
  1. T

    Do Christians want the world to end for totally selfish reasons?

    Yeah it might be good in their minds, but they say God will destroy all the wicked, and what they define as wicked is anyone not like them.
  2. L

    Would you say I'm a selfish Christian?

    I think I am. Some kind Christians (or non-Christians) will be there for their friends & comfort them when needed; however, I'm a coward. If somebody I knew needed comfort, I am not the person for the job. I always run away & come back when it's all over, as I don't like dramas & hate seeing...
  3. L

    Anyone else think that Stephenie Meyer is selfish?

    Okay, now im not a fan of the twilight series, personally i hate it and will never read it, but after reading a few questions about it i want to know your guys' opinions. Midnight Sun, the book so many obsessed girls were, well, obsessing about, will not be released because a few chapters were...
  4. L

    Anyone else think that Stephenie Meyer is selfish?

    Okay, now im not a fan of the twilight series, personally i hate it and will never read it, but after reading a few questions about it i want to know your guys' opinions. Midnight Sun, the book so many obsessed girls were, well, obsessing about, will not be released because a few chapters were...
  5. J

    Am I Being Selfish, Or Is He?

    My husbands friend is having a stag weekend in Dublin, its costing around £250 for the travel and hotel alone, he then wants to take £200 for spending money. He does not work and I work part time, I am also trying to get my internet business off the ground. We have a year old child, so money is...
  6. C

    my family thinks i m selfish but i feel like they dont know me?

    ok so my family has always said that i m selfish and i only care about myself and i think that the reason they think that is i m not very good with expressing my feelings, i tried to change their mind but every time they assume other things so now i m done trying to prove that i m not selfish...
  7. X

    list of Rich and Selfish Celebs?

    i have to do a project in civics which deals with the rich/poor..anyways i need 10 celebs who are wealthy and they dont care about charity
  8. P

    Why do people call CEO's selfish and greedy yet no one complains about actors?

    People are always complaining about these "selfish" and "greedy" CEO's and corporate managers, and whoever the hell is rich, and how it's unfair that they're making so much money while the guy who works at mcdonalds cant provide for his family. Does not a CEO work 100x harder than the guy at...
  9. S

    Is this a selfish kind of guy?

    Is this a selfish kind of guy? do you think a guy who gets involved with a sweet, classy girl with a history of bulimia, depression, anxieity issues.. and makes her think he wants to be with her... and have this beautiful future together.. only to kick her out of his life completely saying...
  10. B

    Thinking of the future with only success in the mind is considered selfish... some, would you say the same of? happiness? i.e; looking to the future with only happiness in mind is selfish?
  11. D

    Am i being selfish for leaving me guy for more of a life of luxury?

    I am dating a guy who is 25, bipolar, has 2 kids from 2 different mothers both age 3, and he has no degree. He can be nice and charming when he actually pays attention to me. He hit rock bottom and is finally getting his life together. He quit pot/cigs/drinking and is being to take his...
  12. N

    Am I Being Selfish For Wanting To Take A Vacation By Myself?

    I am a stay at home mother of 2 small children.. She is 4 and He is almost 1. I am tired.. I have Multiple Sclerosis and I am depressed alot from it. I get scared and have alot of fear since I went blind in my left eye a few years ago. I need a break. I rarely get alot of help from my husband...
  13. T

    Is suicide really a selfish act?

    This is a hypothetical situation and it is exaggerated on purpose to prove a point. Suppose you're locked in a 6'X6' room. You are in this room, and only this room, for the whole day. Every night you are hung up in chains and whipped for an hour. It hurts like hell. You are fed just enough to...
  14. U

    I know this is going to sound selfish and sound like im just complaining. But...

    ...I just dont know what to do.? I always count on people to be there for me and i trust them. They all go behind my back and stab me in the back. You know how your supposed to have those friends who always stand by you. Wel I don't. I thought i did. But i don't. Ive gotten hurt so many times...
  15. R

    Why are we being called selfish?

    Ok here's the story. Me and my fiance live together and I'm really good friends with his sister, we all have kids. She has two, A toddler and a baby. I have one that stays with me and my fiance, he's a toddler, and then my fiance has one that comes over every other weekend from his previous...
  16. J

    She's ignorant, selfish, conceded, and clueless. What do you think? (read my rant)?

    I used to have this "best friend" who I used to tell everything too. I've always had a vibe that she'd be always taking the information I've been telling her for granted. Telling me that "you're my best friend in the world .." BS like that (I really don't believe in best friends, there are close...
  17. C

    this is going to sound so gay and selfish?

    Me and my girlfriend have been together for 9 months and her grandpa is LOADED, she just got her a 2009 gmc acadia, in trade for her 2007 ford mustang he bought her. i have never even been in a car that nice, and here i am driving a 1995 chrysler sebring. I am so jealous of her? Like its my...
  18. A

    Is my dad selfish or what?

    My dad always is saying that America need to mind there business. He said that about War World 2 (don't ask why), Vietnam,and the staving kids in Africa. He don't think we should help other country when they are in trouble. Even in America was in term oil he would still say those same words...