
  1. C

    is jesus christs crucified death enough to clear all our sins?

    A lot of men suffered crucification or more severe painful tortures even before Christ and after him,many of them may be innocents too. So why the result crucified death of an immortal (jesus if he is really son of god)makes all the sins of others including rape killing incense and thousand...
  2. M

    Where in the bible does it say that only god can forgive sins?

    Not jesus
  3. A

    7 Small Sins That Can Totally Ruin Your Skin

    There are no shortage of freaky, pseudo-scientific procedures and treatments women will line up for in the hopes of getting clear, healthy skin. From chemical peels to celebrity-endorsed acne treatments, we spend billions of dollars each year on stuff to fix our skin--and most of the time, they...
  4. M

    Christians, If Christ died for your sins, will you be pardoned if you commit murder

    or rape ? Presently rape and murder are rampant in the society. Is it because people think that they will not be punished in the hereinafter, if they run away from law in the world. So is Christianity facilitating crime in the society by falsely declaring that Christ died for sins of humans...
  5. H

    I came home and found a guy nailed on a cross with a note saying he died for my sins?

    So I worshiped him.
  6. D

    Do Christians get the same satisfaction confessing sins to their god as

    they do confessing sins to a priest? The ritual of confession is a Catholic ritual that was abolished when Protestants broke away from papal authority. Protestants claimed confessing sins to their god was better than confessing sins to a priest, but I wonder, do Protestants get the same feeling...
  7. M

    If Christ died for sins of all humans, why they are being tried by God Almighty?

    The world is full of exploitation, deprivation and destitution. A great no of people sleep hungry or have to live without treatment of their ailments. If the Kingdom of Christ is not of this world, to whom people should go to redresses their grievances?
  8. S

    Do you understand that denying your sins only ensures you will lose eternal life?

    Why not simply do what God requires ... confess your sins to Him right now, instead of denying them, recognizing how greatly you have offended His love for you. Ask His forgiveness. He will. Turn from your sins and turn *to* God, trusting Jesus took the punishment your sins deserved on His...
  9. R

    Christians, did you know that Atheists have no sins.?

    We do not commit sin, fore we know God/Jesus/Satan do not exist. So its impossible to commit sin against them. We do not sin, so why do you continue to tell us to repent the sins we do not have? Do not confuse Sin with making mistakes. I am talking about religious sin.
  10. T

    Sins of a Queen and Other Italian Secrets! - Jun 14,2011

    Valentina Cirasola is an Italian Interior and Fashion Designer, working in the USA and Europe. She blends well fashion and interior in any of her design work. She is also a cook book author and brings her design work into the kitchen through all aspects of comfortable living. "I build spaces...
  11. B

    If someone accepts Christ, but sins before they die .. can they still go to Heaven?

    If you HAVE the Holy Spirit.. can it ever leave you? What if a man was a Christian his entire life, and accepted the HOLY SPIRIT , then right before he gets hit in a car crash a mean person gives him the middle finger, and he was angry about it, but didn't have time to repent.. would he still go...
  12. E

    the seven deadly sins and shakespear?

    Why do you think the belief system at Shakespeare's time changed with the Puritans? what is the difference of how the belief in the 7 deadly sins would differ for a person from the belief in the 10 Commandments?
  13. G

    I Believe Christ Died for My Sins and I Love Him ? Why are Evil Thoughts in

    My head I feel Guilty? I am not a bad person but I always have evil things running through my mind...I want it to go away I am disgusted with this thinking. I don't really feel what I am thinking is my problem When I read the Bible and I enjoy this but Evil thoughts are just in my head while...
  14. F

    If all sins are forgiven if putting faith in Jesus Christ , does that mean

    people are free to sin after that ? and still be forgiven and have a place reserved up in heaven ?
  15. F

    If all sins are forgiven if putting faith in Jesus Christ , does that mean

    people are free to sin after that ? and still be forgiven and have a place reserved up in heaven ?
  16. F

    If all sins are forgiven if putting faith in Jesus Christ , does that mean

    people are free to sin after that ? and still be forgiven and have a place reserved up in heaven ?
  17. F

    If all sins are forgiven if putting faith in Jesus Christ , does that mean

    people are free to sin after that ? and still be forgiven and have a place reserved up in heaven ?
  18. L

    serious question. since Jesus Christ died for our sins, as long as we trust he...

    ...did, does it make it ok to sin? i know so many people who profess to be christian. they do beleive Christ put his life on the cross for us, does that mean their sins are pardoned by the blood of Christ? Since there is no such thing as good and he who says he is is a liar. So why not just be...
  19. M

    why cant we just repent our sins without accepting christ?

    Why do we have to accept christ in order for our sins to be forgiven? why isnt truley repenting and praying to him and asking for forgivness everyday enough? like if u truley repent and not do it again why cant that be enought why do we need christ?
  20. J

    Do people who hate Jesus just fear dying cause they have to pay for their sins?

    Or do they really believe in evolution and there lies about the Earth being millions of years old LOL Here is someone who says those stupid things and here is someone who dont You decide whose right