
  1. D

    How to get rid of the smell of smoke in a room?

    i burnt something by accident and my room is smokey its gone know but the smell is still there what to do
  2. R

    Weed Smell in Car??Tobacco?

    Me and my friends smoked some blunts in my car and the weed smell went away fast but some of the tobacco smell stayed for a couple days and its kind of gone now, but if i smoke weed in my car with no blunts and use a bubbler or bowl instead will it still smell like smoke and stay in the car or...
  3. C

    Why do teenagers smell so funny?

    I never noticed smelling weird when I was a teenager, but maybe i was immune to it bc everyone i hung out with smelled the same. I notice that they all smell weird. Like even the non-fat, well dressed ones. And what's with those weird Bieberish hair-do's? do they know they smell so weird and...
  4. D

    electrical burning smell from heater vents?

    If the smell seems more than your yearly burn off look around the airs intake vent where it draws air in from. If the unit itself has no odor then the blower or somewhere it pulls air from might be giving this smell. I agree that yearly burn off can make a strong argument for burning wires. I...
  5. K

    Poll: why does it always smell like fish around me?

    I wash my clothes n evrythin still smell it atm
  6. I

    I sometimes smell the cigarette smoke when there is no one?

    Seems crazy but its true my boyfriend doesn't smoke at all no one here smokes inside the house or plain and simple no one smokes here where I live and i can smell the strong smoke as if someone blew it rite at my face "i don't smoke eithr" it buggz me for like minutes then it all goes away. What...
  7. J

    will the cigarette smell ever go away?

    I just moved to a new place and I had 2 cigarettes in the bathroom (there's no windows in it, and its in my bedroom) but then i realized i hate the lingering smell of tobacco. It's definitely not something I want to smell every time I walk into my room or bathroom since it just reminds me of...
  8. C

    My Female Leopard geckos poop started to smell really bad. What could it be?

    I adopted her about 3 month ago, Shes not even a year yet. She walks weird but I thought maybe it was because she was so young. But now she is five month and she continues to drag her body. I give her the right amount of calcium. What should I do? And also what is the horrible smell in her poop...
  9. M

    How can I remove tobacco / nicotine smell from hookah pipe hose?

    I just bought a hookah pipe from a smoke shop locally and they had previously kept them on a shelf out in the open. They moved them to a glass case so the tobacco dust and nicotine wouldn't settle on them anymore, but mine was covered / stained with nicotine from the frequent smoking and open...
  10. H

    Funny smell coming through vents in my car?

    Since the beginning of the week I've been noticing a funny odor in my car. It has made me REALLY sick and nausues. Almost to the point where I can't bear to drive. I took it too my mechanic and he says he didn't smell anything but he only drove it around the corner. He said everything seemed...
  11. K

    why does my king charles spaniel smell?

    my cavalier king charles has a really bad smell one that is getting so bad my house is starting to smell i bath him with dog shampoo and it makes him worse please someone help! is there anything i should be giving him to stop him smelling
  12. K

    Stinky smell coming from central heating vents?

    It even smells when its off! But mostley after it heats, then shuts off... It stinks up my whole room! My grandma REFUSES to belive its coming from the vents, but I put my nose down there... Its coming from the vents.. and I just wanna know what the problem is, I keep googling but its never MY...
  13. C

    what is this smell how to get rid of it?

    my 2 week old female kitten she poops on herself not sure if it's diarrhea but point is the laundry basket i have her in smells like fish and she smells like fish it's around her private and anal area. i bathe her but the smell stays why is that how to get rid of the smell? i even put a smelly...
  14. J

    How do you get rid of a nicotine smell in a room?

    I'm a pretty heavy smoker (at least 1, 1 1/2 packs a day) and was wondering how to get rid of the nicotine smell in the house.
  15. O

    I am a taxi driver - people keep complaining about the smell inside my taxi and

    demanding a refund? What should I do?
  16. A

    Rotten smell in SUV after rain?

    I have a Ford Expedition Limited, it does have a sunroof. Every time it rains it smells like rotten meat for days. We have inspected for leaks/wet carpet and have found none. Please help, any ideas?! Someone said the drains for the sunroof might be clogged but offered no way to fix! Any ideas...
  17. M

    2005 tahoe fumes from other vehicles and other smell comes in thru the air

    conditioner vents? when i turn on the air in my tahoe the fumes from the cars comes in thru the vents, how o i fix it?
  18. D

    faint gas (not fartrts like natural gas i think) smell coming from like 2...

    ...of my vents in my house am i safe? ok so there is 2 vents that sorta have a gas smell. i have opened all my windows. my mom was an idiot and light the stove and nothing happend thank god. i dont think it is carbon mono because no one is feeling light headed. the smell is not always there. the...
  19. W

    smoke coming out of vents and burning smell?

    As i was driving my 02 chevy silverado today i smelled a burning plastic smell immediately followed by smoke coming from my AC vents into the truck itself. What could it be, heater core? Engine temp was fine, it didnt seem to be coming from engine, i could be wrong, i only smelled it inside the...
  20. G

    Teen Mom Recap: Trick-or-Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to Eat (Not Ita

    It's the Great Pumpkin, Teen Mom! No, we aren't talking about Amber Portwood's orange mug: The young reality mamas and their toddlers were all about Jack-o-lanterns and...