
  1. A

    When we got our puppy we were told there would separation anxiety. He...

    ...still whines constantly.? My puppy is about 8 months old and when we got him we were told there would be some separation anxiety. We have had him for about 5 months and it hasnt stopped. He whines every time either me or my boyfriend leaves and it is constant. He also has a problem with...
  2. S

    Separation of religion and state...Why not separation of economics and state?

    Government has no business in economics and should stay out of it completely. Let things fall as they may....
  3. J

    What is the required separation distance between a biplane's upper and lower wings?

    How far apart must the wings be so that neither wing interferes with the aerodynamics of the other wing?
  4. J

    What is the required separation distance between a biplane's upper and lower wings?

    How far apart must the wings be so that neither wing interferes with the aerodynamics of the other wing?
  5. G

    What Do You Know About The Separation of State and Church?

    Take the quiz Hat tip: Primate Diaries Read the comments on this post... More...
  6. G

    Change to Telecom New Zealand operation separation undertakings

    New Zealand's Communications and Information Technology Minister Steven Joyce has approved a variation to Telecom's operational separation undertakings, which came into force in March 2008.
  7. L

    Vacation pay at separation of employment in D.C?

    I was terminated in D.C by Harris Teeter, I had 92 hours of unused vacation time. I know that D.C. has no law on vacation pay either way but North Carolina does. My old company is incorporated in NC so shouldn't they be bound by the laws of that state rather than misuse the law or lack of such...
  8. F

    My dog has separation anxiety. She whines and barks when left alone. Anyway I can

    stop this? We've tried turning on the TV and radio. Tried putting a sweater in with her. She just doesn't stop whining.
  9. L

    does my cat have separation anxiety?

    my cat only follows me around the house. she does exactly what she is told to do ex: go to bed, go outside, ect. (yes my cat its trained) only when i ask her to do it. when i am not home she doesn't move from her cat stand, she sits there all day. when im gone for the night she wont leave my...
  10. B

    Has anyone heard of the show ZOS: Zone of Separation. I cannot find a torrent for... any suggestions? its a TMN Canadian mini series. about the Canadian army.
  11. A

    paper on Galileo and separation of science and religion?

    I have to write a paper using Galileo's arguments to discuss recent issues with separation of science and religion. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or something that could help. Anything is appreciated.
  12. L

    How long do you need to keep baby fish in a separation net?

    There are about nine balloon molly babies that our fish just had and I don't know how long we should keep in a separation net
  13. W

    Consoling a baby with separation anxiety?

    I have an 11 month old I take care of, and she has horrible separation anxiety. My daughter went through this, but I was never on the receiving end. I've tried everything I can possibly think of to calm this child, but she is a fighter and refuses to do anything but scream her head off. I...