
  1. A

    Do you agree with 0bama's Administration?Vatican’s claim of immunity to sexual

    abuse lawsuits?
  2. S

    Where can I find adult role playing chat rooms of a sexual nature?

    not the 3-D kind but the ones yahoo had in their chat rooms used to have and now its gone..miss it so much fun cuz u could talk to a bunch of people with different anyways does anyone know good places??????
  3. T

    SWHR President Testifies At Military Sexual Trauma Hearing

    Among a panel of experts testifying before the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee on Health, Society for Women's Health Research (SWHR) President and CEO Phyllis Greenberger, MSW, urged Congress to consider the risks and ramifications of military sexual trauma (MST). The hearing...
  4. H

    Depression and lack of sexual interest?

    I have depression and anxiety. I have asperger syndrome (high functioning autism.) and I'm home-schooled. I rarely ever see anyone other than my parents and home tutor. I'm on fluoxitine for depression but I have a complete lack of sexual interest in anyone. I know this is a sign of depression...
  5. T

    Are reoccuring sexual dreams about a friend a reflection on what a person really...

    ...desires? When i ask her if she wants to have sex with me, she says no. i really dont know what the root of the dreams could be. She has had more than 2 dreams about us having sex and i want to know if that means she wants to fulfill it. ANSWERS PLEASE!!
  6. J

    Why does my boyfriend of over a year suddenly lose sexual interest?

    My bf and I have been dating since Valentine's day of 2009. I love him dearly, and couldn't imagine life without him. We started having sex just a few months after dating, and just recently after this Christmas have stopped. He went from being passionate and sexual, to not even wanting to touch...
  7. N

    PLEASE HELP!! Whats a contemporary song about sexual abuse?

    I want to do my solo about sexual abuse and findiny it hard to find a song. I am doing a contemporary style so a song that suits contemporary would be great. even if its a rock song kinda like face down by red jumpsuit apparatus is fine, but would love some slow contemp songs.
  8. T

    I am having a sexual relationship with my dog?

    One day I was sitting on my bed in my room and my dog Cupcake jumped on the bed to say hello. I was really bored so I decided to rape her for fun. It felt good so I did it again. I know Cupcake liked it because she was moaning the entire time. The problem is now she follows me all around the...
  9. T

    Any girls want to exchange email to talk about sexual topics?

    I realize and understand that this sounds VERY CREEPY and if you DON'T WANT TO DO IT then DON'T BOTHER ANSWERING OR READING or waste your time calling me a pedo. My background: Just a 17 year old guy who has no g.f. as of now and wants to talk about sexual topic with a girl but has no girl to...
  10. A

    A question regarding child sexual abuse and cover up?

    Just wondering do people here think that only the Catholic Church covers up child sexual abuse, what about all the other religions do you think they cover it up as well or it just happens in the Catholic Church?
  11. P

    Disturbing thoughts during sexual climax?

    If your doing sexual stuff by yourself, but your not really as involved as you usually are and you climax - but your mind wanders during these 10-20 seconds, are you a bad person if these unwanted, random and non-sexual thoughts are inappropriate while your doing what your doing? Thoughts of...
  12. K

    Before donating blood, they ask if you'd had sexual encounter with someone

    born in Africa...? ...and if I had, should I not donate blood even though it's been 3 years? Even if it's just oral? (I never would have guessed he was born in Africa because he's white) What about donating blood plasma?
  13. J

    Do you think convicted sexual predators (rapists) should never allowed to

    walk free again? Or do you think some of them should be allowed to walk free after 10 or 20 or even 30 years, if they seem rehabilitated or for good behavior?
  14. I

    An anyone recommend some films based on sexual relationship between man Vs woman ?

    please suggest me some good movies with a lot of sex & beautiful woman's breasts. I will give you 10/10.But suggest a good movie please.Thank u
  15. C

    Is there any sex, nudity or sexual content in Final Fantasy XIII?

    As much detail as possible please.
  16. A

    I had sexual relationship at the end i realize that i was bleeding $ each time...

    ...i urinet it hurts like 1min? pleas can some1 tell me why
  17. A

    I had sexual relationship at the end i realize that i was bleeding $ each time...

    ...i urinet it hurts like 1min? please can some one tell me why
  18. H

    What does this dream mean? kinda sexual i guess 0_o?

    ok so i had this weird dream and it was all over the place like crazy but the main things i remeber were these weird bunnies that were rats hidden in bunny costumes and i could see the seams of the costumes and a rat got out of one so weird but yeah then there was another part where i was...
  19. N

    is it true that some men are very sexual to some gay men?

    last night i ride a taxi going home after work and the driver is handsome and he ask me if im single. then i told him yes but im a single gay guy. after he knows that im gay he keep on asking alot of question like why i like men, how many sexual experiences, if i like giving oral etc. it makes...
  20. W

    Do Justin Bieber's songs have sexual overtures?

    For example: "Oh how you do me" in his song Love Me & "I promise I'll be gentle, I know we gotta do it slowly" in his song First Dance.