
  1. W

    What's happened to people's sense of humor?

    There was a fire in my neighborhood a few days ago. When I saw another neighbor who is a fireman with the local department, I asked him what happened by saying, "Did someone's meth lab blow up?" He just scowled and didn't answer. What's his problem?
  2. W

    Would you date or marry a guy with absolutely no sense humor?

    I mean an utterly boring person ?
  3. L

    Is Saints Row 3's sense of humor like Duke Nukem Forever?

    Duke Nukem Forever's sense of humor was repulsive, puerile and stupid. SR3's sense of humor is supposed to be better, but what I see in the trailers looks just as dumb as DNF despite the reviewers saying that it is actually better. Is the game's humor actually clever or just as asinine as the...
  4. R

    I feel like i have no sense of humor?

    Hi, i'm 21 and I haven't laughed in about 3 years. I fake laugh and I have the occasional natural chuckle here and there, but nothing has made me laugh out loud or laugh really hard for a long time. Come to think of it I haven't naturally smiled a lot or been very happy for what seems like...
  5. chick

    In what funny movie does someone have "ESPN" as a sense?

    I think it may have been their "sixth sense" or something along the lines of that. Thanks!
  6. S

    Sense of Humor problem.........?

    i overheard someone say that i dont have any sense of humor. (I have to admit... it really hurt when i heard that). Cause its true. I dont necessarily laugh at things cause i dont think anythings really worth laughing over. It takes alot to make me laugh. And i hate it. Our manager told us a...
  7. A

    Girls: Do you think you could date a guy with no sense of humor?

    How important is a sense of humor compared to other attractive traits? I feel that's the number one reason I've had a girl trouble in the past, it's not that I have no sense of humor, I'm just afraid to show it, afraid of the awkwardness that comes with someone not laughing at something I said
  8. D

    I need some help with HTC Sense?

    I just got thwe HTC raider and I want some help. I want to custoize the apps on the dock. How can I do this??
  9. I

    Poll: Do I have a sick and twisted sense of humor for liking this?
  10. A

    Anyone else have a dark sense of humor?

    How do you manage it in social gatherings? Often times people think it's a little strange or get uncomfortable....i also laugh when it's inappropriate which makes things awkward. I'm kind of goofy and like to joke but my jokes are dark. for example; A woman goes to the abortion clinic and the...
  11. S

    what band has the best sense of humor?

    i like foo fighters
  12. P

    HTC sense 3.0 uk on HTC desire hd?

    Is their a difference in times when htc sense 3.0 is released depending on network in uk. Me and friend both have desire hd I'm on o2 and they are Vodafone, but they have got they newest software update but I don't is this normal
  13. D

    Can you take a screenshot on a HTC Sense? If so, how?

    I got a new phone a couple of days ago and still haven't learned a lot about it yet. So I put one questions on here to see if you could help me with it. Also, if someone has a HTC Sense, I'd like for you to fill me in a little more on it. Thanks.[=
  14. L

    Picture issue with Twitter for HTC Sense?

    I use Twitter for HTC Sense, mainly because I like that the widget takes up the entire page and it's easy to get to plus very basic and easy to use but since Twitter was updated I have a problem viewing pictures in tweets. I could never see ones posted from an IPhone for some reason but I could...
  15. K

    Why do i not have any style or fashion sense?

    I look at tumblrs and i even go on the website i see that they all have SUCH cute fashion ideas and they always have super pretty clothes and they look unique, but not in a bad way. they do their hair SOOO cute and have bows and braids and wear heels and cut off shorts all that...
  16. L

    How do I grow up in the sense of style and sophistication?

    So, I'm turning 17 in a couple months and I've decided that it is time to put on the big kid pants and grow up a little. The people around me (family and some friends) are stylish, popular and for the most part intelligent. How can I go from an awkward chubby girl to an outgoing and stylish...
  17. L

    How do I grow up in the sense of style and sophistication?

    So, I'm turning 17 in a couple months and I've decided that it is time to put on the big kid pants and grow up a little. The people around me (family and some friends) are stylish, popular and for the most part intelligent. How can I go from an awkward chubby girl to an outgoing and stylish...
  18. L

    How do I grow up in the sense of style and sophistication?

    So, I'm turning 17 in a couple months and I've decided that it is time to put on the big kid pants and grow up a little. The people around me (family and some friends) are stylish, popular and for the most part intelligent. How can I go from an awkward chubby girl to an outgoing and stylish...
  19. T

    She wants to show me she has a sense of humor?

    why would a woman want to show me that she has a sense of humor? what motivates her? what is the importance?
  20. B

    does 0bama have a good sense of humor?

    Obama gets laughs at Kennedy Center Honors or does his writers and telepromter get credit for it?