
  1. R

    This is to funny, try it and type your sentence?

    Pick the month you were born: Jan.-I kicked Feb.-I loved March-I karate chopped April-I licked May-I jumped on June-I smelled July-I did the Macarena With Aug.-I had lunch with Sept.-I danced with Oct.-I sang to Nov.-I yelled at Dec.-I ran over Pick the day (number) you were born on...
  2. O

    Funny things to throw into a sentence?

    You know how charlie sheen constantly throws "winning" in his interviews? I normally have random words and such to throw into a sentence on a daily basis. Sometimes when the room is silent i just shout it out and everyone begins to talk! Ok so I tottaly ran out of random things and i need ideas...
  3. D

    Homework Question in English......Interesting Construction of a Sentence?

    My university professor assigned a homework asking me to write "up to 250 words detailing a time when you have come up with an ingenious or original solution to a problem-issue." What do YOU understand from the way my professor formulated the question? Does he want me to (i) detail a TIME...
  4. M

    How do I use karate in a sentence?

    Is it correct to write, "My friend can do karate?"
  5. S

    The 1st sentence never seems good enough! Honest opinions, please?

    So I overanalyze the first sentence sooooo much because I feel it's a time when you're either going to hook or turn off a potential reader. But its come to the point where I analyze it way too much. Family and friends tell me I'm far too critical but I believe they have to say those things. So...
  6. J

    Identify the error in the following sentence. The hospital does not allow no...

    ...smoking, particularly near patie? Identify the error in the following sentence. The hospital does not allow no smoking, particularly near patients whom doctors have placed on oxygen. a) no b) whom c) particularly d) have placed k. thanks:) i thought it was that but i wasn't sure. b'c when i...
  7. E

    What is a sentence about each odyssey book?

    have a project due and need a sentence about each inportant event in each book. HELP!!!!
  8. A

    Give the most funniest reply to this sentence( Damn needed urgently)?

    "Are there your kids?" Whose kids are they?" "No they are not mine kids"
  9. G

    Can anyone tell me what this sentence mean or decode? Lol ! It was sent to me... email a while ago...? "umm,like hut wud like 2 kiss ya like 4 a lil bit but i like g2g k ill talk 2u ltrz hon" Any clues ????
  10. A

    What would be the funniest little sentence you can think of to put on a shirt?

    This friend is hooking me up with a website which sells shirts, and I do YouTube videos and would like to know what you can think of
  11. A

    What would be the funniest little sentence you can think of to put on a shirt?

    This friend is hooking me up with a website which sells shirts, and I do YouTube videos and would like to know what you can think of
  12. I

    What's a 6-12 sentence summary for the book 'Gossip Girls' that doesn't give...

    ...the ending away? Sorry, i'm having trouble on writing one for some reason?! Please and thank youuu. (:
  13. R

    What proper English sentence has 5 ands in a row?

    it as a little brain teaser my dad gave me and he told me to post it somewhere to see how many people got in right!!! good luck!!!!! little message to Bill F: What is the answer to your brain teaser so i can tell my dad if he gets it correct
  14. I

    Does this sentence sound awkward to you? (please click to read)?

    The moonlight reflected a silver glow off the empty road stretching out in front of us which was still wet from a storm yesterday.
  15. J

    What does this short sentence mean!?

    Oh man! I was hoping the paper cut post would distract from this one!
  16. M

    What dose it mean when a person says your name at the end of a sentence ?

    For example. Person 1 when is he coming back. Person 2 I don’t know Mark And person 2 says Mark softly with a delay, but quickly responding with a new topic. No Person 2 is not an actor. Person 2 is however a loud dramatic female. And the response was shocking and not dramatic, because it...
  17. T

    In court why does the judge put on a black cap when passing a death sentence?

    Obviously it's some kind of tradition but does anyone know where it cam from?
  18. R

    What would be a better introduction sentence than this?

    im doing a paragraph on how I want to be an executive chef one day but i can't think of anything to write as an intro sentence... please help
  19. L

    How can I make this sentence more interesting?

    I am writing my essay about how three people gave more rights to their people. My first sentence of my introduction says "Civil rights are an essential part of society." and then I continued saying that there were some groups of people who weren't receiving equal treatment and how the three...
  20. D

    Can anyone translate this sentence into Romaji? (Japanese native speakers)?

    Is this Anime good? Everyone talks so much about it. I think I'm the only one on this planet, who has never seen this Anime.