
  1. S

    What should I do in this situation?

    A few weeks ago, I asked out a guy I really really like. We'd been out quite a few times before. He said he didn't want to get involved with 'that'. I'm still a little confused to what 'that' means. It's either relationships (he was in a relationship before and they were together for ages) or me...
  2. S

    Here's a situation...?

    My sister is acting like such a know it all... so heres the deal. My friend Tyler is fifteen and he lives in Florida currently. Apparently, in Florida the age to get a permit is 15. He's fifteen. He is getting his soon (i think on monday, hes taking the test) He's moving here over the summer (I...
  3. B

    what should i do in this situation?

    okay well i have a stepmom and a stepbrother, and i found out today that my stepmom wants to divorce my dad. and my stepbrother is seriously like my brother. i love him so much, and i would miss him terribly if i never got to see him again... if they get divorced does this mean i cant go around...
  4. L

    Best Girl Friend Likes Me But Has A BF Complicating Situation?

    I've been best friends with this girl for a while me and her talk on the phone alot and everything and talk in school and sometimes i see her around places we say hi to each other and hug and everything. The problem is me and her both likes each other,but she has a bf however she told me she is...
  5. K

    what would you do in this situation?

    i was reading this question and i am shocked that this girl is talking about my friend. should i tell him that she is bad mouthing him on here?? or should i take care of it my self ?? if i were to try and fix this my slef without telling my buddy what should i do?? just yell at her or take...
  6. M

    Confusing situation with this girl?

    Ok i'm in college and theres this shy girl who really doesnt talk to a lot of people but she has a few friends. She started talking and I can tell she really likes me by the nonverbal communications and how I catch her stairing at me, now I just found out she has a boyfriend back at home that...
  7. M

    Confusing girl situation?

    Ok i'm in college and theres this shy girl who really doesnt talk to a lot of people but she has a few friends. She started talking and I can tell she really likes me by the nonverbal communications and how I catch her stairing at me, now I just found out she has a boyfriend back at home that...
  8. J

    What Would you do in this situation?

    I stayed up till about 3 o clock, then My mother came home, She played music all night really loud and was screaming with he friends, I had about a 5 hours sleep to wake up to my mother screaming and music blasting. Wha should I do? I'm so tierd.
  9. A

    How should I react to this situation?

    So I asked my friend to prom bout a week ago. We go to two different schools that are not co-ed and both of our proms are on the same night. but all of our friends are going to ours so I thought I would ask her anyway and she said yes. Then i get a text message today from her today saying that...
  10. A

    How does the Economy Situation tie in with prophecy?

    Who wants to know more about the economy and prophecy? Did you know we are headed to another Great Depression? Did you know that the Military is teaming up with the LAPD to be ready for a Riot. What is the difference between 1929 Great Depression and today? is We have gangs, guns and angrier...
  11. R

    What style/type of bike should I get for this situation?

    I want to start biking to work. I work in the health field and find it hypocritical that I take a vehicle to work. I live 19.3 miles from my job. It's all urban terrain - sidewalks, roads (I take a street with a 35 MPH speed limit). Some other terrain I have is a 2 1/2 mile long bridge, various...
  12. H

    HELP! Relationship situation. 10 pts!?

    I posted this earlier, but I'm hoping some different people will be on now so I can get new opinions. So... here is my situation: We have spring break coming up next week, and I desperately want to hang out with this guy I'm crushing on. Neither of us are going on vacation... we're both staying...
  13. B

    Read Bellow my situation?

    I have a weird situation in hand I don’t know what to do – My situation is I am dating this girl that I like a lot I feel comfortable with her she is very easy going girl but she used to be a striper. My parent introduced me to this girl her mom is a good friend to family the girl is very nice...
  14. T

    How should we deal with this difficult bullying situation?

    my husband and i went to do some shopping. i have two daughters. their names are libby and tanya. libby is twelve and tanya is ten. since we are out, libby is in charge. our daughters are pretty close and tanya is usually an obedient little sister. on that day, tanya was outside playing with a...
  15. E

    Try to analyse my situation of a girl i picked up at a bar.?

    Me and my brother went out to a bar on valentines day. We met these 2 girls who were pretty drunk and mine ended up just breaking up with her longterm boyfriend. To make her feel better I told her I just brokeup with my girlfriend (not true). We drove them home because it was on the way and...
  16. M

    In what clinical situation would you expect to see more fungal infections?

    In what type of clincial situation would you expect to see more fungal infections?
  17. P

    What would you and your family do to pass the time in a blackout situation?

    If you have a generator lol,please pass this question
  18. M

    Need peoples opinion/advice on situation im in with a girl!?

    Ok so i've known this girl for a good year now and well always really liked her. We're both 18 and go different colleges. Anyway we have always been chatty with each other via text and messenger (in a fun and flirty way) Well recently she was making a big deal about valentines day, and so i said...
  19. A

    what should i get in my situation... the t-mobile sidekick or the iphone 3G?

    i wanna hav good service... but a lot of my friends txt message but i wanna have good service and good messaging... idk what to do... any suggestions?
  20. A

    How should I respond to this situation?

    I met this guy about a year and a half ago. I thought and was told we were in a relationship. I was but he wasn't. He wants to start over as friends and build a relationship. Should I try again or should I trust him? We always got along really well. But he wasn't faithful.