
  1. A

    Senator Harry Reid takes shot at USC football team

    </p> Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D - Nevada) was taking questions at the Center for American Progress Monday morning when he was asked a question by a Southern Cal student. When the Trojan identified his...
  2. A

    Georgia Senator makes hole-in-one during his Monday round with President Barack Obama

    There is no better feeling for a golfer than taking a full swing only to watch your ball disappear in the bottom of the cup, but that feeling must be multiplied in the thousands if your foursome includes the leader of the free world. Saxby Chambliss, a Republican Senator from the state of...
  3. T

    How do i start a rumor that Florida Senator Marco Rubio was a founding member of...

    ...hip-hop group Cypress Hill? I edited the wikipedia article to say that he's also known as MC Ruby and stuff like that and wikipedia changed it back right away so idk how i can start that rumor!
  4. V

    Does as US Senator or US State Governor have a higher political status?

    Which one of the two is considered "higher ranked" or more important? Like Congress Representatives are higher in political status than small town mayors.
  5. A

    Senator Tom Harkin Acknowledges That–Get This–Women Have Periods

    We all know that, in the political arena, "vagina" is a dirty, dirty word, not to be uttered in front of sweet, innocent, pretty-headed ladies. But at least one lawmaker isn't afraid to use clinical terms to talk about reproductive health--and he's a male. Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), in a...
  6. A

    What Does Personhood Have To Do With Flood Insurance? Ask Senator Rand Paul

    By now, we all know about the true terror that are Personhood Bills. The controversial pieces of legislation that attempt to say life begins at conception have been voted down in Mississippi and Colorado (twice). But that doesn't mean that they're going away. In fact, in a recent profile by The...
  7. G

    Louisiana Senator Embarrasses Himself in Hearing on Evolution

    It's almost like the guy had had nooklar meltdown right there. Hat tip: Barbara Forrest, author of Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design Read the comments on this post...
  8. A

    If Republicans were complaining three years ago that Senator Obama didn't have

    enough experience...? ...then why is Herman Cain leading in the Republican primaries?
  9. L

    Obama as a rookie senator voted for every tax increase and.....?

    .....voted against every tax cut. Who was idiot enough to think he'd change his tune once in the oval office? Oh don't go there and say he sign to extend current tax rates.......he bashed all of it by his claim everyone except $250k a year would see a tax cut. There was no cut, it was extending...
  10. G

    Oklahoma State Senator Josh Brecheen wants to cram his religion down the throats of a

    I hereby nominate Oklahoma as the Stupidest State in the Union. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. B

    Did Senator Harry Reid introduce an On Line Gambling bill today instead of...

    ...resolving the Tax cut bill? Jobs are what we need, introducing an On Line Gambling bill makes jobs how? Are our taxes really going to go up on January 1st while Congress diddles with subjects that have nothing to do with JOBS?
  12. L

    Why did Senator Russell Feingold vote against the LGBT Hate Crime bill if he...

    ...supports gay rights? Senator Feingold is listed as a Co-sponors for ENDA, the employment non-discirmination act. but then I discovered something weird; he voted NO on the LGBT hate crime bill in 2009....... WTF? The hate crime bill was attached to the 2009 defense authorization act. Was...
  13. L

    Why did Senator Russell Feingold vote against the LGBT Hate Crime bill if he...

    ...supports gay rights? Senator Feingold is listed as a Co-sponors for ENDA, the employment non-discirmination act. but then I discovered something weird; he voted NO on the LGBT hate crime bill in 2009....... WTF? The hate crime bill was attached to the 2009 defense authorization act. Was...
  14. J

    Dems called Senator Brown's daughter a "wh*re" and Whitman a "wh*re". What else

    Dems called Senator Brown's daughter a "wh*re" and Whitman a "wh*re". What else do Dems call women who dare? ... not obey the Dems' orders?
  15. D

    Do you agree with Senator Demint when he says that Gays or Sexually Active...

    ...Singles should not be Teachers? At a time when we need good Teachers in our Public Schools, it should not matter whether the Single Teachers are sexually active or not, and it should not matter what their sexual preference is, as long as they are qualified to teach, and that they enjoy teaching.
  16. A

    Is R Feingold the only US Senator representing the American people in Washington DC?

    so far............... he is the only one
  17. G

    Do you get as much vacation as your congressman or senator?

    Why can't they work as much as their constituents? How hard is it to submit a vote once in a while? Wow, really tough job, isn't it?
  18. G

    US Senator Hammers iPhone 4 Antenna Problem In Letter to Steve Jobs [Iphone 4]

    AppleInsider has posted an open letter to Steve Jobs by New York Senator Charles Schumer (D). The letter strongly criticizes the iPhone 4's antenna problem. We have confirmed that the letter is real, and it'll be officially published soon: More »
  19. T

    What bills (if any) have your State Rep. or Senator introduced, ponsored, or

    co-sponsored? I live in Kentucky and my State Representative is C.B. Embry; my Senator is Carroll Gibson. What have these guys done?
  20. S

    why do repub cry about welfare and not about some senator getting his 4th...

    ...vacation home? paid for with our tax money? Are we not being forced to pay for their yachts and vacation homes and their 7 cars their children's vacations and anything else they feel they need yes welfare cost billions but so do their homes and cars and medical bills and vacation and boats...