
  1. Z

    Is there on online shopping search engine that will check Amazon Marketplace,, etc.? I'm holding out on buying some specific used xbox 360 games, hoping the price will come down. However, I'm getting tired of checking both Amazon and Is there one site I can go to that will check all of the usual shopping sites for used video games?
  2. A

    where is a good place to travel this summer with lots of shopping?

    im planning to go with my mom. im looking for places with asian culture. a place with lots of shopping. the budget shouldnt be too expensive.
  3. E

    What you you think of this outfit for a casual shopping trip?

    This dress, in white color: This pink scarf: And this pair of shoes (it's the only pair I have): Tell me your...
  4. L

    Does anybody know internet shopping sites were you get money off your first order?

    Eg you get €15 off your 1st order with
  5. G

    Do You Usually Return Your Shopping Cart Back To The Cart Rack Or.....?

    ....just leave it between the cars and HOPE that it doesn't start rollin'? =)
  6. D

    4 Wheel drive shopping trolleys, most stupid invention ever!?

    I have recently moved to Australia from NZ. Back home only the front two wheels change direction so its not really a hassle to push one (unless its full). However after going to the supermarket here, i've ended up with trolleys that go in all directions including sideways quite frequently, they...
  7. I

    Shopping for a new cell phone and I want a good battery and good bluetooth reception?

    get the touch pro for sprint. very nice.. battery last about 9 hour talk time.
  8. M

    While shopping for a blu-ray movie on, i noticed that it said...

    ..."blu-ray disc + digital copy"? By "+ digital copy", does this mean that I get a digital copy that I can put on my computer or ipod if I buy a blu-ray? Thanks!
  9. M

    Tip of the day: Online shopping for a healthier weight?

    Tip of the day: Online shopping for a healthier weight? Convenience, gas savings, and home delivery (for a fee) are only some of the advantages of buying groceries online. Other benefits? One small study recently suggested that it might help overweight people buy fewer fattening products...
  10. E

    iphone 3g uk online shopping ?

    ok here's the deal i want to buy an iphone 3g over a UK! website with creditcard ok but the thing is i dont want some random websites orfrom ebay i want to buy iphone 3g 16gb black pay as you go ok ;) if you know a website where i can buy safely pls do msg me bck thnks
  11. D

    When you go shopping at Circuit City tomorrow!?

    The prices will be higher then the original believe it not for a little bit... then it will slowly become lower over time... please do not be the guy that says "Well this is why you are going of business! You guys deserve this!" because the people that work there have no control of the prices...
  12. T

    do you try and dodge pensioners in the shopping centres?

    have you ever been in a hurry and everywhere you go there are pensioners either using walking aides or wheeling shopping trolleys and stop smack bang in front of you without warning, they jump on the buses 1st whether or not they are 1st in the queue and think they are entitled to get served...
  13. G

    Lindsay & Ali Vitamin Shopping

    Lindsay Lohan and little sister Ali Lohan were spotted stocking up some vitamins at the supermarket yesterday. Lindsay Lohan has been spotted at a number of more “health” oriented places lately including BodyFactory and Dr. Tea, so perhaps is on a health food kick?Image: Bauer-GriffinLindsay &...