhone apps? Ones where you meet new people and don't have to have any friends to use it. Like don't say Facebook or Pinterest :) just ones where you talk to strangers and it is safe and not a virus thanks
  20. K

    What are some good social networking apps for iPhone?

    Hey all, what are some good and safe social networking apps for iPhone? :) thanks