
  1. A

    Asked parents for Labrador but I want a German Shepherd now?

    Basically i asked my parents for a Labrador but now I want a German Shepherd now? They have already put a deposit on the Lab but don't know what to say to my parents about it. Do you think i would be happier with a Labrador anyway? Also can Labradors be protective as well because the...
  2. M

    The Good Shepherd 2006 1080p BluRay AAC x264 tK

    Name: The Good Shepherd 2006 1080p BluRay AAC x264 tK Category: Movies: HD (x264) Size: 14235.89MB Added: 2009-11-20 16:33:28
  3. A

    My German Shepherd puppy keeps on whining for no reason, why?

    So I've had Leo, my German Shep pup for give or take 5 weeks now. He loves me to death and I love him. But for some reason the past couple of days, we'll be sitting in the living room, he's on my lap or on the carpet or whatever and he'll just bust out with a loud crying for about 10 seconds...
  4. J

    i am getting a german shepherd but just need answers to some questions.?

    firstly i would appreciate if someone could tell me what food they need from a puppy upwards (actual brands please not just someone saying dog food etc) also i recently went to the current home of my puppy his mum is an ex police dog and has papers etc and the dad is a stud also has papers but...
  5. J

    I'm Gonna Get a German Shepherd?

    Our fam is going to get a GSD because we got a house and we need protection. However, nobody will be home from 7-3. When i come home at 3, I will take it on walks. Are dogs ok with being alone that long?
  6. A

    What should I do i want to get a german shepherd that is being given away for free?

    I don't know what my mom will say when i bring it back and i don't have the money for food for it but i really want a dog
  7. S

    Do you think Aeo would be a good name for a german shepherd dog?

    It would be pronounced [Ay-O] or [?-?]. I just want an opinion. thanks
  8. H

    Good name for my White German Shepherd Puppy? (PICTURE INCLUDED)?

    He is a boy- Any good names you can think of i will appreciate. Also nice cool ones cause i will be showing him doing agility,rally,obedience,therapy work and herding.
  9. R

    When buying a German Shepherd puppy, what should I need to know? How do I...

    ...determine if I'm getting a good dog? German Shepherd Puppy
  10. L

    What to kind of dog to breed with a Australian Shepherd?

    I want to breed my red-tri Australian Shepherd, but I DON'T want to breed her to another Australian Shepherd. In other words I want to cross-breed her.I just don't know what breed of dog to breed her to. I want a smart and medium to large breed of dog that is good with kids.
  11. T

    German Shepherd Dog Toronto Ontario Canada?

    So i live in he GTA and im looking for a breeder for a german shepperd nothing like jj's pet shop or wat ever its called please and like a lil pet shops not famous one are also okay not big pet shops
  12. B

    German shepherd friendliness & playfullness?

    Ok so i narrowed my choice of getting a german shepherd. It is going to be a family dog, and I will be taking the most care of it so it will probably look up to me as it's main leader or what not. I want to get it as a pup and raise it very friendly and bring it to schools and such for training...
  13. C

    One of my German Shepherd's ear is floppy and he is a year old. Any suggestions on

    how to make it stay up? His ear does go up sometimes for a few seconds and then it just flops down. I do massage it often.
  14. T

    my shepherd has been suffering, can anyone give me advice?

    I have 6 german shepherds but my eldest (11 yrs) has been in alot of pain lately with a hard swelling over her hip joint and soft coming up on her other. She can not tolerate surgery but is on strong painkillers and supplements. She sometimes is content but I don't know if I'm being fair to her...
  15. J

    sea shepherd conservation society?

    does anyone have any questions about the sea shepherd conservation society
  16. K

    Name for a German Shepherd?

    He is a shep mix. He has the build, face, ears, and temperament of a shepherd, but his legs are a little short. and he is black with brindle. And he is most definitely a wild child. Any name suggestions?
  17. L

    is it safe to buy a 6month german shepherd puppy?

    i have a 2 yr son, cat and husband.i'm scared it'll flatten my son and eat my cat .do u think i should go w/a 8wk puppy or a older 6 mth gsd?
  18. F

    What Are some ways to teach my German Shepherd to hunt with me?

    google it to find out